montrose is almost definitely pg. An eggcorn is a soundalike though, isn't it? Use of Debbuging tools in ROS2. I tried it with my alt and it got my original correct! Analyzing stylistic similarity amongst authors,, I searched myself (that I know that I have no alternate accounts). Is it serious - hell yes. We find Equation Group source range. Thus proving the only actually anonymous community in practice is 4chan, and thats why its so toxic. Frankly similar to how I was doing in back in 2018 (when you and I chatted about it on HN lol). It also comes with an open SDK enabling solution builders to create apps to take advantage of the existing ADLINK Edge tools and best practice. I don't do throwaway. Thats the point of this post, that you are not safe by throwaways at all, because all of your throwaways can be linked together purely by your textual style. I was trying to think of applications of this kind of data and the only thing I could think of was moderation tools/detecting ban evaders but what you've done seems much more profitable lol. So I just thought I'd hash it to prevent that. Having a publisher? Been reading papers for ideas and I think I may have to ditch the cosine similarity and go for something fancier soon. I don't think the list of pg alternate account is accurate. From the "How to avoid .." page, there is the following sentence: > Also, most authorship identification algorithms have poor accuracy when working with small amounts of words. Insightful that your personal experience and impact on you personally affects your decision. They were very concerned about their privacy. TF-IDF is useful for these POS-grams (just made that word up) as well. ADLINK Edge software is built upon the ADLINK Data River which simplifies complex data network programming and enables data to flow freely but securely northbound or southbound, to any cloud analytic platform database and even east to west between devices, databases and the cloud. But I'm guessing there are some pretty good fingerprints like: I manually determined there was an individual posing as two people (playing both the antagonist and the adversary) because they consistently misspelt certain words such as "definitely" as "defiantly". Assign a numerical value to each of the vowels in the name. I see this tool as a recommendation engine more than a doxxer. They are also British, as am I. Thats why I always use throwaway :) everywhere. Should I use Float64 in my programs, or can I just use double? No doubt organizations with more resources already have more sophisticated systems in the same vein. nice. In practice, this could be done with low friction pseudonym creation, which all ties to the same account privately. [1]. MD5 of the username is 9abc27e93b7e3c04b7c599017c1cfe5f ? This introductory course is intended not only for new ROS users but also ROS1 old users that want to start with ROS2. Test and measurement focuses on dedicated equipment for analysis, validation, and verification of electronic device measurement and end products. I guess Italian and Spanish speakers write very similarly English, but on HN there are a lot more Spanish speakers than Italian ones so that's what I get. Thats sound advice. *actually they arent really even false positives because the tool doesnt promise to detect alts in the first place, just find similar styles. Well done! Both sides, RAT + LP, full state sponsor tool set? >online behaviour tracks back to real life. I met someone about 10 years ago who said they built this at a university. My guess is that as they commonly mention the project and I have on a number of occasions, that has formed the link. Our solutions combine our ADLINK Edge IoT software platform based on open standards and open architecture with ADLINKs extensive range of hardware. Ha, gruseom shows up for pg, which is dangs old account. Also think it's probably poor form to list users as examples without their permission. My idea is to have a robot, in gazebo, (which i built using boxes) and control it with a ros2 (nodes and topics i used two months ago and the code is working). You just showed another possible use case for this kind of tools: "How unique is my writing style ? So it's not only good for finding alternate accounts but could be used to find peer groups. I invite you to think about the impact of the products you build in your CS career by putting yourself in the shoes of other people as well.,,, Copyright 2022 ADLINK Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved. For some it might be awkward, others it might be quite problematic. Better to know what's possible and take measures to make it less effective. But when I searched soneca, the other one was not in the top 20. But I'm going to make effort to change my style between accounts. But you have convinced me (and many others?) I know I tend to be wordy but I thought I had a pretty generic style as well. Forget the alternate accounts if two users are close in style, theres a decent chance they should be friends. This seems like a great way to hire freelance copywriters/ghost writers too. It will make things even more fun, this way we can find users who are like me and much not like patio11. I was curious about this, my highest match was 0.47 and I have no alts, maybe I'm also a unique snowflake, or haven't said anything noteworthy enough to have been deepfaked yet ;). Interesting, but it gave me 20 accounts, and I. And obviously more you write, harder it is to control these things. I honestly thought my writing style is more unique, but as it turns out it is somewhat common. Its a very small space to try to compare so simple methods will work fine. I didn't want to worry about whether it was good enough to sell; I just wanted to have the experience of writing a story over the length of a novel, and see what I thought about it. Any time youre about to use a common metaphor, try to tweak it. Just a heads up that for everyone who doesn't like to link their alt accounts, maybe not use this tool to see if it works. As you're typing out a comment the software gives you a list of accounts you're becoming similar to. There's a little work in ROS2 Eloquent to launch a component-lifecycle node using only the roslaunch API. My main point is not that we need to lock up everyone who makes a threat, but that we as a society will have to adjust our standards to the new normal. But <10k that post weekly. didn't find a single one of my alts. detach() in the ActionServer::handle_accepted. Sticking myself in (I haven't ever had another account) my closest match (at 0.43) is the maintainer of an Open Source project which I have occasionally commented about. I'm keen to see if it catches my alts. ( Of course if you alone do this, your messages will stick out like a sore thumb. What's it using to match? The description on the about page is a little simplified but I basically I look at the most common word and character ngrams of size 1,2,3 (200 each), put all the frequencies in an array and then compare to all the other users with. I don't think there's a public list of all HN usernames is there? As for "free" countries (something like 120+ have open free elections), we still have online abuse for voicing opinions that some people don't like (anything from pro/anti Trump to LGBT and bitcoin etc). In this particular case, it seems to be picking up the stock moderation responses as it looks like sctb was a moderator account until 2019. On the how to avoid section: Isn't running comments through a randomised translator a few times then back considered a countermeasure also? With extraterritoriality. That means that user1 is also in user2's top 20 users. An ADLINK Digital Experiment is a quick and low risk way to get started with Edge IoT. :-D. Btw, I myself am only at 0.9999999999999999 so I guess I need to work harder at being myself. You really don't need advanced AI to do it. Maintaining superior customer service and on-time delivery while simultaneously reducing retail shrinkage and increasing employee productivity can be very difficult to achieve when shipping high volumes of packages each day. The top hit for me, though not a very high correlation (0.3 ish), is to my surprise someone I have met. If I had more time I probably would've done a smarter model that accounted for things like that. .31 here! Of course. QoS seems to be a sticking point for a lot of people transitioning from ROS1 to ROS2. Vanishingly unlikely that you'd actually be pursued for it, but it's worth bearing in mind when you munge people's personal data. This is good proof no? I guess this is good reality check. We can be pretty sure stylometry is used widely by bad actors already and we should not punish people who help to spread the word about these technical possibilities. If I said the quote to someone, Knowledge is power, France is Bacon, they nodded knowingly. ADLINK Edge bridges IT and OT with a set of integrated apps for end-point monitoring, device management, visualization, analytics, and security which creates intelligent devices that can react to change and the world around them. Specify the full name for each of the potential names. Incredible! This found an old account that I forgot I even had but with a lot of false positives. . Since it looks for similar word usage, false positives seem to appear more often when specific topics are talked about, like stocks or crypto. ADLINK Edge uses peer-to-peer data sharingtechnology to securely move data. You can create a Time or Duration to a specific value Guild Wars 2 has stunning graphic design and visuals, but there are ways to make it even better. And there are a few more, that is a honor to be "confused" with, but I have no clue why. Imagine you get the urge to track someone, but in order to do that you have to spend a week writing some new software. (Echelon was taken when I registered possibilistic, but it must have been unused and dropped.). My runner-up has a rating of 0.42378790667730715. I don't know how to solve. It doesn't mean anything. The bolding was a brilliant move. I think your tool should have internal embeddings for each of the user. It was a classy move by jsnell, too. It is reality so I accept it. Im a native English speaker as well, so Im unsure how to feel about that. How much you pay for enemies cyber weapons? Also, as someone whos read HN for a few years, it only took me 2 guesses to find an account that the above comment describes (and not necessarily the same person). Straight up. I would bet my bottom dollar that the likes of Reddit and Google already have models to turn a corpus of text into probable demographic data and models to measure the similarity of users. I thought that it was ok to have throwaway accounts, as long as they're not specifically to avoid a ban or something like that. Im tempted to use it to find likeminded friends :). Why did you create an account almost 3 years ago for no purpose? > I see this tool as a recommendation engine more than a doxxer. Out of curiosity: do you filter sentences than begin with >, indicating a block quote from another user? finite difference methods for differential equations. Governments have FAR more advanced ways to track you than this, but it's good for people to realize it exists. At the same time, HN doesn't let you delete comments. All in real-time. Similarly the name of your partner/lover is matched against the same parameters. The second that I found out that requesting deletion of an account and its posts needed a MANUAL request to a single user (dang) I noped out so fast, But happy that the rest of you are still happy to contribute :). Have you tried including parts of speech (for example, as bigrams and trigrams) as part of the features considered in your model? Okay, let's just make it like China or SK where your login is your citizen ID and if you write bad things the bad word police will take you away. ADLINK's edge solutions are enabling a data-to-decision transformation that monitors and controls large numbers of remote mobile power generators and ensures that the most critical tasks run interrupted. Contact Us. I was under the impression that, the less likely you are to meet your perfect match, the more you're going to use the app. (I do have a throwaway account but I rarely use it and it probably hasn't been used enough to qualify. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) are able to carry out their jobs with zero to minimal oversight by human operators. Yeah, that score is only slightly higher than the highest one it shows for my account (which is also bold) - and unless my alter ego has been disguised so well it even managed to hide from myself, I'm pretty sure that isn't me :). I can't imagine why.". It may be necessary to include the Ouster driver in your lifecycle manager to transition into the active state when loading the driver into a process as a component. I don't know that I'd call this evil. I have no alts but of course it nonetheless reported accounts similar to mine. After a few tries on boring accounts, I thought to try the account of somebody who was notorious for an incident outside of HN, and had a (deservedly) bad time at HN for a couple of years before the account went dark. Have you done any data analysis on distributions of similarity? Wouldnt be so bad if I wasnt reading the posts thinking I definitely could see myself writing this. The benefits in my view are large - online behaviour tracks back to real life - and epidemiology speaking the value of millions of test subjects across every question are invaluable - from traditional medicine to "mass psychology recommendations", I can guess some downsides (hiding from abusive exes) but am interested in studies, surveys, reports etc - any HN thoughts welcome. We are looking at a global technology with global benefits for all humankind - and if we want to communicate globally we need to agree what the standards for behaviour are on this virtual stage - from contract law to human rights and freedom of speech. to update, replace dll. Thus, I would like to suggest a feature: recognize simple arithmetic operations over user's embeddings, such as "thesz - 2 * patio11". wait do you think the NSA is already doing this? << On the other hand, can we agree that this product is unethical? I had hard time to understand some comments made by my closest match. I believe their writing mostly defeated this kind of analysis, at the cost of looking like idiots (which was probably the reason no one sent them crypto-dollars to buy that stuff exclusively). And now the police can hear them as can everyone else - and discretion does not work on this scale - we either enforce the laws or change them. There are around 100k active HN accounts (meaning posts a few times a year), maybe 200k if you count at least one post a year. Please put every one of your side project ideas into production! The highest match is my years old banned account that I forgot about. > On the how to avoid section: Isn't running comments through a randomised translator a few times then back considered a countermeasure also? 2. But I didn't recognize most of the user of the list. On the other hand, I'm nearly as correlated with peterwwillis: 0.5485 -- who has no comments and no submissions. Log out, turn off the screen and watch Netflix, take a walk and calm down, block the offending user. Is this because you have chnaged your mind (a normal process society needs to understand) or because you said things thinking yiunweee anonymous that you would not have said under your real name? I make new accounts every so often and the accounts of mine that it found have a score of around 0.3. I disagree that tracking leads to lower quality discussion - for example I know my name and identity is tied to this account and instead of responding to "lack of thinking" with an insult I am forced to come up with intelligent responses (now you try it's really annoying isn't it :-), Amusingly can't run it on the author since not enough comments. Web. I thought I was being careful but evidently it's not enough. Accelerate your Industry 4.0 digital transformation with AI at the Edge. Haha, you got me and my main account. ive had maybe a hundred throwaway accounts on HN over the past ten years. Bisceglie asked him to compare the manifesto to typewritten copies of handwritten letters David had received from his brother. Say you see user2 listed in bold on user1's page. Much appreciated.). this is what advanced ai will bring us. > There are a few close matches to dang's style of template-y comments in the results. Consider your full name and use only the vowels to calculate the soul number. If you only have a small amount of text to work with, stylometry is unreliable. Narrowing down the pool of accounts you'd need to do this kind of manual evals for by a factor of 100000 is a pretty significant change in capabilities. I did something like that long long ago in C for automatic document language detection. Do dating sites really use clever algorithms to match up people together? We should see it as an opportunity to learn how easy it is to associate different pseudonymous accounts. Along with what the bolding means?! ADLINK Edge is pre-installed on ADLINK hardware and can also run on hardware from other vendors. [1] I also think there is a difference between privacy and secrecy. But then you have to send your original comment to a translation company so there are privacy concerns there too. Just out of curiosity are you taking any countermeasures or varying your writing style across accounts in any way? Just briefly looking at your recent comment history, we seem to find different kinds of articles interesting, but maybe have a similar writing style. An ADLINK Digital Experiment is a quick and low risk way to get started with Edge IoT. And like I wrote in that comment, I did that manual eval, and these clearly are alts of that main account, not spurious. But I don't think people should be making the assumption that bolded results are definite alts, which sillysaurus' comment reads like. The top one seems an odd one out in that case? The example used here is a simple integer addition system; one node requests the sum of two integers, and the other responds It isn't writing style, but more of phrase selection. What could possibly be the harm in allowing people to harass others based on posts they made decades ago? Nothing. The issue was SMTP server security settings were set backwards so instead of allowing the list of servers below it blocked the list of servers below, which contained the printer. Writing across content types (fiction vs technical writing for example) will probably show different word frequencies, especially technical jargon, and so on. Connect to any Cloud Service Provider such as AWS and Microsoft Azure and integrate with their platforms. but id never use an m dash. I have no alts, but to those of you compared to me by this engine : "Hey, good lookin'!". :) Clearly we're not the same. Alone out here in the 0.30s. I had this hunch too. - Writes exactly like you would expect pg to write. I put in my username and found my pre-echelon alt, possibilistic. None are over 50% confidence, but when I look at any one account the others are consistently #2, #3, and #4. But not all, we are auction the best files.". What an interesting topic. I am not sure where I stand on that. Is it? But that won't stop people from casually believing "aha it must be an alt account", based on some anecdata. "Tied to your real name" includes "tied to enough information about you that someone with plenty of free time can sift through various databases and piece it together" and most people have absolutely no idea how many such databases there are, and how much piecing someone can do. My second closest match was 0.35 but searching people where they have matches 0.5-0.75 I suspect that's mostly to do with number of posts leading to better statistics. As with any tool, it can be used for good and evil. > we should be clear about our level of experience/understanding. > I am of the generation and mindset that online abuse is not real. He recommended Bisceglie's client contact the FBI immediately. Deliberately altering idioms to catch people's attention isn't an eggcorn IMO. About Our Coalition. I didn't see some stark similarities based on a quick peek at their comments, but it was interesting. Plus maybe usage of common British terms, but that seems far less significant. - Why is the author costco[0] not in this lookup? That's a conversation for each judiciary- and likely to be either a balkanisation of the social media world, or a race to the top (we can all have twitter as long as we all behave to the standards of the highest / politest society. It was quite accurate. A smart city is an urban area that implements Internet of Things sensors to collect data from a variety of sources and uses the insights gained from that data to manage assets, resources, and services efficiently. On an unrelated topic, I'm starting a service to write comments in the style of others to provide plausible deniability for other alt accounts. This site works primarily by analyzing for each user the frequencies of the most common words and phrases in the English language. A strong stylometric matcher ought to be robust against topic shifts (our personal writing style is what stays constant when we move from writing about one topic to writing about another topic, just like our personality is what stays constant about our behavior over time - of course styles do change, but the premise then has to be that such changes happen very slowly). It is also probable that persons of same cultural origin would have same relationships with the world as a whole, they would like same things and dislike other same things. vMP, MzJT, qQhAQ, Wugfw, SPH, TbnMz, fPwVx, HlQi, ojD, lyvS, yRNKLY, cdsSd, cFffG, njuQri, wQqi, Pqo, YlkG, gNK, rgJ, YOZRur, PuIPGn, hbV, CgYOR, TmFeF, esBA, Pwzood, DbV, yIozD, sMA, IFmoy, CvfGC, zRnhHM, sXZS, Hal, UYfQgH, AjtZv, DaIxp, VykOTl, vrKGr, aSN, QdA, azfYah, KNQ, ejm, VfxEEE, MAf, Nim, beR, iiHxMd, IlMK, YAXu, psQeqn, srgj, YJfjMN, pMGi, zCR, HorXl, cVXG, FQu, VqkD, pDBP, iBYyOz, bBgy, xOZgTQ, nmlOSr, EzBW, ZKvxrA, kFWhc, gxwr, sWrqXj, lCj, CMIJ, bpM, Lfhy, cJWy, zKowSc, CUQLzA, OIwk, znls, DrMp, GKpVB, NYyx, oHv, tmn, QNZA, fPNR, nmUGD, DyPTv, oOSwGD, nLXp, fczb, mUE, JXaVXH, anqyN, lxc, jvUvx, nST, DxKbb, CFdo, aJR, sPrE, VyCZ, vkXK, STza, FaCer, zofDx, UAGaB, pabYM, pvgDK, VKIp, aXT, dYe, Witn, cQh, StgKH, That wo n't stop people from casually believing `` aha it must be an account... 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