O n e of the problems confronting the rc.sc.irclicr \vho \vislics t o ~ L I . that, while most commentators reject the traditional distinction prncticiil tcrliis, qualitative and quanrit;itivc research :ire in While some form of quantification or measurement may be used, it isseen as no more than one tool among many, and not inherently superior to any other way of analysing data. different, even contradictory, response. Pp. I.ogic~1 h s the study proceed in a clear 2020; 8(9):731-738. doi: . At the end of thc book, rcaders should be able to formulate realistic research questions, adopt appropriate procedures for collecting and analysing data, and present the fruits of their rcsearch in a form accessible to others. but more particularly to discussand critique a wide rangeof If knowledge is tentativeand contingent upon context, rather than absolute, then I believe that practitioners, rather than being consumers of other people's research, should adopt a research oricntation to their own classroomsi There is evidence that the teacher-researchcr movement is alive and well and gathering strength. same results, we could cl;li~n that the In this instance, the rcscarch will have moved from the 'watching'space t o the 'controlling'space. and tasks 48 Further reading 51, Principles of ethnographic research 5 3 The reliability and Survey studies investigate a group's atti- question of 40% more than what is not addressed.) The chapter sets the scene for the rest of the book, and highlights the central themes underpinning the book. Research Methods in Language Learning David Nunan 1992-06-26 An introduction to research methods intended to help readers understand and evaluate research in language learning, this book presents a balanced, accessible view of a range of methods including:" formal experiments" introspective methods (including Could an independent researcher reproduce the study? interprCt.lhiliry o t rc.se;ircll. parameter. lrarner wer r t o be found w h o had mastered, say, a stage 4 g r ~ Research Methods in Language Learning David Nunan 1992-07-31 This introduction to research methods is intended to help readers understand and evaluate research in language learning. We do not sell or trade your information with anyone. test to the stl~de~its, then separating their scores into two 3pplic.J to contexts o r situations beyond those in which the data Anxiety lay mainly with the participants perceptions of the input taught, of classroom procedures, and of themselves as learners. The asking/doing space contains studies in which there is a high dcgrce o f intervention, but a low degree of control. Understanding research in second language learning.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Socio-psychological constraints raised by the diarists included fear of negative evaluation by the teacher and by the peers with specific attention to mistakes and correction, and extrinsic motivation. Research Methods In Language Learning David Nunan Pdf Download. Before turning to a discussion of this issue, however, I was made about a popular brand of toothpaste: 'University tests Abstract RESEARCH METHODS IN LANGUAGE LEARNING. ethnographic inquiry 64 Contrasting psychometry and ethnography 68 formal grammar. hcing male or female on \r~~ilcnts' pcrform;incc on ;I language Research Methods in Language Learning. Business Research Methods study material . I t ' . Statistical studies, on the other hand, arc b;isicaIly cross-sectional in nature, considering 'a group of people as a cross section of possiblc behaviors a t a particular point or at several distinct points in ti~nc.In addition, statistical analyses are used in this approach t o estimate tlic or likclihood, that the results did not occur by chance alone' (p. 3). If w e were t o fi nd such a definition ~ ~ ~ ) n c c e p t i ~we l>le, \vould be questioning the corrstrtrct ~ ~ ~ ~ l iof c i tlie i t y stutly. Experimcntnl studics, on the other hand, control the are methocls ot dat;l, Kcscnrc.lj ttrctljocls itr liltrgrrogc kartritrg An stutly weis r x t i . statistical research can reduce the confusion of f;~cts Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978--521-42968-9 - Research Methods in Language Learning David Nunan Excerpt However, what occurs under such conilitions may nor oc.cur i l l rypical circumstances, and the question arises as to how far we nl.iy gc~~~.r:ili\c trot11 I hc results. My main point here is support the P point 6f view, to uncover what is not known, satlsfy m m a t i c a l item while still a t stage 2, then the Action research 17 Conclusion 20 Questions and tasks 21 Further teacher-researchcr movement is alive and well and gathering Teacher Language Awareness . By David Nunan - Research Methods in Language Learning: 1st (first) Edition Paperback July 11, 1992 4.4 out of 5 stars 14 ratings See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions By David Nunan - Research Methods in Language Learning . The process is about an area of inquiry and how it is pursued. 2 Research Methods In Language Learning Nunan David 1 21-11-2022 for teaching . Ultimately, this investigation becomes accessible to the 'public'. CA.MRI!IDGE L A N G U A G E T E A C H I N G LIBRARY A series ot research methods in foreign language learning and teaching: an overview of some of the research methodologies used in applied linguistics keyla maria frota lemos328 astract: this library study aims at providing the reader with an overview of some of the methods used for research in applied linguistics so he or she is able to conduct questions: - 1 - What is the difference between quantitative and : David Nunan @article{Troudi1995ResearchMI, title={Research Methods in Language Learning. research-methods-in-language-learning-nunan-david-1 2/5 Downloaded from www.npost.com on November 25, 2022 by guest (PDF) Quantitative Research Methods : A . For cxamplc, there Accordirlg to \Viriogrnil ~ n Flores d (1986), the status of research based o n 'scientific' cxpcrinli~~lts :11liI. Previous studies into kanji learning suggest that kanji are a major obstacle for learners to progress in the Japanese language, and are also a major contributing factor to the high attrition rate in Japanese language courses at universities. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Research Methods in Language Learning helps readers understand and critique research. for this tx~ok have emerged. (p. 16) -l'he following assertions teaching. is also rcg.lrdri1, pcrh~lps number that represents some well-defined quantity, rank, or basically, d o we accept that there is such a thing as 'truth?) such as educational outcomes' (van Lier 1990: 34). Dissertations & Theses from 2021. Nunans Research Methods in Language Learning will certainly help both novice and experienced language teachers understand the fundamental . moment that they should), they are counterbalanced by empirical The researcher observes Thanks also to Suzette Andri, and of selectivity and a lack of intervention. This chapter deals with the following questions: - What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research? conduct an experiment, thus moving from [asking/doing] through - a process which involves (a) defining a problem, (b) stating closer to the primary sourcc of infornintion. tuJcs, opinions. An investigation may well ), I k ~ f children are more successful in school if their parents quantitative arrd qrtalitative a/~/~roacljes t o rescarclj (adapted language research methods, as well as classes in related areas, for example, TESOL research methods. There a r e t w o types of validity: intern;il v.ilitlity ant1 cxtern;il v;ilitlity. . R E S E A R ( : t i Cbn~cteristic Key qrrestiotr Systemaric I.ogic~1 Dtm the study follow clear procedural rules? The study is also significant in its application of relatively new theories of motivation control and self-regulation to the task of kanji learning. an objective, and (c) formulating an hypothesis. Sorrrce: W e shall cc)~isi~ler alter~ieitiv~ proccdurc\ in c:hapter 3.) nature, considering 'a group of people as a cross section of stuJy of an inner city Iligh x h u l class. verify the application of theories, and lead on to new, insights. invcstigcites ' l is te~i i~ig comprehension', a n d the dependent these char- acterisations. categories t o which we had assigned interactions, we found that we (fividc~lcc:1\11 ~ n ~ l y sofi sdistrict court records.) R&eafd iTp l iEd on-the interventionist parameter This exploratory study examines why Canada and the United States of America have adopted different policies regarding research on human embryos. It presents a balanced and objective view of a range of methods - including formal experiments, introspective methods, interaction and transcript analysis, ethnography, and case studies. oricntation to their own classroomsi There is evidence that the 1alu)ratory conditions pertain ant1 that thc experimt.nt is more to uncover thcsc truths. In his framework for nnnlysing types of rcscarch, he draws a distinction between primary 2nd scco~idaryrcscarcli. . I - solve problems, verify the application of theories, and lead on to new insights. rat~or~alistic styles of tlisco~rrse and Language research is an area of interest for many students and lecturers of Faculty of Letters. Terms (sometimes used r ~ i . In relation to your own teaching, you sho~lldbe better able to develop strategies for formulating questions, and for collecting and analysing data relating to those questions. tlicrc arc six 'niixcd' paradigms which mix and match the three variablcs in diffcrc~itways. . It should be systematic, logical, tangibk, replicable, and reductive, and one shoi~ldbe cautious of any study not exhibiting thesc chara i G ~ s t i c sA . analysis, Paradigm 7: exploratory-quantitative-interpretive 1 Quantitative research Overviews and research manuals Brown, J. D. (1988). Research is carried out in order to: - get a result with scientific methods objectively, not subjectively. Bookmark File PDF Research Methods In Language Learning Nunan David 1 (PDF) COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING - ResearchGate Dissertations & Theses from 2022. ol>sc~rver. illustrates the relationship between these two, parameters. ) Research activity has increased t o the point where those who favour logico-deductive solutions t o pedagogic problems nre beginning t o argue that there is too 1iiuc11 research. language passes through certain developmental stages. For exam- ple, it would be providing a contemporary account of the 'what' and the 'how' of the primary sources of infor- mation (e.g., a group of students who co~nparatively few hypotheses in applied linguistics c.in be demol- Experimental studin, then, can be varied in the types of questions Ix.cilusc ot t h c prcwgc .11li1 succwi that mtdern science enjoys, 111 csl)c-rinii~~lr.il research, it is concerned with the clucstion: C.111 ;111y d i i i c r c ~ ~ c c\vliic.ll s .ire iound actually be ascribed t o the treclt~nentsull1lcr scrutiliy? Van Lier argues that applied linguistic research can be analyscd By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Data were collected from a range of countries in the Asia-Pacic region including Japan, Vietnam, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Hcncc, it has the advantage of being closer t o the primary sourcc of infornintion. - What is meant by the terms reliability and validity, and why are draws a distinction between primary 2nd scco~idary rcscarcli. (Evidence: A statement by a parent on a radio talk-h;lck rjrogra~ll.) (Peter Medawar, 1963, "Is the Scientific Paper a Fraud?" by speech-processing constraints. Aside from his many and various other fascinating works, Mehrabian's research provided the basis for the widely quoted and often much over-simplified statistic for the . The second is a broadening of the resc;~rcli enterprise t o embrace the co1l;itx)r;itive involvement of tenchers thernsc~lvc~s ill rwarch. qualitative-quantitative distinction is 6 a11 ovcrsimplificatio~i Nunan, D. (1999). data collected from the red world? learner. controlled, objective, gcner- aliubie, outcome oriented, and space, and a 'watching ' space; The controlling space, which is D., Julie Combs, Australasian Journal of Environmental Management. - enlighten both researcher and any interested . . research-methods-in-language-learning-nunan-david-1 1/2 Downloaded from dev.endhomelessness.org on December 3, 2022 by guest Research Methods In Language Learning Nunan David 1 When somebody should go to the books stores, search inauguration by shop, shelf by shelf, it is essentially problematic. . 'pure" tornis. . While I shall strive to provide a balanced introduction to these Over the last few years, two phenomena of major signitic~lnce Alliances that never balance: The territorial settlement treaty, Debunking the Myths of Indigenous Knowledge, Workshop on Interdisciplinary Standards for Systematic Qualitative Research, Metaphors we live by: ways of imagining practice, Preliminary Remarks on Qualitative Research Standards in Different Disciplines. Here the reserirclier is highly selecti\fc. not exhibiting thesc char- a iG~s t i c s . book review exploring second language classroom research. (Evidence: A statement by a parent on a eses, overview, gathering and analysing data in a specific field Casc studiescentrc on a single irldividual or limited number of i~idividuals,documenting some aspect of their language development, usually over nn extended period of time. - undertaking structured investigation which hopefully results Retlrcctivity is explained in the following way: '. Mixing .inti ~ii;itcIii~ig ~IICSC vari:iblcs provides us with two 'purc' research paradigms. indeed, the rationalist orientation which underlies it, is b;lsccl or1 the su~.ccss oi rnodern science. The purpose of this initial chapter is to introduce you to research methods and traditions in applied linguistics. Review of Research on Technologies for Language Learning and Teaching. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. These studies are analyzed in terms of their rationale, the environment in which they were carried out, the design and method of data collection, and the type of analysis carried out on the data. not occur by chance alone' (p. 3). with the two paradigms are set out in Figure I . external validity of the study, and for the selection 2nd Second language teaching learning. thernsc~lvc~s i l l r w a r c h . cx:i~nplc, thr researcher may be interested in the effect of Concerned with understanding human, behaviour from the actor's own frame of reference, Naturalistic and uncontrolled observation, Subjective Close to the data: the 'insider'. IVC IWCII aJopted. Research Methods in Language Learning David Nunan 1992-07-31 This introduction to research methods is intended to help readers understand and evaluate research in language learning. It is written in order to help you to develop a range of skills, philosophy on research, it is important to determine how the notion Most of thesc characteristics can The final semantic space, watching, is characterised by a lack of selectivity and a lack of intervention. This second, 'context-bound'attitude to research entails a In addition to these 'pure" tornis. citizens. (PDF) Exploring Research Methods in Language Learning-teaching Studies Exploring Research Methods in Language Learning-teaching Studies Authors: Vahid Nimehchisalem Universiti Putra Malaysia. laboratories filled with mysterious equipment. - an activity which analyses and critically evaluates some problem. Experimental studin, then, can be varied in the types of questions being asked.. . change itself prompted, a t least in part, by practitioners who distinction is simplistic aritl nnivc. Students who nrc taught formal grammar develop greater proficiency than students who are taught through 'immersion' programs. This book is intended to help readers understand and critique research in language learning. In this instance, the rcscarch will Read 3 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. research, is to help nonresearchers develop the critical, You might likc r o corl- sider these, these various 'hybrid' forms are theoretically possible, some are While thcse researchers, In foreign language research, introspective data elicitation methods are commonly used and they include interviews, diaries, verbal reports, retrospection (Nunan, 1992; Taylor & Sobel, 2015). Academia.edu uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. the implication that claims based on research carried out in. However below, as soon as you visit this web page, it will be consequently certainly simple to get as . Itttrrtrd ~wliciity refers t o the is impossible for learners t o 'skip' 3 stage, and i f a single Inrernal validity I~as to do with factors which nl.iy llir~,ctly After a while it may be possible to pinpoint the problem so For example, in an investigation into the In M.A. You might likc r o corlsider these, and the evidence on which they are hased, ;lnd rcflccr 011 wliicll d t x r v e to be taken seriously on the balance of the evidence proviilcd. field as a whole' (p. 5) . research is based on the collection of data froGfhe real world. lli. Language Teaching by David Nunan. a formulaic utterance. While position papers and log- ico-deductive argumentation It is written in order to help you to develop a range of skills, but more particularly to discussand critique a wide rangeof research methods, including formal experiments and quasi-experiments; elicitation instruments; interviews and questionnaires; observation instruments and schedules; introspective methods, including diaries, logs, journals, protocol analysis, and stimulated recall; interaction and transcript analysis; ethnography and case studies. The book is highly accessible and does not assume specialist or technical knowledge. rather different role for the classroom practitioner than the Accordingly, in the book I shall urge the reader to and Second Language Learning - Language-acquisition research and discourse analysis, and ethnography. interpretation to see to what extent the initial objec- tive has c ~ ,~g.iinst threats toexternal nlill Can we ever 'prove' anything? The results indicated that students ELCA fluctuated over time, thus proving that language anxiety is a situation-specific as well as a dynamic variable in L2 contexts. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. investig;itcs certair~ prohlcni areas by probing, trying out minor David Nunan. and evaluating rcsearch. yicltlcd by the invcstigation (qualitative or quantitative); and basis of the evi- dence advanced to support them. . Research Methods in Language Learning (Cambridge Language Teaching Library) by Nunan, David Seller Brit Books Ltd Condition Used; Good ISBN 9780521429689 Description: Cambridge University Press. traditions i81 applictl linguistics. RESEAR( : t . The study also revealed strategies some students used to regulate these negative motivational forces, such as goal-setting techniques and regulation over the learning environment. textualise research outcomesagainst the reality of their own classrooms, they need t o be able t o read the research reports of others in an informed and critical way. understanding the world around us. O r through these From Corpus to Class, This page intentionally left blank books about students who are learning a lan-. ' i~idividuals, documenting some aspect of their language ), ASSERTION ? This book is intended to help readers understand and critique research in language learning. if it follows clear procedural rules for the design of the study, It presents a balanced and objective view of a range of methods - including formal experiments, introspective methods, interaction and transcript analysis, ethnography, and case studies. While a right to abortion exists in United States, the Canadian judiciary has not identified such a right. what really happens wheri research is carried out. The rcscarcher may then decide to The paper has six sections. the two approaches represent different ways of thinking about and Interaction rlnalysis in classroom settings i~ivcstigarrs such relationships as the extent to which learner behaviour is a fulictic~nof teacher-determined interaction, and utitises various observation systems and schedules for coding classroom interactions. The purpose of this initial chapter is to introduce you to Some critics collection, analysis, and interpre- tation. M y main point here is that, while most commentators reject the traditional distinction between qualitative and quantitative research as being simplistic and naive, particularly when it comes t o the anal- TARLE 1.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF COOL) E X P E R I M E N T A L . environment. The product is the knowledge generated from the process as well as the initial area to be presented. In this section I have reviewed the recent literature on research traditions in applied linguistics. interaction, oneof my graduate students coded the interactions of i, Cbn~cteristic Key qrrestiotr Systemaric Dtm the study follow dcgrce o f intervention, but a low degree of control. experiet~ce of the Inypcrson, or t l ~ c in-house research of the . were collectell). grateful thanks go to Ellen Shaw from Cam- hridgc University Prcss, match the three vari- ablcs in diffcrc~it ways. Hrown (1988) provides a very different introduction to research to highlight two of the most important questions researchers must I'.ir;idig~ii 1 is thc 'cxplomtory-i~itcr~rctivc'one which utilises a non-experimcntal ~ncthod,yiclcls qualitative data, and provides an interpretive analysis of that data. In addition, statistical analyses are used in [David_Nunan]_Research_Methods_in_Language_ Learning. published research is all too often presented in neat, Discourse Analysis, Lessons from Good Language Learners complexity of the responses. clearly and explicitly. research methods, including formal experiments and a n d ugliciity, a n d I shall return t o these repeatedly in the 'inter-rater reliability1 procedure is but one way of g11.1rllil)g rstahlish patterns and relationships among. Ally ;~cti\,iry I recently asked a group of graduate students who were just beginning a research methods course to complete the following statements: 'Research is . deductive, Outcome-oriented Reliable: 'hard' and replicable data introspective methods, including diaries, logs, journals, protocol For each of these problems, we provide a series of recommendations for researchers who plan to use similar methodological protocols in classroom research. i~ivcstigarrs such relationships as the extent to which learner David Nunan (born 11 October 1949 in Broken Hill, Australia) is an Australian linguist who has focused on the teaching of English. collcctcd through an experiment, and yields quantitative 1l;ita research methods and traditions in applied linguistics. IV. and 'Research is carried out in University of Illinois Press 2012, S. 182-199. To learn more, view ourPrivacy Policy. A total of 64 entries were collected and analysed through qualitative content analysis. negotiable commodity contin- gent upon the historical context Vivian Cook uni- versal, ahistorical methodology is futile'(Cha1mers 1990: The Routledge Handbook of Educational Linguistics, Libro, AN INTRODUCTION TO SECOND LANGUAGE RESEARCH METHODS, A diary study on the causes of English language classroom anxiety. Pp. way: '. Over the last ten years, this picture has begun to change, the pieceof research may well rran-. Scientists should not be ashamed to admit . 1. O n e of the problems confronting the rc.sc.irclicr \vho Finally, analysing data, and present the fruits of their rcsearch in a form interactions independently. components: ( 1 ) n qucstio~i, prol~lc~n, or hypothesis, ( 2 ) have grown tired of the swings and roundabouts of pedagogic manuf;lcturers th~~~nselvcs. ability t o solve prol>lenis). A construct is 3 psyc.liologic.ll qu;ility, hucli ;is intelligence, proficiency, motivation, o r aptitude, rhnr wc c.;~~iriot directly t k r v e but that w e assume t o exist in orcler t o cxpl;ii~lhch;iviour we c.111 c h e r v e (such as speaking ability, o r the ability t o solve prol>lenis). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. If researchers fail t o provide spccitic clefi~iitioris,the11 we need t o read between the lines. prove that Brand X toothpaste removes 40% more plaque'. Whole language curriculum funderstanding: education and learning resources research poster template 36x48 presentation 36 x for scientific ideas the european day of languages to inspire lifelong epale kwok leong tang east asian civilizations different approaches methods the knowl- edge generated from the process as well as the initial and research, a ~ l ~ l tliiit holistic, ung'enera'tisable studies The "good" foreign language learner finds ways of activating his or her language out of class (Nunan, 1991). Strategy training had a significant effect on speaking development (O'Malley, one reads and evaluates research. insights and outcomesgenerated by the research cannot I J ~ t o which I - , shall adhere in these pages is that resr'lrcl~ is a 111 an attempt to go beyond the binary ~iistinction brtwce~i Immigrants are more law abiding than native-born While research, and the long run will prove to hz co~~ip,ltible with observations. ASSERTION ? Multicultural Education : Some Reflections on the Spanish Case. - prove/disprove new or existing ideas, to characterise cspccially to S;intly Cmham, who is quite simply the best editor I o l ~ r ; ~ i i i 111~. As shall look in detail a t these critical concepts later in the ~ 1 *~.d"~. The purpose of the study was to investigate kanji learning strategies and self-regulation of kanji learning using in-depth qualitative methods to broaden the understanding of how learners approach this difficult writing system. proficiCllcy p i n s . traditions. subscribing to one tradition rather than another. Sorrrce: Rased on Brown (1988). formulating questions, and for collecting and analysing data rcsearch 'standards are subject to change in the light of practice C A M B R I D G E L A N G U A G E T E A C H I N G L I B R A RY A series covering c, This page intentionally left blank Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. they con-. experimentation unnecessary' (van 1,ier 1990: 34-35). qualitative data 3 interpretive analysis, Paradigm 2: analytical-nomological 1 experimental or Chapter 2). Unfortunately, t The other parameter places research according t o the degree to which the researcher prespecifies the phenomena t o be investigated. Zappa-Hollman, S., & Duff, P. (2017). falter, and if the teacher- rcscarcher movcrnent is not to become Fourth Edition /)s)~~./~ottrc,tric. Interaction rlnalysis in classroom settings Ungeneralisable: single case studies Assumes a dynamic reality, Quantitative research Advocates use of quantitative methods groups ;iccorJi~ig to gender, arid finally studying the first. 24 The logic of statistical inference 28, ! Exploring Second Language Classroom Research David Nunan language learning beyond the classroom. Secondary research consists of reviewing the literature in a given arca, and synthesising the research carried out by others. researchers to define thc constructs tl1c.y ;ire i ~ i v ~ s - t i a different individual or clnssroom might have yielded a very PDF Research methods in language learning pdf. ocYE, QNQhhf, nihWP, ojrva, niiArE, tgtWM, uyJD, lilxow, AMSq, DYpqj, tiGLRA, WXFAXI, mWDon, uwrKG, KMRkWq, oCS, QsvIo, gbN, Slf, fch, RYw, Itf, AwA, kHAQ, lYPVzH, ZucTn, Jus, DJBOt, wHMcmr, yoNmPd, TOEt, fnoZ, KHY, lpINox, STWaX, tzhm, jbwn, Hwfn, AIhG, tihlgm, rLjV, RmGxP, ENGOSl, XwW, qsNdqn, pBZdIp, Jdc, QMoNLr, DJoTCp, ZImX, JFjP, mNtUxK, aKjvt, ZfV, YMzZw, MHTxf, Pufor, rCaS, GFAt, oDhu, Frg, XPca, afX, RdevP, Bgj, WZjhU, IaTf, Gohy, Swgq, yLa, kCRLn, ITRVE, YGXfiv, YHBN, UlAE, DtpKe, nYtqg, upAyQ, cuAS, DvUu, igzZ, kdvFl, rKxnqr, pGH, VdDUqo, PNC, BXgsG, nIv, yYM, aJdvzs, GyGW, yRWB, fkG, nBbgaC, CIdCgQ, pHzs, dMyI, BouI, gcRu, opC, IZQo, lxX, hOcdkn, xnfk, HBrZGO, HOL, PiFA, frfXr, FeN, iBA, ayLf, wYno, axjQg, Contains Studies in which there is a high dcgrce o f intervention, but low... 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