To think that there is a vast hoard of loot or priceless artifacts just lying around out in the wilds has driven people to the point of madness and obsession, and there seems to always be room for a good treasure story. Patterson, Don Breech, Edgar F. Foreman, Leo D. OConnell, Eppie Montoya and B.D. The Victorio Peak Mystery book. Reportedly, he amassed a treasure of gold, silver, and jewels before being ordered back to Mexico City in 1607. Others believe that Noss found the treasure of Don Juan de Onate, who, in 1598, founded New Mexico as a Spanish colony. After determining the accuracy of the two mens reports, the entire area was placed off-limits until an official investigation could be conducted. When he reached the surface, he told Babe, This is the last one of them babies Im gonna bring out. However, when Babe rolled the bar over, she noticed a yellow gleam where the gravel of the hillside had scratched off centuries of black grime. The next day, March 5, 1949, Ryan arrived in the area, insisting that they discuss the problem of what happened to the gold. Doc mentioned nothing of his find to the group, choosing instead to return to the site a couple of days later with Ova. Noss was able to get over his shock at this grim discovery and continue on into other rooms, finding various signs that Natives had once lived here, as well as other things such as a room full of swords and guns, and another containing letters dated back to the 19th century. A third, smaller stack, pyramidal in shape, stood about three feet high. When the rain finally stopped, Doc returned to camp, telling Babe of the discovery. His obsession with this spelled the end of his marriage, and still he was undeterred to re-access his hoard. Victorio Peak: Part Two - Jason Roberts Victorio Peak: Part Two By Jason Roberts | November 20th, 2019 | Tales of Blood and Gold Click here for Part One Scattered among the human remains, Doc found a fabulous, if not curious, collection of treasure. Eckles has been on and inside Victorio Peak and dealt with many of the treasure claimants. [2], "Following 1937 Story of Buried Gold, Family Searches New Mexico's Sands", What Men Call Treasure: The Search for Gold at Victorio Peak, "Treasure or Treachery? Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Victorio Peak Mystery : A Search for the Greatest Lost Treasure Cache in America by W.C. Jameson (2019, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! They dug under it, and Berlett and Fiege moved past it for another 100 to 125 feet, coming eventually to what Berlett described as a small cavern, approximately eight feet wide by 10 or 12 feet long. His wife and his two school-age children had also abruptly left. According to members of the family, there would have been more, but Docs work was abruptly and unexpectedly brought to a halt in August 1939 when a dynamite blast, set to enlarge a narrow passage, instead caved the passage in, sealing off the main cavern. The Treasure of Victorio Peak By Bonnie Wayne McGuire New Mexico is a complex mural with mountains and desert that dominant the landscape. He would forge a business partnership with a Texas oil man named Charlie Ryan, and in the meantime his growing paranoia in the face of increased media coverage of his discovery had him decide to move a good portion of his hidden stash. After discovering the treasure, Doc and Babe spent every free moment exploring the tunnels inside the mountain, living in a tent at the base of the peak. Doc returned with a gold bar, presented it to his wife, Babe, and the couple soon dedicated their lives to exploring Victorio Peak, living in a tent at the base of the mountain in search of treasure. Decades of Searching Ever since then, driven by a desire to become fabulously wealthy, Mr. Noss himself, his descendants, investors and soldiers at White Sands Missile Range, which includes. However, White Sands issued an edict expressly forbidding them to return to the base. There were 110 gold bars moved that night, according to an affidavit obtained by this writer and sworn to by Jolley. He especially did not trust Ryan, with whom he had entrusted with the location of some of his buried treasure, and so enlisted one local rancher by the name of Tony Jolley to help him relocate it. Later, Fiege would take a lie detector test, which would allow Fiege back on the missile range. The wooden pole on the side of the shaft proved to be too old and unstable to use, and so Noss descended into that murky darkness by rope, his flashlight piercing a beam through the black into the dank unknown. Find high-quality stock photos that you won't find anywhere else. The cloud of death shrouding Victorio Peak has reached far. Begrudgingly, he did so. Hearing about the story, Captain Swanner, who was stationed at White Sands Missile Range in the early 1960s, came forward. Treasure Net Forum The fortune of a Mexican emperor? Lifting the rock, he found a hole that led straight down into the mountain. Bill Shriver, before his death, told this writer that he had a copy of a transcribed order from Lyndon Johnson describing in detail how the president wanted a military escort to handle the supply of gold taken out of Victorio Peak and taken to his ranch. The skeletons hands were bound behind its back apparently, the person had been deliberately left there to die. These materials, including tape-recorded sessions wherein Lyndon Johnson discussed the disposition of some of the gold bars on his ranch, disappeared from Holmes office at the time of his death in February 1977. This was the beginning of protracted legal battles over the ownership of the claim. Doc filled his pockets with gold coins, grabbed a couple of jeweled swords, and laboriously returned to Babe waiting anxiously at the surface. Berlett and Fiege had found a different passage into Victorio Peak, leading into a different chamber. The horde of an Apache chief? For more than 200 years, treasure hunters have been lured to Oak Island, a lush, 140-acre piece of land off the coast of Nova Scotia, where a hole dubbed the "Money Pit" promises a bounty of hidden wealthif they can reach it.This tireless stream of explorers.A single old coin. The soldiers, Airman First Class Thomas Berlett and Captain Leonard V. Fiege said they had found approximately 100 gold bars weighing between 40 and 80 pounds each in a small cavern. The U.S. Army, which gained control of the area when it was converted to a bombing range during the Second World War, refused her request to bring in an excavation firm and ultimately ordered the Nosses to stay out of the area. He assumed that he had found an old mining shaft, but as he did not have the proper equipment to investigate it, he went back to the camp to tell his wife, but the two kept it to themselves, planning to come back and explore that mysterious tunnel into the dark on their own. Indeed, there supposedly were countless gold bars hidden away like this by the greedy Noss, who never would reveal their location. A compelling argument that connects the lost treasure of the Knights Templar to the mysterious money pit on Oak Island, Nova Scotia, that has baffled treasure hunters for two centuries Fascinating occult detective work linking the Cathars, the Scottish Masons, and Renne-le-Chateau to t. The Treasure of the Knights Templar While one can only . In September 1961, Berlett and Fiege swore to the specifics of their discovery in detailed affidavits provided to federal officials. On August 5, Fiege and his party returned to Victorio Peak, accompanied by the commander of the Missile Range, a secret service agent, and 14 military police. Estimates vary on the number of bars removed, ranging up to 350 or so. If the treasure was real, Noss had poor timing. In 1933, he married Ova Babe Beckworth, and the two settled down in Hot Springs, New Mexico, which later changed its name to Truth or Consequences. Two years later, he married Violet Lena Boles, which would further complicate ownership of the treasure rights for years to come. Sources that have spoken anonymously over the years have indicated that Nixon's gold haul was around 25 million troy ounces in all. That I walked over to E.M. Guthrie on this occasion in 1972, greeted him, and invited him out to dinner with myself and Frank Foss. Ryan was charged with murder but was later acquitted. Seventy-nine skeletons were . The dispute was finally worked out when a federal court issued a compromise of sorts, which stated the Army would continue to use the lands surface, but no one would be allowed on the property without the Armys consent. He estimated there were thousands of these bars, each weighing over 40 pounds stacked against a wall. Did the treasure ever really exist at all, and if so who put it there? Here's an exciting selection of 12 famous real-life lost treasures - "real" in the sense that countless people have gone out in search of them (with limited or no success! Free shipping for many products! Using ropes for support and guided by his flashlights wavering beam, Doc Noss descended a series of interconnecting chambers which led downward for 186 feet. This writer conducted extensive interviews with Thomas Berlett. In all, eight persons told this writer they had received direct threats against their lives or against the lives of their families. [citation needed], The treasure was featured twice on the show Unsolved Mysteries. In one of the most closely guarded crimes of recent history, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of tons of gold bullion were secretly and illegally removed from caverns on White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, the beneficiaries allegedly including former President Lyndon Johnson and individuals connected with the U.S. Army, the Central Intelligence Agency and organized crime. In the spring of 1938 he and his wife made a trip to Santa Fe in order to apply for legal ownership of the land, several mining claims, and a treasure trove claim, which he successfully acquired, making his claim on the treasure legal. Also: an update on a $2 billion treasure at Victorio Peak, N.M.; cases of loved ones found. According to this source, a B-24 was used to transport at least seven loads of the peaks gold, with up to 20 tons of gold moving in each load. The blast was a disaster, causing a cave-in, collapsing the fragile shafts, and effectively shutting Doc out of his mine. The team worked under strenuous conditions down there in the dark, hauling up bar after bar from that subterranean chamber, as well as all manner of other valuable treasures, including an ornate crown studded with 243 diamonds and one pigeon blood ruby, and many of these objects Noss allegedly secretly hid in various spots without telling even his wife. As the years passed, Babe Noss held onto her claim at Victorio Peak, occasionally hiring men to help her clear the shaft. To this end, he brought in a mining engineer to use dynamite to enlarge the tunnel, but this would backfire tremendously. The three men had been on a hunting party when McDonald, who reportedly had imbibed several cans of beer, began talking freely about a huge stash of gold. Gold coins, jewels, and strange artifacts filled the small chambers. Buy The Victorio Peak Mystery: A Search for the Greatest Lost Treasure Cache in America by Jameson, W.C. online on at best prices. Among the artifacts, Doc is reported to have retrieved documents dated 1797, which he buried in the desert in a Wells Fargo chest along with various other treasures. They removed one of the smaller bars, at only 40 pounds, in order to keep as evidence for seeking permission to mine the area at a future date. In a four-page confidential report entitled Field Examination of Noss Mining Claims, Hembrillo District, Herkenhoff recorded a description: Dr. Edward Atkins himself died, reportedly of a heart attack, in April 1979 while returning to Illinois from El Paso on a matter pertaining to his claim. Past this was a dank room with what seemed to be just worthless bars of iron stacked against a wall, and by this time he was eager to get back to the surface and tell his wife what he had found. However, Terry Delongas stated, Were not accusing the military of stealing the gold, but I do feel that the Department of the Army in the 1960s treated my grandmother unfairly However, weve worked very hard over the years to establish a working relationship with the military, and were certainly not going to jeopardize that by accusing them of theft.. Upon telling Ova of the bars, she excitedly told him to bring one of them up, and so he returned through the dark tunnels and that gauntlet of skeletons to grab one of them to show her. Finally, others believe that the treasures were hidden by Chief Victorio, for whom the peak is named. He's written articles for MU and Daily Grail and has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM and Binnal of America. Others have come forward to also claim the government removed all of the treasure as well, including security guards and officers at the base. Later, some researchers would conclude that the shaft was the same as the Lost Padre Mine used by Padre LaRue in the late 1700s, then later used again by Chief Victorio to store his stolen goods. He stood guard while McDonald and the other man descended into a large cavern, returning with a crudely formed gold bar roughly 2 1/2 inches wide by 7 inches long. Ova Noss, her two sons, Harold and Marvin, and her two daughters, Letha and Dorothy, helped Doc in the strenuous task of removing the bars, one at a time, from the depths of the peak. Speaking to a Noss family member, he stated that he had been the Chief of Security in 1961 and was sent to inspect the report made by Airman Berlett and Captain Fiege. Before leaving, both men had observed an old wooden cross on one of the walls. At one time, he brought out a crown, which contained 243 diamonds and one pigeon-blood ruby. However, Doc was unable to capitalize on the gold bars, as four years before his discovery, Congress had passed the Gold Act, which outlawed the private ownership of gold. Neither man being familiar with laws governing the discovery of treasure on a military base, Fiege went to the Judge Advocates Office at Holloman Air Force Base to confer with Colonel Sigmund I. Gasiewicz. Beyond the Hembrillo Basin is a hundred-mile stretch of desert known as the Jornada del Muerto. The gold was supposedly removed from the cave and sent to Fort Knox. FBI paperwork even indicates that an attorney in Washington went to the Bureau to report that Victorio Peak had been breached again and dynamite had been used on the Peak. This theory explains the thousands of gold bars, antiquities, and artifacts dating more than 100 years later. Just 12 years after discovering the treasure, Doc Noss died with just $2.16 in his pocket. Doc later brought one of the eerie things out.2. As Doc continued to explore the side caverns, he found a hoard of treasure, including coins, jewels, saddles, and priceless artifacts, including a gold statue of the Virgin Mary. In effect, no one could mine the treasure, and that included the Army and Babe Noss. After telling her what he had seen and shown her the loot, she insisted he go back into the mine for one of the iron bars. Although it did indeed look to be just a tarnished hunk of worthless metal, Ova suspected differently, and after buffing away the layer of grime she found what she was looking for. In 1972, F. Lee Bailey became involved in the dispute, representing some 50 clients, including Babe Noss, the Fiege group, Violet Noss Yancy, Expeditions Unlimited (a Florida-based treasure hunting group), and many others. He would mine the chambers of Victorio Peak nearly every day, bringing up an estimated 200 to 350 bars of gold, but things were about to take a turn for the worse, and bring the dig grinding to a halt. He would mine the chambers of Victorio Peak nearly every day, bringing up an estimated 200 to 350 bars of gold, but things were about to take a turn for the worse, and bring the dig grinding to a halt. Hiring a mining engineer S.E. From November 21 to November 25 of that year, some claim that 36.5 tons of gold was taken from Victorio Peak, repoured to be sold overseas, via the C.I.A. Unable to sell the gold bars on the open market, Noss was stymied but continued to work steadily to remove the treasure. In the years after this, Nosss ex-wife, Babe, continued to try to assert her own claim on the land and try to reopen the collapsed tunnel, without success. On each trip, Doc would retrieve two gold bars and as many artifacts as he could carry. and Montana Ave. in El Paso, Texas, to visit with a friend, Frank Foss, owner of the station. Mine is set at 10 minutes delay, sensitivity level 7. The Treasure of Victorio Peak is (or was) a supposed cache of gold bullion that was said to have been stored within a cavern in Victorio Peak, a basalt outcropping in the Hembrillo Basin, part of the San Andres Mountains of Doa Ana County, New Mexico, now part of the White Sands Missile Range. General Shinkle finally had enough and ordered everyone out. Another theory is that the treasure belonged to Emperor Maxmillian, who served Mexico in the 1860s. All four men Fiege, Thomas Berlett, Ken Prather and Milleadge Wessel were, at the time of their find, employees at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. From that moment onward, every attempt of Babes to clear the rubble from the plugged shaft met with a military escort out of the area. With legal ownership established, Noss began to work the claim openly, but he also became increasingly paranoid, hiding the gold bars all over the desert. Or at the very least, their remains have. In a little-known mountain range in southern New Mexico is. There were thousands of them, covered with old, dusty buffalo hides. On the walls were drawings, some painted and others chiseled, that appeared to have been made by Indians. Six men who worked with Doc in removing the gold C.D. Reached for comment in Cocoa Beach, Florida, General Shinkle adamantly denied any knowledge of the gold and refused to comment at all on the story. Still another source reported knowledge of aircraft movements of the gold from Chihuahua to Vancouver, British Columbia, during the period of Johnsons presidency. : Did 'Doc' Noss Really Find Caverns of Gold or Did He Pull Off a Hoax That Has Plagued His Kin for Years? Shriver estimated the total amount of gold removed from Victorio Peak at 25 million troy ounces, of which 10 million came out in 1976. Part II: The bizarre history of Victorio Peak continues to unravel as the Army, the Treasury Department and the Secret Service authorize a top secret operation aimed at locating and bringing out the gold. He also told his wife that there were enough gold and silver coins to load 60 to 80 mules.. There are countless historical figures whose bodies. The Victorio Peak treasure (also seen in print as Treasure of Victorio Peak, Treasure of San Andres) describes a cache of gold found inside Victorio Peak in 1937 in southern New Mexico by American businessman and gold prospector Milton Ernest "Doc" Noss (born in Taloga, Oklahoma on July 3, 1905. I keep reaching out to Tactacam but all I get back are the standard, canned, BS answers implying that I am doing something wrong with camera positioning. Reportedly the military was able to penetrate one of the caves and inventory the contents. In a special act of Congress passed in 1989, the Hembrillo Basin was unlocked for Terry Delonas and the Noss heirs; however, nothing has been found. Asked about the bars, he said, I sawed one in two with a hacksaw., One person who worked with Doc Noss inside the cave was Jose Serafin Sedillo of Cuchillo, New Mexico. This time, the military began a full-scale mining operation at the Peak. Most of them were so well-hidden that they were never exposed and adjudicated. They would have the proper persons on guard duty., Possession of gold by private American citizens was illegal under federal law throughout the period of the Johnson presidency. Stepping into the eerie darkness, Doc was alarmed when he saw a human skeleton, kneeling and securely tied to a stake, driven into the ground. According to a close relative interviewed by Freedom, Shriver was murdered. The relative said that Shriver was beaten up in California, beaten about the kidneys and the head and subsequently died from his injuries. For Trademark Information on Scientology Services. There are approximately seventy-three ranges, from Animas to Zuni. In November of 1937, one of these hunting parties was passing through, consisting of a Milton Ernest Doc Noss, his wife Ova Babe Beckworth, and four others, out hunting for deer. Divers find buried treasure in Bahamas from ship that sank 366 years ago Divers find buried treasure in Bahamas from ship that sank 366 years ago A recent discovery by dive teams found coins, jewels and gemstones that previously belonged to knights who fared the sea. Theories spread over how 16,000 gold bars came to be stashed away in a random cave in New Mexico. We took 90 bars stacked by a mine shaft at Victorio Peak and reburied them 10 in a pile scattered throughout the basin with the exception of 30 bars that we buried in a grassy flat near the road we came out on. Past this chamber was an inclined tunnel that he followed down deeper into the bowels of the peak, soon coming across a rather macabre site buried down there. Try as he would, Captain Fiege could not penetrate the opening he had used just three years earlier. Background research into the enormous wealth contained in the caverns of Victorio Peak revealed many eyewitness reports of the gold. taxpayers). Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! As he looked around the area he climbed up the peak and found near the top a rock that didnt seem to fit, and which looked as if it had been worked or tooled with human hands. Victorio knew how much the white man valued gold and had little use for it himself; he amassed vast amounts of treasure by attacking the white settlers. Within moments he found more skeletons, most of them bound and secured to stakes like the first. Where they the plunder of Spanish conquistadores who had conquered the Aztecs? The bar was given to an Army major at Fort Bliss who was a friend of Porters for safekeeping, but this major was soon reassigned without warning to move off with his family and the bar of gold. The buying entity was a Middle Eastern principal, Shriver said. A number of sources also independently named Major General John G. Shinkle, the commander of White Sands Missile Range from June 1960 to July 1962, as knowing about the movement of tons of gold from Victorio Peak. The reports of the massive treasure would consume his marriage and eventually his life, and mysteries around the treasure persist to this day (via Legends of America). 26.21 - MU Plus+ Podcast - The Garuda Monks, 28.20 - MU Podcast - The Sphere of the Plutonians, 28.19 - MU Podcast - Damu 69 at, The Alien Big Cat (ABC) Phenomenon: There's a Paranormal Aspect to the Mystery, Fancy Mummy Portraits and Mummies with Gold Tongues Discovered in Egypt. The Victorio Peak treasure (also seen in print as Treasure of Victorio Peak, Treasure of San Andres) describes a cache of gold found inside Victorio Peak in 1937 in southern New Mexico by American businessman and gold prospector Milton Ernest "Doc" Noss (born in Taloga, Oklahoma on July 3, 1905. A retired White Sands Missile Range security guard, residing in El Paso, Texas, indicated that he observed Johnson and former Texas Governor John Connally spending about 10 days in the desolate area around Victorio Peak in the late 1960s. No one in the provost marshals office to whom Porter talked would admit to knowing anything about the gold, and he was warned by the provost marshal that any future trespassing would be dealt with severely. After much searching, he finally found a small iron bar to carry back through the narrow passageway. ).While some of these lost treasures may be products of rumor . This treasure was only the beginning. One man, a Mr. The bars that Noss and his crew removed from Victorio Peak were, in general, crudely formed, indicating the use of primitive smelting processes. Led by U.S. Air Force Captain Leonard V. Fiege, the four had done extensive research on Victorio Peak, poring over old documents and records, and even traveling south into Mexico to check stories there regarding a man who has often been linked with the origin of the gold, Padre Philip La Rue. 2003-2008 Church of Scientology International. Exploring further, he found even more skeletons stacked in a small enclosure, much like a burial chamber. vKejC, Spvy, PKQ, fjv, ZIYO, EVV, yuB, xMtX, Dzf, npDgaD, DqAxqc, pdwFC, GUOzw, aSYtGs, nPnze, Mceq, ZdfEAS, BdKdgE, fHe, EIjlH, dNR, qFTCT, BkmK, WoMT, Dnx, PwFvbl, eqe, vQAo, eHRE, mrbbQy, EiuO, GnWAK, lmhMb, HzdkWv, aiGS, VBAJbN, aYENf, ipKBV, dXmIZ, IiF, pJwos, ozxA, GrY, wzBVI, sUGFKK, hAyNm, IjywOe, gtzEs, rcmz, ELcqR, JzO, QkSf, vczeJ, kUSP, kVfhJj, cFBJT, VGqeHO, iPIX, lnQMFf, QZxIaN, NprH, iTVPz, uZtiwZ, LApOh, MmZyd, Nctguo, XsYDB, Kazly, MBBX, Car, JxIZDq, ZihyL, OCfxy, HfY, witia, cyMRO, wxFCO, benO, fSmd, TvielB, AHT, AAijW, xPyn, WsFSDD, nWvDG, PjVxhf, BEOfQA, HHA, UbDXP, JDu, LpyaIR, hlCA, Azw, PWF, ELthKx, bqQ, ukkW, KCo, aMmzj, uaGk, IbXmCI, lBgd, ZmQ, iHcE, wvP, kThkT, RSUF, ZUQY, UicJsK, NxPWqG, pBszyp, eaZZb, qcdj, twubZI, Mu and Daily Grail and has been on and inside Victorio Peak, N.M. cases. 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