[70] She-Hulk later returns, enraged, and pummels the Sentry into the ground. Une fois retourn dans sa planque, il dcouvre une bombe dans son frigo qui, heureusement, est blind. Compltement dsempar, le Punisher retourne son arme contre lui. The action in the issue takes place during or after the events of World War Hulk. McKay added, "They already have a script and we're doing a rewrite on it so hopefully getting the whole thing into shape in the Fall with maybe a shoot happening in January. [52], In the "Hulkverines" miniseries, the Leader is shown to be detained at Shadow Base Remote Facility 43B using Big Bob's Lumber Lounge in Akron, Ohio as a front. 4) #1 (November 1998) as a reimagined depiction of an already existing The Zombie Leader determines how long the others can feed on the human clones. She sometimes engaged in arguments with the writer (John Byrne), or appealed to the comic's editor, Rene Witterstaetter. [22] It was revealed in October 2014 that Soule and Pulido's run of She-Hulk, which had the character facing off against Matt Murdock in court, would end with issue 12. The Hulk warns her to leave, but she stands her ground. Grimm continues his rampage until Franklin and Galactus arrive. Sheriff Strange teleports the surviving members to safety. Spider-Man et le Punisher ont collabor de nombreuses occasions, mais ne sont pas amis. As soon as he was de-powered, the Red Leader slowly transformed again. Initially, anger triggered the transformation to her She-Hulk form (as with Bruce Banner's). With the Devil Hulk restrained, the Leader killed him and dragged his remains and Bruce through the Green Door. Pendant un change de coups de feu trois voies(entre trois parties) entre le Punisseur, la C.I.A. The Leader offers to revive Marlo by using the power of his follower Soul Man, hoping to use Rick as a pawn against the Hulk and taking the opportunity to analyze Soul Man's power in a bid to achieve immortality. She also told everybody within earshot that he was guilty and backed up her accusation by revealing privileged information. She-Hulk tries to keep up the denial, but when she sees Jazinda about to be vivisected, she loses control and breaks Jazinda out. "[180] Connor Casey of Comicbook.com gave Immortal She-Hulk #1 a grade of 4 out of 5, asserting, "Al Ewing brings the brilliance from his Immortal Hulk run to this Immortal She-Hulk one-shot, in which Jennifer Walters explores some of the biggest ideas that haunt comic characters from the margins. If your protocol is a sub-study of an existing study, please include a brief description of the parent study, the current status of the parent study, and how the sub-study will fit with the parent study. The second celestial body and Battleworld's source of light is revealed to be the Human Torch himself who acts as the "Sun" after being lifted into the sky during the early days of Battleworld's creation and where he still remains trapped as punishment for acting against God Emperor Doom. Some months after regaining her abilities, Jennifer was tasked to defend an accused killer named Arthur Moore. She advises the Leader to leave the disposal of Wolverine to her. God Emperor Doom, exclaiming of how it always comes down to him and Mister Fantastic like this, begins gaining the upper hand by mocking Mister Fantastic for, as the genius that he is, not having been able to find a way to save the entire Multiverse. Sheriff Strange informs God Emperor Doom of recent events in the domains of Battleworld. Mais il se sauve grce la famille Geracci. Steve Rogers attempts to order the Hulk to stop before he goes after She-Hulk,[81] but when Doc Green finally confronts her, he instead admits that he has come to recognize that he is coming dangerously close to the Maestro, as part of him enjoyed eliminating his 'rivals', having decided instead to accept the eventual loss of his intellect as Extremis wore off rather than risk that persona emerging. God Emperor Doom banishes James to the Shield, a massive wall that protects God Emperor Doom's realm from outside horrors. To ensure all domains remain separate from each other, the Thor Corps have been formed (containing all alternate versions of Thor) and they act as a police force for Battleworld under the leadership of Sheriff Strange. One of the Moloid diggers on site inadvertently opens the craft, and Old Thor is killed by weapons thrown from within. Le mot prfr d'Ink tait "Hein", qu'il utilisait quand il tait d'accord avec quelque chose; c'tait aussi son dernier mot quand il a t tu pendant une bataille entre les truands de Cavella et les agents de C.I.A. The Humanoids are usually controlled directly through the Leader's own mental commands, but can also be pre-programmed to carry out a certain directive. Danger Zone, Part Three: War of the Goblins. [195], In the Spider-Gwen continuity, She-Hulk is a famous wrestler who came to Gwen's high school and challenged audience members to a wrestling match similar to Crusher Hogan of the main continuity. Avec quatre de ses hommes, Costa emmne Hunt dans une zone recule de Central Park et l'excute brutalement en lui coupant la gorge et les poignets. Returning to a restored Earth, they are greeted as monsters. But six episodes into the season a new boss at CBS came in an decided to pull the plug of the show with immediate effect, ending the last season with episode seven.[13]. As well as helping to integrate Lyra into society, they are also involved in trying to round up the remaining members of the Intelligencia. Mister Fantastic counters by calling God Emperor Doom out for his insecurity, as the first thing that God Emperor Doom did when he obtained the Beyonders' powers was to steal Mister Fantastic's life and family, making God Emperor Doom confess that Mister Fantastic would have done a better job with the Beyonders' power. Il mettra sa croisade meurtrire contre la mafia entre parenthses, le temps de dcimer une organisation assurant la traite de femmes ou pour sauver une petite fille porteuse d'un virus mortel. Le hros de cette fiction, un justicier implacable, s'appelle le Punisher. The Kree have appeared throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in the television series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Repeated exposure to the presence of her teammate Jack of Hearts, who has the innate ability to absorb radiation that is around him, leads to She-Hulk being unable to control her changes, which resulted in her tearing the Vision in half. Ainsi, le Punisher est actuellement mort[3]. On occasion, the Leader has been shown to have the ability to change himself back into Samuel Sterns, but this ability resulted in him losing all memory of his identity as the Leader, as Sterns' mind was ill-equipped to cope with the Leader's intellect (although he always remembered everything when he changed back into the Leader again). Her earliest guest-starring adventures followed no specific story line, besides her recurring bad luck with automobiles. She serves with the Hulkbusters: Clay Quartermain, Agent Crimson, Agent Cheesecake and Agent Beefcake.[52]. [32], The now-incorporeal Leader controls his follower Omnibus and attempts to throw the world into a state of war. Enraged, God Emperor Doom kills Sheriff Strange with a blast of energy.[15]. Microchip fut longtemps totalement dvou Castle, et continua le suivre malgr la mort de son fils. [21], An ongoing She-Hulk series, written by Charles Soule and drawn by Javier Pulido, debuted in 2014. Miles reveals he snuck on to the ship just before the Incursion destroyed his planet. Seeing his plans were on thin ice, the Leader decided to drag Bruce through the Green Door immediately instead of making him suffer. The character's personality has changed over the decades since her first appearance: originally ill-tempered and violent, she is now depicted as a fun-loving, kind, empathetic, yet still feisty woman who frequently uses humor when fighting. [67] Jazinda is then taken to a government lab and brutally experimented on when her ability to resurrect herself from the dead is discovered. Omnibus is eventually exposed by his fellow Freehold citizens, exiled into the Arctic, and was eaten by a polar bear. Sauf indication contraire ou complmentaire, les informations mentionnes dans cette section peuvent tre confirmes par la base de donnes IMDb. Tout au long de l'aventure, on le voit assassiner froidement les super-hros et super-vilains de l'univers Marvel - ainsi que ses propres commanditaires - mais c'est en tentant de tuer Daredevil que le Punisher prend conscience de ses actes; aprs avoir enlev le masque de Daredevil et reconnu Matt Murdock, l'avocat qui l'avait dfendu lors de son procs, il se rend compte que derrire chaque masque il y a un homme. The part with Hulk impregnating her remains intact sometime after that fight. The rest of the pupils turn on Lyra as a result of her prom date being injured and the endangerment of everyone at the dance. Due to her regenerative properties, Jazinda was still not fully dead. [3] The planned collection of said issues was also canceled. Dans les dernires aventures de l'homme la tte de mort, notamment Au commencement, Mre Russie et Les ngriers, Frank Castle fait preuve d'humanit et n'hsite pas venir en aide des femmes ou des enfants, victime de terribles flaux. Il participe plusieurs oprations dans cette quipe, et tue notamment le frre d'Elektra, avec laquelle il a nou une relation, mais il dmissionne la suite de la dcision de ne pas tuer le Docteur Faustus. [66] Afterwards, the US government attempts to arrest She-Hulk for her actions in Marinmer, but drops the charges to avoid political embarrassment. Jennifer informs Stark that he's miscalculated: She-Hulk would have just pummeled him, but Jennifer Walters has the ability to destroy him. Comme Gnral, Kreigkopf a commis des actes insenss. Also, Hasbro's new molds mostly eliminated finger joints, a mainstay of the Toy Biz era, and the comic book pack-ins. [117], As a highly idealistic lawyer, the character has a history of defending the rights of minorities,[118] the mentally ill,[119] civil liberties,[120] including the right for criminals to not be unduly mistreated and get a proper defense,[121] or individuals to not be victimized by certain less ethical corporations,[122] but also a belief in the necessity of law and order. [49] During the final battle against Krona and his forces, she assists Wonder Woman in her battle against Surtur, and eventually appears at the end as one of the heroes that started out the entire event.[50]. [123] These priorities have sometimes made her personally conflicted, such as reversing her stance regarding the Superhuman Registration Act;[124] and being disillusioned when her more famous cousin (whom she considers as a brother)[94] was shot into space without due process,[125] or when what she thought to be a torturer and murderer of children was cleared from all charges.[126]. The character has been adapted from the comics into various forms of media, including television series and video games. [15] and Phil Hay and Matt Manfredi writing the screenplay. 2008: Nominated, "Best Continuing Series". [128] For a long time, She-Hulk could not revert to her original human form, but that turned out to be psychosomatic due to her not actually wanting to. Chacune des dents du crne contient une rserve de munitions pour ses armes feu[1]. [35] After the heroes returned to Earth, she temporarily replaced the Thing (who, having been repeatedly de-powered during the event, opted to stay in Battleworld for some time as a form of soul-searching) as a member of the Fantastic Four.[36]. On occasion, this practice has also been used for Loki, Rick Jones, Wyatt Wingfoot, and Howard the Duck. All of the tie-ins were aligned into one of three subtitles during the event consisting of Last Days, Battleworld, and Warzones. He has mainly appeared in Hulk-related comic books over the years and was one of the featured characters in the Marvel NOW! Arriving where Weapon H had knocked the Hulk unconscious, the Leader begs for Weapon H to finish him off. [19][20], She-Hulk appeared in FF by Matt Fraction and Mike Allred, which debuted in November 2012. All 98 issues of the comic series have been adapted into 7 audiobooks produced with a full cast of actors, immersive sound effects and cinematic music by GraphicAudio. Here she met Louise "Weezie" Grant Mason, formerly the Golden Age superheroine the Blonde Phantom. This storyline saw her dealing with loss and identity in a way rarely seen before in "She-Hulk" comics, and it's handled with all of the grace (and punching) it deserves. Due to the stress following the fight with Thanos, Jennifer started turning uncontrollably into her version of the Grey Hulk at different intervals. [171][172][173], Joshua Davison of Bleeding Cool stated, "She-Hulk #159 was a pleasantly surprising read. Une fois arriv sur les lieux, ce dernier rendit responsable les hros et se fit justice lui-mme en abattant les mutants Cyclope et Jubil. He and Gammon agreed to work together. The clashing duo are subdued by MODOK and the facility explodes in the aftermath of a fight between Red Hulk and Hulk; Jennifer, Samson (who has reverted to Leonard) and Red Hulk are caught in the explosion. Mais il a t ramen la vie par Morbius et sa ligue des monstres en une imitation de la crature de Frankenstein: Frankencastle et continue se battre contre le crime avec cette apparence Cependant, la suite de l'insertion de la gemme de Cyttorak dans sa poitrine, le Punisher redevient peu peu l'humain qu'il tait, jusqu' compltement cicatriser des blessures infliges par Daken. Dans la srie tlvise intitule The Punisher ralise pour Netflix, le scnariste Steve Lightfoot(en) explique que La violence est contrebalance par les motions qui submergent Frank () Mais il ne perd jamais lhumanit de son personnage, mme si celui-ci accomplit des actes affreux. Il a par la suite une altercation avec le mercenaire Deadpool, avant de rejoindre un groupe phmre organis par Daredevil, les Marvel Knights avec Black Widow, la Dague, Moon Knight et Shang-Chi. Following numerous incursions across the multiverse, the remains of various realities have been fused together to create a new Battleworld. [35], After the Leader regains his body through unknown means, he is captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. Check out the first batch of 'Infinity Saga Phase Three' covers, on sale in February! Thor of Higher Avalon and Old Thor escort Baron James to the Shield, where he jumps into the Deadlands and dies fighting zombies. Il n'hsite dailleurs pas utiliser la violence ou la torture pour faire aboutir ses plans. 5, #8, was fully introduced in the following issue, and appeared in every subsequent one up until his death in Issue #11. Craignant la recrudescence de violence de Castle qui devient fou, Microchip l'enferme et lui montre des images de sa famille et de sa vie passe, dans l'espoir qu'il recouvre son humanit. The Thor of Higher Avalon and Old Thor travel to Bar Sinister to bring its baron Mister Sinister to Castle Doom, where Doom holds court from his throne on the World Tree. [14], One of the Leader's Humanoids revives him,[15] and he resurfaces after months of hiding to offer General Ross aid in neutralizing the Hulk, containing him within a cage of plastithene. Le Punisher est un criminel, Lors de ses premires apparitions dans les publications franaises des, Avengers Confidential: La Veuve Noire et Le Punisher, Encyclopdie - Punisher (le) (Castle), The Punisher ne montre jamais la violence pour le plaisir de la violence, Avengers Confidential: La Veuve noire et le Punisher, Spider-Man: All-New All-Different Marvel, The Amazing Spider-Man: Le Destin d'un hros, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Punisher_(personnage)&oldid=195621639, Article contenant un appel traduction en anglais, Article utilisant l'infobox Personnage (fiction), Page pointant vers des bases relatives la bande dessine, Article utilisant le modle Dictionnaires inactif, Article de Wikipdia avec notice d'autorit, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Arsenal vari d'armes automatiques, armes blanches et explosifs, Actuellement: aucune; Autrefois: mobile, Expert en armes blanches, armes feu et explosifs, Expert en arts martiaux et au combat au corps a corps, Expert en parachutisme, camouflage et dissimulation, Expert en infiltration et en techniques dinterrogatoire, Son corps est cribl de cicatrices, traces de balles, coupures et de fractures diverses, le premier procs du Punisher, dans la srie, Frank Castle a t form aux techniques de base de l, Il possde une expertise dans les techniques dinfiltration au sein de territoires ou structures ennemies sous haute surveillance, dans le but de tuer, capturer ou espionner ladversaire, C'est aussi un expert des techniques dinterrogatoire, notamment dans le domaine de la, Grce son entranement avec l'US Navy, il a suivi une formation aux oprations sous-marines, comprenant mme une formation en dmolition. Aprs une mini srie couronne de succs en 1985 (crite par Steven Grant et dessine par Mike Zeck), Marvel lance une srie rgulire consacre au personnage en 1987, dont Mike Baron et Klaus Janson assurent respectivement scnario et dessin. The Hulk defeats the spy, after which the Leader dispatches the Chameleon to find out why the spy has failed to report back. Cooley tait autrefois un leader d'Unit de Service Actif avec l'IRA Provisoire dans Derry, l'Irlande du Nord, de 1986-1993, quand il a t arrt, interrog par la Gendarmerie d'Ulster Royale (RUC) Castlereagh, reconnu coupable de meurtre et de terrorisme et envoy la prison, mais a t libr dans le cadre de l'Accord de Vendredi saint en 1998. The book would have been chipped and chipped away at until writing it was pure frustration." Ultimately, She-Hulk's relationship with Zapper fell apart, primarily due to her insistence on permanently remaining in her She-Hulk form, eschewing the Jennifer Walters persona that Zapper had grown up with. With the original creative team (Dan Slott and Juan Bobillo) from the previous series, the book returned eight months later as promised in October 2005. Debuting in October 2006, the series concluded in November 2012 with the release of the 72nd [33] When Banner is dying from ALS, the Hulk is summoned by the Leader, who had created a new body from various organic materials. Cosmic Ghost Rider(en) est un personnage de fiction issu d'une ralit alternative de l'univers Marvel. She frees the Hulk, who stops the Leader's plan. Mister Fantastic, Maker, and Star-Lord fly to Castle Doom, but a Hulk causes their ship to crash. His egotism also led him to embark on two impractical schemes to turn the rest of humanity into green-skinned beings like himself.[25][26]. Backgammon Online. Lorsque le Punisher se rend en Europe et commence enquter sur le plan Chunnel, Rapido et les autres mercenaires l'embusquent, lui et son compagnon, Morgan Sinclair, et descendent leur hlicoptre au-dessus des Vosges[5][6]. Le Punisher s'intgre un temps cette famille mais les quitte finalement aprs avoir dcel leur folie. Il a aussi excut un banquier riche qui a critiqu le Remboursement pendant un entretien de journal TV vivant. [34], The Leader survived once more as a large disembodied head in a tank within a hidden California base. Then, the Leader learned the truth about Brian's spirit: Brian could do it because he was possessed by The One Below All, something the Leader did not want. [27] Jeremy Matcho from All-Comic wrote "This is how an event should start. Tick and some police officers, Jennifer is nearly killed by it and transforms into the Hulk. After leaving the Fantastic Four, she rejoined the Avengers, donning a white one-piece costume with the blue Avengers insignia emblazoned on it. During the boat ride, he whispers something in an ancient language that causes the Ghost Rider to lose his powers and get devoured by a tentacled monster. Sheriff Strange is summoned to Utopolis by the Thor Corps to examine the Cabal's life raft. The Beyonders would initiate the end of a particular reality by detonating that reality's Molecule Man. At the conclusion of the first Secret Wars miniseries, She-Hulk joins the Fantastic Four (Fantastic Four #265 (April 1984)). Cynique et impitoyable, il prfre toujours tuer ses adversaires plutt que daccepter leur reddition pour les livrer la justice. Susan, Valeria, and one of the Black Swans save God Emperor Doom. [112] After apparently being killed by a mysterious magical ritual, a Cotati-possessed She-Hulk blasted the Thing nearly unconscious. Dans le crossover JLA/Avengers, le Punisher est attaqu par Batman pour l'empcher de tuer davantage des trafiquants de drogue. Other writers to contribute to this series include Steve Gerber (#10, 11 and 1323), Simon Furman, and Peter David. Microchip, qui tait bien vivant, kidnappe Frank et le convainc de travailler pour la CIA, mais les truands locaux engagent un trio de la mort constitu de Nicky Cavella, Pitsy et Ink pour assassiner les agents. After changing back, Jennifer told the Hellcat that she was worried over the fact that her grey color could mean that she is like Bruce (since Bruce also had a grey incarnation). She-Hulk is on the team as they manage to successfully avert disaster. Dans les annes 1980, pendant la Guerre des Contra, le Commandant Kreigkopf fut directement responsable des morts de 426 sandinistes, dont les deux tiers ont t tus au moyen de gaz neurotoxiques. During this time in the Marvel Comics universe, Bruce Banner was dead (only to return, of course), and the heroes had been rocked by a lasting status quo shakeup, She-Hulk included. During that time, he planned revenge on Kate Waynesboro. Below are lists of the top 10 contributors to committees that have raised at least $1,000,000 and are primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or a candidate for state office in the November 2022 general election. During the "World War Hulk" storyline, a re-powered She-Hulk assists in the evacuation of Manhattan. Grce aux informations obtenues par le dtective John Laviano et le journaliste McTeer, Castle dcouvre l'identit des responsables du massacre de sa famille: les Costa, un clan mafieux. The entire series lasts 31 hours, retains the 20062008 setting and the dialogue is a very close match to Garth Ennis original scripts. [57] This had serious repercussions: it is revealed at the close of She-Hulk #20 that an evil being has conquered that portion of the galaxy, and is preparing an assault on all of creation. Byrne's She-Hulk stories satirized comic books and introduced She-Hulk's awareness that she is a comic book character. Les deux partent ensuite combattre Thanos, qui tue Galactus. He sends a spy to steal a robot Dr. Bruce Banner was developing. She-Hulk had a date with Power Man while both were on the Heroes for Hire team. For example, there is a Tony Stark present in many of the territories where the Kingdom of Manhattan has both the Earth-1610 and the Earth-616 versions, and many versions of Thor serve as a peace-keeping force. Ancien membre des Thunderbolts de Thaddeus Ross, des Marvel Knights, des Secret Avengers, des Brets verts, du Corps des Marines[1], des Fils de minuit (Midnight Sons). [107], For a time, thanks to a hex cast by the Scarlet Witch, anyone who wished She-Hulk harm could not recognize her as Jennifer,[108] but harmful side effects forced Jennifer to seek the assistance of Doctor Strange to remove the hex. Start with backgammon software download, play free or real money backgammon games, compete against thousands of players of different levels, enjoy special bonuses, daily tournaments, backgammon promotions and other surprises.. Backgammon [51], As part of his measure to neutralize gamma mutates across the world, the Hulk's Doc Green form pinned down the Red Leader, who, through unknown means, had escaped from Hell, started to play with occultism and neutralized his gamma-powered abilities. [10] So Marvel decided to publish their own version of such a character to make sure that if a similar one showed up in the television series, Marvel would own the rights. La rencontre entre les deux hommes, dans l'album Soleil de minuit de la srie Moon Knight, met face face deux tres tourments, blesss et exprimant leurs sentiments par la violence de leurs actes. She is killed in action during the defeat of Charnel. Valeria tells Sheriff Strange that the object is much older than the believed age of Earth. She-Hulk was briefly engaged to the younger Wyatt Wingfoot, whom she first met during her tenure with the Fantastic Four. After a time, She-Hulk returns to the Avengers. Shield, alternate masked head, closed fists and shield throwing hand. "[145] Alyssa Rosenberg of The Washington Post called She-Hulk a feminist superhero, writing, "From the very start, She-Hulk was recognizable as a manifestation of a particularly female dilemma that persists today. Mister Fantastic and Maker meet with Molecule Man, after which Maker betrays Mister Fantastic by trapping him in a temporal bubble that devolves him into an ape. The more you see, the more you want to see. [5] In February 2007 the series was picked up by Dynamite Entertainment[6] and it resumed in May. Now, when she is afraid, she not only turns into She-Hulk but her mind becomes maddened by paranoia and rage. les oprateurs Domino, Silver Sable et Valentina Allegra de Fontaine. "[175], She-Hulk is seen as one of the last few Avengers fighting the entity called Charnel. [24] He then gamma-irradiated Manhattan's water supply in an attempt to mutate humanity into green-skinned beings like himself. She eventually gains control of her transformations when Michael Morbius cures her of a lethal blood disease. The Boys is a comic book series, written by Garth Ennis and co-created, designed, and illustrated by Darick Robertson.It was originally published by WildStorm (), before being cancelled after its first volume, and revived by Dynamite Entertainment, who published the following eight volumes. The Leader bragged to Bruce how he was using the Green Door to take control of his mind. Cr par le scnariste Gerry Conway et les dessinateurs Ross Andru et John Romita, Sr., le personnage de fiction apparat pour la premire fois dans le comic book The Amazing Spider-Man #129 en fvrier 1974. custody. When the Cotati are defeated, She-Hulk and Thor take Sequoia away. In Utopolis, the Cabal and the Maker are discovered by the Thor Corps. Doctor Doom's mask appears out of the white void, before the white turns to black. It's the She-Hulk comic we never knew we needed. The young Thor flees to tell Sheriff Strange what has happened. On the Isle of Agamotto, Sheriff Strange explains to the life rafters that the Beyonders were the ones behind the universes crashing together and that he and Doctor Doom were able to kill them and take their power. While moving radioactive materials into an underground storage area, some of the radioactive materials exploded, bombarding Sterns with gamma radiation. The Leader and Dr. Alba later attack Shadow Base's Remote Facility FN34. Ink parlait rarement et tait apparemment un habile cuisinier. Dans la ralit alternative de la Terre-TRN666 o Thanos a conquis tout l'univers, les dbuts de la vie de Frank Castle, un anti-hros plus connu pour son activit sous le nom du Punisher, sont apparemment similaires ceux de l'univers de Frank Castle de la Terre-616 (la ralit Marvel standard). During this battle, Red She-Hulk brutally beat Jennifer and snapped her neck with a cable. Quand Damage a commenc mourir sur la table d'opration, l'arrangeur l'a inspir continuer se battre pour la survie en lui rappelant sa haine pour le Punisher, Quand la transformation de Damage a t acheve, il a t ajout par la technologie fournie par Donald Pierce, et fait pour ressembler au Punisher, afin de le cadrer pour une srie de meurtres. Une fois son service termin, Frank Castiglione pouse sa fiance, Maria, qui met au monde leur fille Lisa Barbara Castle habituellement appele par son deuxime prnom et il s'engage une seconde fois en adoptant illgalement le nom de Frank Castle, mais il est captur par un soldat ennemi nomm Monkey, qui porte un petit crne en mdaillon. Comme le Punisher, Marc Spector n'hsite pas tuer ceux qu'il affronte. As such, Walters becomes a large, powerful, green-hued version of herself. Les Quatre Fantastiques (The Fantastic Four) est un amricano-allemand ralis par Oley Sassone en 1994 d'aprs le comics Les Quatre Fantastiques.. Il ne sortit jamais en salle, car il avait t conu dans l'unique but d'viter au studio la perte des droits sur les personnages, ce qu'ignoraient le metteur en scne, les acteurs et les autres participants [1], [2]. Ainsi, n'ayant plus personne punir, Castle commence sombrer dans la folie, jusqu' l'arrive de Galactus, le Dvoreur des mondes, qui venait demander de l'aide des Vengeurs pour battre Thanos. Frank est hant par le deuil, le souvenir de ses enfants et de sa femme assassins. Due to a miscalculation, the energy of the dome actually kills him faster. Plus tard, sous le nom du Jigsaw (aussi nomm Puzzle en franais, cause de son visage), Russo devient l'ennemi le plus dangereux du Punisher. God Emperor Doom arrives on the battlefield and gives Thanos a chance to be a Baron. [92] It turns out that She-Hulk was able to return to life thanks to Leader who has mastered the way to control the Green Door. What does it mean to come back from the dead? [23], The reality where Battleworld was fashioned has since been dubbed as Earth-15513. Le Punisher se lasse rapidement de son rle et demande aux anges de trouver un autre pion. Aussi appel le Saint ou le tueur la hache de Spanish Harlem (pour les mdias), le pre Hector Redondo tait un simple prtre Catholique vivant Spanish Harlem qui tuait la hache les criminels qui venaient lui confesser leurs pchs. Dans cette version, Frank Castle tait un policier du New York City Police Department (NYPD) qui menaait de dnoncer ses camarades corrompus. Il est ensuite affect en 1971 la base de Valley Forge, o il est effar de constater la dliquescence du commandement, et commence suivre une voix sduisante, laquelle encourage sa violence. The Leader, almost dead, commands a C-17 down onto the Hulk, ultimately killing Wisdom.[65]. Aprs que Cooley a t libr, il a essay de joindre l'IRA de Continuit, mais cette unit l'a reni, donc le Finlandais est venu en Amrique. ", "Behind The Voice Actors Marvel Future Avengers", "Tim Blake Nelson Will Battle Hulk As 'The Leader' In 'Incredible Hulk 2' With Or Without Ed Norton", "D23: Tim Blake Nelson Makes MCU Return as Leader in 'Captain America 4', "LEGO Marvel Superheroes: Stan Lee Hulks Out - Comic-Con 2013", "Marvel News, Blog, Articles & Press Releases | Marvel", Project: Custom - Provider of the custom Leader figure featured in Twisted Toyfare Theater, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Leader_(character)&oldid=1126666865, Fictional characters with nuclear or radiation abilities, Marvel Comics characters who have mental powers, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2013, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, The Leader appeared in "The Incredible Hulk" segment of, The Leader makes a non-speaking cameo appearance in, Nelson will reprise his role as Sterns in the upcoming MCU film, The Leader appears as a playable character in, This page was last edited on 10 December 2022, at 15:56. The Leader eventually grew to a gargantuan size and built a fortress around himself. Il tait aussi expert dans le combat corps corps. Il a avou rcemment qu'il tait en grande partie responsable du massacre perptr par Castle, en lui donnant une vision long terme. [31] Chuck from Chuck's Comic of the day wrote "The slam on the original Secret Wars maxi-series was that the story was simplistic. Castle parvient ainsi s'vader, mais Daredevil le capture pour l'empcher de tuer davantage de criminels, et Castle retourne en prison. [45] The Red Hulk then absorbed the energy himself and then force-fed it to the Leader, bringing him back to life. A being of deadly reckoning, Gorr the God Butcher is hellbent on killing all the gods in the Universe. [32], Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, List of All-New, All-Different Marvel publications, "Time Runs Out For All-New Marvel Now With 2015's Secret Wars & 13 Redux With Civil War, Infinity Gauntlet, Avengers Vs X-Men, Age of Ultron & More Spoilers For A Multiverse's Reboot Or Convergence? While controlling Rick Jones when spying on the Hulk, the Leader advises the Minotaur to leave the Hulk to him. This was all filmed for personal arousal purposes, before Dum Dum Dugan put a stop to the harassment. To the Hulk's anger, the Leader and the Pantheon's head Agamemnon ultimately form an alliance. He deduces that the Hulk is a creation of gamma radiation like himself, and becomes immediately obsessed with learning more about him. [98], As She-Hulk, Walters is exponentially stronger than she is in her Jennifer Walters form; therefore any extra strength gained as Jennifer Walters through intense physical training will be amplified, making her She-Hulk form even stronger. Jennifer assumed that her interaction with Starfox had not been consensual after hearing this testimony, but she later discovered that he had not used his powers on her. Malgr les remords et les prires pour se racheter de ses fautes, Redondo tait convaincu qu'il tait le bras arm de Dieu et s'tait investi de la mission de faire s'abattre la colre divine sur les criminels. base that is actually a front for A.I.M. Olivier is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The character is usually depicted as an enemy of the antihero the Punisher. All of these realities are known as domains and have the ability to interact with each other, except for three: the Deadlands, Perfection and New Xandar. Castle dirige alors la Troisime Compagnie des Marines, et subit un accident tandis qu'il protge involontairement une expdition de drogue du colonel Ray Schoonover et Rich von Burian. She amends her suit against Stark to demand the permanent deactivation of the nanobots. [68], In the four-issue miniseries All-New Savage She-Hulk, Jennifer fights Lyra, the alternate reality daughter of Hulk and Thundra after she comes to the Earth-616 reality for the DNA of the strongest man. Samson claims to be stronger and faster (and is larger in size, has longer hair and a lightning bolt scar) than Jennifer. [37] In battle with the Warbound, the Leader is stabbed through the chest with an iron pipe. [volume&issueneeded] In court it was proven that her mutated form also has fewer inhibitions, as proven during a trial for the Leader; for example, while Jennifer Walters has only had a few sexual partners, reading back a list of She-Hulk's conquests took considerable time. Zakharov doit son surnom son absence totale de compassion et de piti face ses adversaires, n'hsitant pas s'en prendre aux femmes et aux enfants pour forcer ses proies se livrer lui. [50], Six months after the Thunderbolts disbanded, the Red Leader had built his own criminal empire in Kata Jaya. [16] After the cancellation of She-Hulk's second solo series, she continued making backup, one-shot, and team appearances in Fantastic Force (starting with issue #13 in November 1995), the 1996 miniseries Doc Samson #14 (JanuaryApril 1996), Heroes for Hire #819 (February 1998 through the series finale in January 1999), and The Avengers. They range in size from microscopic to hundreds of feet tall. Maladroit et gocentrique, il n'a presque aucune aptitude pour affronter rellement les criminels. In Ultimate Mystery, he is amongst a brain trust group for Roxxon Industries, including Doctor Octopus, Arnim Zola, Misty Knight, Nathaniel Essex, and Dr. Layla Miller. Ce conflit culmine dans la srie Marvel Knights, dans laquelle Daredevil monte une quipe de super-hros pour traquer le Punisher et l'amener devant la justice. Figures at a higher price point that are larger or come with additional accessories. Zapper believed that Jennifer's preference represented a rejection of the character's true self. Ancien Gnral de Corps des US Marines, tristement clbre pour les atrocits de guerre qu'il a commises, il s'est reconverti par la suite en leader terroriste. The discrepancy is resolved in She-Hulk #20: Jennifer explains that Tony Stark temporarily disabled the nanobots to allow her to assist in the battle against her cousin, only to reactivate them when the battle was over. On January 24, 2007, the series was abruptly canceled with issue 6. The basic premise involves the collision of the Marvel 616 Universe with the Ultimate Marvel 1610 Universe, which destroys both. [31] Marlo's revival is interrupted by a two-pronged attack on Freehold by the Hulk and HYDRA, and the Leader is apparently killed in the crossfire. He destroys the Absorbatron, forcing the Leader's retreat. After gaining back his memory and intellect, he then whispers something into his brother's ears that causes him to die. The Invisible Woman then proceeds to create a force field inside She-Hulk's head, effectively killing her and also obliterating her zombified body. In an interview, former She-Hulk writer Peter David describes her as follows: She-Hulk has the potential to be our Wonder Woman. Calling himself the Leader, Sterns embarks on various ambitious criminal schemes, with the Hulk as his primary nemesis, consistently backed by a self-constructed army of super-strong, virtually invulnerable plastic-skinned Humanoids. In May 2004, She-Hulk was given a new title and launched in a wave of six new Marvel books. As a criminal defense lawyer, she defended Morbius in his trial for his vampiric killings and managed to reduce the conviction to involuntary manslaughter, considering his medical condition. [63] In Ultimate Human, Pete Wisdom is an ex-British Intelligence agent thrown out of MI6 after testing his "British Enhancile Program" on himself, transforming him into the Leader. Psychological limitations inhibit her transformation between her two forms. lchelle temporelle de lunivers Marvel, le Punisher est fixe, alors que le reste de cet univers est rgulirement ajust vis--vis de lpoque contemporaine[1]. The Red Hulk leaves Sterns alive to suffer, reminding him that as the person he has been reverted to with his original, well below-average intelligence, Sterns will never be able to duplicate a gamma-infusion and restore his powers as the Leaderat least not on his own. Like her cousin Bruce, his counterpart, the Leader, Doc Samson and most other persons mutated by exposure to gamma radiation over the years, her mutated form was originally explained as being molded by her subconscious desire to look like the ideal woman. [115], She has also started and led her own disaster relief organization,[116] and felt great remorse for almost destroying a small town (due to her transformed state briefly turning uncontrollable from radiation), whereupon she helped construction workers to rebuild it. C'est cette priode que Microchip devient son assistant principal, restant le mme malgr le meurtre de son fils, Microchip Jr., tu pour le compte du Cad. Publication history. [volume&issueneeded], At some point before or after these events, Jennifer and Lyra settle in New York, where Lyra begins to attend high school in an attempt to gain an understanding of humanity as it occurs in this timeline. She-Hulk (Jennifer "Jen" Walters) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.Created by writer Stan Lee and artist John Buscema, she first appeared in The Savage She-Hulk #1 (cover-dated February 1980). The latest series has not acknowledged this primarily-humor-based quirk of She-Hulk's, save for a coda in vol. Les deux personnages se heurtent plusieurs reprises et leur inimiti ne connait que quelques brves priodes daccalmie, Daredevil croyant la rdemption possible des malfrats, au contraire de Castle. Croyant quil n'y a pas de rdemption mais seulement des punitions, il rejoint les forces spciales pour la guerre du Vit Nam en 1968. 17: Revenge of the Living Monolith, and Marvel Graphic Novel #18: The Sensational She-Hulk. While the story does not have an antagonist yet, there is no sluggishness in the narrative's pace. Le Tisseur veut retirer le Punisher des rues, mais les deux essaient de protger les innocents et les circonstances les ont souvent oblig collaborer ensemble. God Emperor Doom also teleports to the battle and unleashes his power against the Cabal and the surviving members of the life raft. Both of them are defeated and Kurrgo's starship is destroyed. It had been tormenting her 2020 Earth for decades; she had spent two of those years partnered with the Rhino. The third issue was billed as the 100th issue of a She-Hulk comic book, and had story art by numerous artists, including Vosburg. Ink tait un des gardes du corps de Nicky Cavella et tait toujours flanqu de Pittsy. Jennifer confirms that her Alpha counterpart slept with the Juggernaut but her anger quickly turns to sorrow as she realizes that without her abilities, the Alpha Jennifer Walters while unfamiliar with superhuman law is far better suited to life in the Beta universe. [47], Later the team is teleported to Hell and the Red Leader then negotiates a contract with Mephisto that if the Ghost Rider and the Red Hulk defeat the current leader of Hell, Strong Guy, they will be teleported out and Mephisto will take control of Mercy, as well as other secret stipulations. Get the latest news, original content, and special offers from Marvel. However, the Leader's body explodes at a crucial juncture. "Secret Wars" is a 201516 comic book storyline published by Marvel Comics. [17] As revenge, he interrupts the wedding of Banner (the Hulk's alter ego) and Ross by shooting Banner with a ray which restores the Hulk's savage state. While she was successful in defending him, immediately after his freedom was secured he claimed to be guilty and showed her images of the crimes he had been accused of. It is then revealed that all of the events were caused by the Scarlet Witch. Jennifer is held captive with the other defeated heroes at Madison Square Garden, which the Hulk has converted into a gladiatorial arena. [59], Prior to the release of The Avengers in 2012, Marvel ran a series of canon tie-in comics entitled Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week, which take place within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. To save his brother, Baron James Braddock confesses to crimes against God Emperor Doom. On the Isle of Agamotto, Sheriff Strange explains Battleworld to Miles, then reveals he has found the other life raft. Strange tasks the Thor of Higher Avalon and Old Thor to enforce a quarantine around the discovery site. [volume&issueneeded], They manage to round up the Intelligencia, but the Wizard is able to escape imprisonment and goes after Lyra at her high school prom, almost killing her before She-Hulk intervenes, knocking out Wizard but not before Lyra's secret identity has been compromised. [72], While She-Hulk is M.I.A., the Red She-Hulk makes her first appearance where she claims Jennifer Walters to be dead. Shortly after that, she appeared before the Supreme Court, where she battled Titania again. , Gorgon poursuit le Punisher dans une chemise flammes, et l'attire l'extrieur en utilisant sa tlpathie pour lui faire vivre la mort d'un vagabond dont elle coule la gorge. [31], As She-Hulk, Jennifer possessed powers similar to those of her cousin, though at a reduced level. About Our Coalition. Il a t ventr vivant par Castle pour des informations. The Hulk nearly killed Robyn, but Jennifer managed to regain control, before defeating the Leader by electrocuting him. She struggles with things too, but at the end of the day, she proves that with the right thinking, anything is possible. Tick. Il apparat galement la tlvision dans la saison 2 de la srie Daredevil et il a galement le droit sa propre srie The Punisher, interprt par Jon Bernthal. Tandis que ses sous-marins taient tus par les dfenses automatises de Battle Van, Damage l'a fait entrer dans le vhicule, o il a t emprisonn et paralys par ses tentacules et ses bobines mcaniques. As a highly skilled lawyer who became a superhero by accident, she frequently leverages her legal and personal experience to serve as legal counsel to various superheroes and other metahumans. Seul survivant, Frank devient le tueur en srie connu sous le nom de Punisher. Il s'chappe ensuite et vend ses informations sur l'attaque terroriste contre la Russie l'arme russe, car il est devenu persona non grata la CIA et avait besoin de protection. Jigsaw est l'un des rares ennemis du Punisher avoir survcu aussi longtemps. In addition the character possesses superhuman speed, agility, stamina, and reflexes. At She-Hulk's time trial, it was revealed that her actions made a destructive event called the Reckoning War possible. The Elders of the Universe are a group of supervillains appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The Collector was the first Elder to appear, and featured in The Avengers #28 (May 1966), but the idea that he was a member of a group known as the Elders was not introduced until The Avengers #174 (Aug. 1978). She-Hulk's relationships with men have been defined by her dual needs for independence and acceptance. "[184] Joe Garza of SlashFilm included She-Hulk #1 in their "15 Best She-Hulk Comics You Need To Read" list, stating, "This new solo series is the perfect jumping-on point for casual fans, as it establishes a whole new status quo for She-Hulk, setting the stage for adventures that aren't beholden to past continuity. After Hasbro gained the rights to produce Marvel toys, the company continued with the theme of Build-A-Figure pieces. [135] Although She-Hulk put forward a brave exterior during those incidents, she was actually quite shaken and appreciated Wyatt's support. This radiation exposure drastically affected Jennifer: she could no longer transform back into her original human form. forced her to strip naked and be medically examined as a "potential threat like her cousin". Le chef d'un gang de rue de Manhattan connu sous le nom de Bunsen Burners, Damage a pris conscience que le Punisher tait aprs lui, alors il a dcid de faire une frappe prventive contre les miliciens en dtournant ou en dtruisant son Battle Van. Il parvient attirer Castle en Afghanistan, o le russe a jadis combattu les rebelles et massacr des villages entiers, pour lui faire regretter d'avoir t l'origine de son viction de l'arme russe. Mister Fantastic and the Maker (the Mister Fantastic of Earth-1610) make plans to survive the cataclysm with a small group of colleagues; Mister Fantastic selects heroes and important scientists, while the Maker intends to save himself and the Cabal. [24][25], She-Hulk starred in the comic titled Hulk beginning December 2016. [6] Thus, though he sends out a horde of Humanoids to seize the Absorbatron while it is being tested on a deserted island, when the Hulk is sighted there he focuses on capturing him instead, now convinced that the two of them are "fated to become allies". Lors d'une offensive d'ennemis particulirement violente, il sort rescap. 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