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[b]:b.split(" ")),e=b.length;while(e--)delete d[b[e]];if(c? Here are the few indispensable tools that should be a part of every investors research process. top: 73px;
sai baba nagar, room no, mumbai suburban, marol pipe line, behindbhori colony, andheri east, 400059 mumbai - india }
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Hariom Pipe Industries. :toggle|show|hide)$/,bc=new RegExp("^(? "":a+""})),b=m.valHooks[this.type]||m.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()],b&&"set"in b&&void 0!==b.set(this,e,"value")||(this.value=e))});if(e)return b=m.valHooks[e.type]||m.valHooks[e.nodeName.toLowerCase()],b&&"get"in b&&void 0!==(c=b.get(e,"value"))?c:(c=e.value,"string"==typeof c?c.replace(lc,""):null==c? No spam. The company sells and markets MS Pipes in the western and southern parts of India under the brand name "Hariom Pipes". Hariom Pipe Industries Quarterly Results, Hariom Pipe Industries Financial Statement & Accounts English Specials Hello, Login Upgrade Be a PRO Markets News MC Learn Tech/Startups Portfolio. HARIOM PIPE INDUSTRIES L key financial stats and ratios. Hariom Pipe Industries Limited is an unlisted public company incorporated on 21 June, 2007. A higher current ratio is desirable so that the company could be stable to unexpected bumps in business and economy. [b.createElement(d[1])]:(d=m.buildFragment([a],b,e),e&&e.length&&m(e).remove(),m.merge([],d.childNodes))};var bd=m.fn.load;m.fn.load=function(a,b,c){if("string"!=typeof a&&bd)return bd.apply(this,arguments);var d,e,f,g=this,h=a.indexOf(" ");return h>=0&&(d=m.trim(a.slice(h,a.length)),a=a.slice(0,h)),m.isFunction(b)? (f!==i[0]&&i.unshift(f),c[f]):void 0}function Pc(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g,h,i,j={},k=a.dataTypes.slice();if(k[1])for(g in a.converters)j[g.toLowerCase()]=a.converters[g];f=k.shift();while(f)if(a.responseFields[f]&&(c[a.responseFields[f]]=b),!i&&d&&a.dataFilter&&(b=a.dataFilter(b,a.dataType)),i=f,f=k.shift())if("*"===f)f=i;else if("*"!==i&&i!==f){if(g=j[i+" "+f]||j["* "+f],!g)for(e in j)if(h=e.split(" "),h[1]===f&&(g=j[i+" "+h[0]]||j["* "+h[0]])){g===!0?g=j[e]:j[e]!==!0&&(f=h[0],k.unshift(h[1]));break}if(g!==!0)if(g&&a["throws"])b=g(b);else try{b=g(b)}catch(l){return{state:"parsererror",error:g?l:"No conversion from "+i+" to "+f}}}return{state:"success",data:b}}m.extend({active:0,lastModified:{},etag:{},ajaxSettings:{url:zc,type:"GET",isLocal:Dc.test(yc[1]),global:!0,processData:!0,async:!0,contentType:"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",accepts:{"*":Jc,text:"text/plain",html:"text/html",xml:"application/xml, text/xml",json:"application/json, text/javascript"},contents:{xml:/xml/,html:/html/,json:/json/},responseFields:{xml:"responseXML",text:"responseText",json:"responseJSON"},converters:{"* text":String,"text html":!0,"text json":m.parseJSON,"text xml":m.parseXML},flatOptions:{url:!0,context:!0}},ajaxSetup:function(a,b){return b?Nc(Nc(a,m.ajaxSettings),b):Nc(m.ajaxSettings,a)},ajaxPrefilter:Lc(Hc),ajaxTransport:Lc(Ic),ajax:function(a,b){"object"==typeof a&&(b=a,a=void 0),b=b||{};var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k=m.ajaxSetup({},b),l=k.context||k,n=k.context&&(l.nodeType||l.jquery)?m(l):m.event,o=m.Deferred(),p=m.Callbacks("once memory"),q=k.statusCode||{},r={},s={},t=0,u="canceled",v={readyState:0,getResponseHeader:function(a){var b;if(2===t){if(!j){j={};while(b=Cc.exec(f))j[b[1].toLowerCase()]=b[2]}b=j[a.toLowerCase()]}return null==b?null:b},getAllResponseHeaders:function(){return 2===t?f:null},setRequestHeader:function(a,b){var c=a.toLowerCase();return t||(a=s[c]=s[c]||a,r[a]=b),this},overrideMimeType:function(a){return t||(k.mimeType=a),this},statusCode:function(a){var b;if(a)if(2>t)for(b in a)q[b]=[q[b],a[b]];else v.always(a[v.status]);return this},abort:function(a){var b=a||u;return i&&i.abort(b),x(0,b),this}};if(o.promise(v).complete=p.add,v.success=v.done,v.error=v.fail,k.url=((a||k.url||zc)+"").replace(Ac,"").replace(Fc,yc[1]+"//"),k.type=b.method||b.type||k.method||k.type,k.dataTypes=m.trim(k.dataType||"*").toLowerCase().match(E)||[""],null==k.crossDomain&&(c=Gc.exec(k.url.toLowerCase()),k.crossDomain=!(!c||c[1]===yc[1]&&c[2]===yc[2]&&(c[3]||("http:"===c[1]?"80":"443"))===(yc[3]||("http:"===yc[1]?
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. ([\w-]+))$/,ab=/[+~]/,bb=/'|\\/g,cb=new RegExp("\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}"+M+"?|("+M+")|. | INDmoney . Hariom Pipe Industries Ltd Financial Results - Quarterly & Annual, Quarterly Trends, Annual Trends |BSE Skip to main content High Contrast | Reset -A A +A Notices | Media Release | Trading Holidays | BSEPlus | Payments to BSE | Contact us | FeedBack Select Language Group Websites Get Quote quote options Menu Markets Equity Derivatives Indices :[eE][+-]?\d+|)/.source,T=["Top","Right","Bottom","Left"],U=function(a,b){return a=b||a,"none"===m.css(a,"display")||!m.contains(a.ownerDocument,a)},V=m.access=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g){var h=0,i=a.length,j=null==c;if("object"===m.type(c)){e=!0;for(h in c)m.access(a,b,h,c[h],!0,f,g)}else if(void 0!==d&&(e=!0,m.isFunction(d)||(g=!0),j&&(g? Subscribe to the Tofler Company360 program for complete access to Tofler's database. [b]:m.makeArray(c,[b]),k=m.event.special[p]||{},e||!k.trigger||k.trigger.apply(d,c)!==!1)){if(!e&&!k.noBubble&&!m.isWindow(d)){for(i=k.delegateType||p,$.test(i+p)||(h=h.parentNode);h;h=h.parentNode)o.push(h),l=h;l===(d.ownerDocument||y)&&o.push(l.defaultView||l.parentWindow||a)}n=0;while((h=o[n++])&&!b.isPropagationStopped())b.type=n>1?i:k.bindType||p,f=(m._data(h,"events")||{})[b.type]&&m._data(h,"handle"),f&&f.apply(h,c),f=g&&h[g],f&&f.apply&&m.acceptData(h)&&(b.result=f.apply(h,c),b.result===!1&&b.preventDefault());if(b.type=p,!e&&!b.isDefaultPrevented()&&(!k._default||k._default.apply(o.pop(),c)===!1)&&m.acceptData(d)&&g&&d[p]&&!m.isWindow(d)){l=d[g],l&&(d[g]=null),m.event.triggered=p;try{d[p]()}catch(r){}m.event.triggered=void 0,l&&(d[g]=l)}return b.result}},dispatch:function(a){a=m.event.fix(a);var b,c,e,f,g,h=[],i=d.call(arguments),j=(m._data(this,"events")||{})[a.type]||[],k=m.event.special[a.type]||{};if(i[0]=a,a.delegateTarget=this,!k.preDispatch||k.preDispatch.call(this,a)!==!1){h=m.event.handlers.call(this,a,j),b=0;while((f=h[b++])&&!a.isPropagationStopped()){a.currentTarget=f.elem,g=0;while((e=f.handlers[g++])&&!a.isImmediatePropagationStopped())(!a.namespace_re||a.namespace_re.test(e.namespace))&&(a.handleObj=e,a.data=e.data,c=((m.event.special[e.origType]||{}).handle||e.handler).apply(f.elem,i),void 0!==c&&(a.result=c)===!1&&(a.preventDefault(),a.stopPropagation()))}return k.postDispatch&&k.postDispatch.call(this,a),a.result}},handlers:function(a,b){var c,d,e,f,g=[],h=b.delegateCount,i=a.target;if(h&&i.nodeType&&(!a.button||"click"!==a.type))for(;i!=this;i=i.parentNode||this)if(1===i.nodeType&&(i.disabled!==!0||"click"!==a.type)){for(e=[],f=0;h>f;f++)d=b[f],c=d.selector+" ",void 0===e[c]&&(e[c]=d.needsContext?m(c,this).index(i)>=0:m.find(c,this,null,[i]).length),e[c]&&e.push(d);e.length&&g.push({elem:i,handlers:e})}return h1)},removeProp:function(a){return a=m.propFix[a]||a,this.each(function(){try{this[a]=void 0,delete this[a]}catch(b){}})}}),m.extend({propFix:{"for":"htmlFor","class":"className"},prop:function(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g=a.nodeType;if(a&&3!==g&&8!==g&&2!==g)return f=1!==g||!m.isXMLDoc(a),f&&(b=m.propFix[b]||b,e=m.propHooks[b]),void 0!==c?e&&"set"in e&&void 0!==(d=e.set(a,c,b))?d:a[b]=c:e&&"get"in e&&null!==(d=e.get(a,b))?d:a[b]},propHooks:{tabIndex:{get:function(a){var b=m.find.attr(a,"tabindex");return b?parseInt(b,10):sc.test(a.nodeName)||tc.test(a.nodeName)&&a.href?0:-1}}}}),k.hrefNormalized||m.each(["href","src"],function(a,b){m.propHooks[b]={get:function(a){return a.getAttribute(b,4)}}}),k.optSelected||(m.propHooks.selected={get:function(a){var b=a.parentNode;return b&&(b.selectedIndex,b.parentNode&&b.parentNode.selectedIndex),null}}),m.each(["tabIndex","readOnly","maxLength","cellSpacing","cellPadding","rowSpan","colSpan","useMap","frameBorder","contentEditable"],function(){m.propFix[this.toLowerCase()]=this}),k.enctype||(m.propFix.enctype="encoding");var uc=/[\t\r\n\f]/g;m.fn.extend({addClass:function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h=0,i=this.length,j="string"==typeof a&&a;if(m.isFunction(a))return this.each(function(b){m(this).addClass(a.call(this,b,this.className))});if(j)for(b=(a||"").match(E)||[];i>h;h++)if(c=this[h],d=1===c.nodeType&&(c.className? ", "+Jc+"; q=0.01":""):k.accepts["*"]);for(d in k.headers)v.setRequestHeader(d,k.headers[d]);if(k.beforeSend&&(k.beforeSend.call(l,v,k)===!1||2===t))return v.abort();u="abort";for(d in{success:1,error:1,complete:1})v[d](k[d]);if(i=Mc(Ic,k,b,v)){v.readyState=1,h&&n.trigger("ajaxSend",[v,k]),k.async&&k.timeout>0&&(g=setTimeout(function(){v.abort("timeout")},k.timeout));try{t=1,i.send(r,x)}catch(w){if(! }
PRIMUSS PIPES & TUBES LIMITED . Results of Hariom Pipe. }
April 16, 2022 - Advertisement - Hariom Pipes IPO Listing Date: Hariom Pipe IPO subscription status started from Mar 30 to Apr 05, 2022. Mn) 124.25: 425 . Total assets of the company has increased by . If you want to check out HARIOMPIPE market capitalization, P/E Ratio, EPS, ROI, and other financial ratios, this page is your go-to hub. [c]:[]}},d.filter.ID=function(a){var b=a.replace(cb,db);return function(a){return a.getAttribute("id")===b}}):(delete d.find.ID,d.filter.ID=function(a){var b=a.replace(cb,db);return function(a){var c=typeof a.getAttributeNode!==C&&a.getAttributeNode("id");return c&&c.value===b}}),d.find.TAG=c.getElementsByTagName?function(a,b){return typeof b.getElementsByTagName!==C?b.getElementsByTagName(a):void 0}:function(a,b){var c,d=[],e=0,f=b.getElementsByTagName(a);if("*"===a){while(c=f[e++])1===c.nodeType&&d.push(c);return d}return f},d.find.CLASS=c.getElementsByClassName&&function(a,b){return typeof b.getElementsByClassName!==C&&p?b.getElementsByClassName(a):void 0},r=[],q=[],(c.qsa=$.test(e.querySelectorAll))&&(ib(function(a){a.innerHTML="",a.querySelectorAll("[msallowclip^='']").length&&q.push("[*^$]="+M+"*(?:''|\"\")"),a.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length||q.push("\\["+M+"*(? HARIOM PIPE INDUSTRIES L ( NSE:HARIOMPIPE ) madhu2811 Updated Oct 31 Trend Analysis 1 0 Sep 21 250 - 235 Support / Demand ZOne Expected Good Results Sep 21 Trade active: Hari Om pipe is forming a Head and shoulder pattern , Expected to take support at 0.5 Fibonacci Sep 25 Trade active: Reached 250 !! .sprite_in{
You can get the following financial statements of Hariom Pipe Industries Ltd. as of now.
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