education ielts speaking

Example: Maybe John isnt the sharpest tool in the shed, but hes a good friend nonetheless. Some schools and universities are just too expensive Only a small fractionSmall part. Most importantly, you need to find out what your students require and then provide them with a suitable lesson. There are a lot of topics. Plus, the #1 way to ensure success. Moreover, it reduces our stress. Theorya supposition or a system of proposals intended to make something clear, especially one based on general principles free of the thing to be explained According to conspiracytheory, there is no obvious end game for countries with natural resources. IELTS Speaking Part 1: 7 simple methods for developing your answers, with examples. Sign up for an IELTS speaking course or 1-2-1 Skype class and book your first interview practice today!! Example: In order to pass the final exam, it is suggested that you should attend to all of the classes. Example: Sometimes I like to goof around, although my parents scold me for that. The IELTS exam is accepted by over 11,000 organizations in 140 countries. IELTS Speaking Part 1 Practice 1 - 27 Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 1 (Accommodation & Hometown) Let's talk about your hometown. Here are the vocabularies for "Describe your Education" with examples: Impart: to give, convey, or grant from or as if from a store her experience Eg: The teacher is imparting wisdom and knowledge Encounter: unexpectedly be faced with or experience (something hostile or difficult). Part 1 Danh mc "Education" l mt ch rt hay xut hin trong IELTS Speaking. As a junior student, my university required my to decide which major such ashuman resources management, accounting, finance I would follow. In the first place, you will choose one of the topics in Part 1, Part 2 and 3 that you desire to practice in the IELTS Speaking Practice Test. Preparing for Part 2 can really pay off. 7. professor, professor of (history, law, etc.). Having known that friends who had been studying with me for a long time might know better than me, I came to some of my friends and asked them for help. Education Face to face classes:join in courses in classroom with colleagues and teachers. Dissertationa long piece of writing/article about a specific subject that is done to receive an advanced degree The students submitted theirdissertationon British Politics to their mentor before deadline. Examiner: What did you enjoy most when you were at school? Before appearing for the exam, start speaking with everyone, including your friends, family members, and peers in English. Another thing that I remembered is when I was struggling to choose my major at university and received help from my classmates. Portfolioa compilation of materials that exemplifies ones beliefs, skills, qualifications, education, training and experiences This portfolio presents excellent insights into her personality and work. Once I could use the French I had learnt in school when I visited France and later studied there, the language came alive and all that hard work as a youngsterpaid off! On the IELTS Speaking test, its very common for candidates to be asked questions related to their own school experience. Example: My brother studied in a single-sex school. Now, have a look at the card and prepare a monologue. Don't talk forever or too little! Coeducational schoola school where boys and girls study together I studied in acoeducational school. IELTS Speaking Pro provides helpful tips, tricks, band scores and lots of tests, questions and answers to practice exercises and interactive lessons. Cramming the act oftryingtolearna lot veryquicklybefore anexamCrammingright before the exam is not a good idea. Example: Ive failed my exam twice already, but Ill keep resitting until I pass. There is an audio to listen to the pronunciation of the words. to meet a deadline: to finish something within a time limit. We moved house quite often back then, so I had to adapt to different teachers,learning expectationsand to make new friends. I still keep in touch with many of my friends from secondary school. In IELTS Speaking test you are assessed for your fluency and coherence, and thus you have to accurately use your advanced vocabulary while speaking. #1 IELTS AppGet free IELTS speaking, listening, vocabulary and writing practice samples and get ready for the exam with our IELTS prep apps. 1. Secondary education the stage ofeducationfollowing primaryeducation Success insecondary educationis highly dependent on elementary education. Did you go to a co-educational school? You may be asked questions aboutschool and education in general. Yes, I like sunshine because it provides innumerable benefits. Higher education is studies beyond high school. Julie: In my country, I think it is quite equal but in the UK Ive heard that most people who go to the top universities have studied atpublic schools you have to be very rich to study in a school like that theyre usuallyboarding schoolsas well so the fees are enormous , bachelors degree: an undergraduate course which usually lasts 3-4 years, boarding school: a school where pupils live during term time, distance learning: a way of studying where tuition is carried out over the Internet or by post, face-to-face classes: as opposed to distance learning the traditional way of studying in a classroom with colleagues and a teacher, to fall behind with your studies: to progress less quickly than others, to give feedback: to offer guidance on a students work, a graduation ceremony: an event where a successful student receives his or her academic degree, higher education: education, usually in a college or university, that is followed after high school or secondary school, an intensive course: a course that offers lots of training in order to reach a goal in as short a time as possible, to keep up with your studies: to not fall behind, to learn something by heart: to memorize it, a mature student: a student who is older than average and who has usually returned to education after a period at work, masters degree: a period of study which often follows the completion of a bachelors degree or is undertaken by someone regarded as capable of a higher-level academic course, to meet a deadline: to finish a job or task in the time allowed or agreed, to play truant: to stay away from classes without permission, private language school: an independent school run as a business concern, public schools: exclusive independent schools in the UK, a single-sex school: a school where only boys or girls attend (as opposed to a mixed-sex school), state school: a school paid for by public funds and available to the general public. Incorrect word: "participate" should be "play", "just it follow" should be "they should follow". In this IELTS Speaking sample we collected various questions + model answers on Education Topic that you may encounter on the speaking test. This is the time when I first moved to a big city anddid my Bachelor degreein ABC University. Below are the IELTS speaking topics with answers 2022. (Give a reason for your answer) As an English major student/ as someone who is preparing for a language test, I'm sometimes bombarded with new lexical items, which entails my looking them up in a dictionary to find . Example: Because my budget is limited, then get a scholar ship and go to state school is a great idea. subject specialist: a teacher who has a great deal of knowledge about the subject they teach. Example: If youwant to keep up with my studies at university, you have to spend more time on self-study. With each topic, there will be a range of diverse questions with model answers and a list of vocabulary related to that topic. The duration of this part is about 4-5 minutes. Through all those times, I realize that whenever I am in need, my friends are always be there for me. The sub-test consists of an interview with a trained examiner, and the whole conversation is recorded for later evaluation. The most foreseen benefits is that the timetable is flexible, which means students can learn anytime they want. intensive course: a course that offers longer and more frequent classes. Take a look at this official IELTS Speaking topics sample prompt, script, and recording of a Task 2 question to get a sense of what to expect. Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school. Anna: They should be patient they should besubject specialistsand be able to explain the subject clearly they shouldgive feedbackquickly for example not hang on to essay for ages like some of my teachers . Tn* Email* Website. and a lot of humanities subjects seemed too boring to me. (Answer) Yes, I do and I actually make use of dictionaries on a daily basis. Cue Card 2020 #33: Talk about a toy you liked in your childhood. You probably know what do such phrases as "bookworm" or "bachelor's degree" mean. IELTS Speaking test has 3 sections, and it takes 5 to 15 minutes to complete. Education: Sample questions and answers for IELTS speaking exam Part 1 What kind of school did you go to as a child? 3. I would like to talk about my last school year. 6. Grammar. Single-sex school a school where either boys or girls can study My sister studied in asingle-sex school. Example: A few years ago I took an intensive French course in the university. These phrasal verbs are categorized by topic such as education, family, travel, etc. Today I would like to share with you my memorable memories at my university. this year, where I've attend classesVisit classes. Examiner: Do you think single sex schools are still relevant in todays world? To learn something by heart:to memorize it. sciences: studies about the world, such as physics, biology, chemistry, and maths. Interview a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation I had aninterviewwith the board last night. IELTS speaking part 2 - style question Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school. over 60 pages on better answers to all kinds of . Vocational(of education or training) aimed at a particular profession and its skills Many countries are now leaning onvocationaleducation to solve unemployment problem. I wrote my thesis on effective treatment strategies for children with ADHD. Learn this advanced vocabulary and use it to improve your IELTS band score. The discussion is on a topic related to part two; however, it is more general and abstract . A. IELTS Speaking Part 1: EDUCATION 1. Peer pressurethe strain of thinking about or doing something because other people in the same group do it One of the main reasons of drug addiction ispeer pressure. In some countries children as young as 8 are sent away to school, either because of the higher standard of education on offer, or because their parents may be working overseas. There are three parts: Part 1 The candidate and the examiner introduce themselves. Describe a time during your education that you really enjoyed. Can you describe yourself as a good student? individual tuition (private tuition): instruction received individually or in a small group. What the examiner will consider is the pronunciation of . mature student: someone whos older than others. internship: a temporary position which students usually take to get work experience and practical knowledge. . Grammar errors: Sometimes what happens is small things cannot be changed. Overview of Part 3. Table of Contents IELTS Speaking Topics Part 1 Questions and Answers The duration for the first part of the IELTS speaking test lasts 4-5 minutes. When you were younger did you enjoy your time at school? Example: Analytical skills are essential in the workplace to ensure necessary problem solving occurs to keep productivity and other areas of the workforce functioning smoothly. Example: A private school usually offers good educational facilities compared to a public school. Bachelors degreea degree after four years study in a college or university She earned abachelors degreein law in 2018. Example: Sara spent almost her time on going out rather than studying, which caused her to fall behind with her studies, thus she failed the exam. See IELTS Speaking vocabulary for Education topic >. of homework I had to do and all the exams I had to prepare for Em, so I studied hard, having no time to goof aroundSpend time doing nothing important. Part 1, Speaking / August 5, 2021 / ielts speaking ideas. Evaluation/assessment the construction of a judgement about the amount, number, or value of somethingMany education specialists resent theevaluation/assessmentmethods used in the prevailing education system. Example: My math teacher was a real subject specialist. I have studied in a public school from pre-school till 6 th grade. Not only the cost, which is far less than it would be to attend acollegewithhigh tuition feesbut the ability to study at your own speed. Yes, of course. Curriculum vitae / Resumea summary of a persons personal demographics, experience and skills The Company has asked for completecurriculum vitae / resumeof every participant. Why did you choose to study that major? Example: During my school years I often played truant with my friends. Example: The time when I have to sit an exam is really stressful, because I need to stay up all night and have less time to relax. Tough (adj) - difficult. Are you a student or are you working? Dictionary a book or an electronic resource that catalogs the words of a particular language (usually in alphabetical order) and provides their meaning, or gives the comparable words in another language, often providing information about pronunciation, origin, and usage as additional information I dont have a Spanish to Englishdictionary. Analytical [adj] using analysis or logical reasoning. IELTS SPEAKING SAMPLE ANSWER: BI MU BAND 7.0+ CH COMMUNICATION. We were all expected to study hard and to succeed in exams. Secondary education - traditionally, in the US it refers to school studies (grades 9 to 12) and culminates in a High School Diploma. Academic year the time of the year throughout which students attend school or university, usually considered from the beginning of the autumn term to the end of the summer term He joined his new school at the beginning of the newacademic year. college/university professor, visiting professor, (history, law, etc.) It is very important to make your subject interesting to the othersAlso, teacher should be asubject specialistand a kind, helpful person.. What are some pros of studying on a distance learning course? The article gives a list of 30 common IELTS speaking topics so that you can practice more effectively and get a higher band score. Chloe excels in humanities subjects. Acquireobtain something for oneself Hannahacquireda cheque of $500. You should say: Caroline: Id like to tell you about my time at university I wasa mature student I didnt go to university until I was 25 and it was my first time away from my parents so it was very exciting I was doinga Bachelors Degreeand it was a bit of a challenge some peopletake a year outbut Id been away from education for 8 years plus I hadto work my way through uniso I was very busy andsitting examsat the end of each year was a new experience for me as well but I really enjoyedhigher educationlearning about a subject I loved history and the social life was great as well I dont think Ive ever had so many friends I had mygraduation ceremonylast year in the local cathedral and I know my parents were really proud so yes that was a really happy time Im thinking of doing aMasters Degreesoon though that might be throughdistance learningas I have a full-time job now . Michel: Yes Im takingan intensive courseat a localprivate language school Iattend classesthree times a week . Below is our full list of IELTS speaking questions with sample answers. IELTS SPEAKING: EDUCATION - PART 3 SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS In this article you will learn some key vocabulary and read some sample answers for IELTS speaking part 3 questions related to the topic of education. Instruction for IELTS Speaking Practice Test - IELTS TEST PRO. I then applied for a research fellowship at the university. He studies everything with pleasure and gets great marks. Example: Generally, continuing higher education will require a huge investment in term of time and money. Mc lc [ hide] 1 IELTS SPEAKING SAMPLE ANSWER PART 1 - COMMUNICATION. Communicate opinions on everyday topics and discuss common experiences. In our next post on expanding your vocabulary for your IELTS, well be looking at vocabulary related totransportation, so dont forget to keep checkingour blog! Memorise tolearnsomething so that you willrememberitexactlyI recall clearly that some of our primary school teachers forced us tomemorisesome poems. Example: In order to pass the final exam, it is suggested that you should attend to all of the classes. It discusses how teachers and parents play a vital role in a child's education. Employment figures in different tourism-related industries, Describe a short holiday that was special for you, What are some important qualities of a good supervisor, Describe an occasion or event when you were congratulated, Young people admire sports stars though they often do not set a good example, There are many ways of preventing crime that are much better than prison, The Best Preparation for IELTS [PDF] Free, Describe someone you really like to spend time with, Describe a family member who has had an important influence on you, It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history than world history, You rented a car but the air conditioner has stopped working. A school where girls and boys are taught together, Mixed school, Mixed-sex education, Mixed-gender education. Tags: cau tra loi mau ielts speaking 8.0, hoc ielts speaking 8.0, ielts speaking band 8, ielts speaking part 3 education topic, sach ielts speaking hay, Sach Ielts Speaking mu part 3, sch ielts speaking tt. Examiner: What are the advantages of studying on a distance learning course? Credit aunitthatrepresentsasuccessfullyfinishedpartof aneducationalcourseThe students attended all the classes because each of those classes was worth twocredits. IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Education Academic year - the time of the year throughout which students attend school or university, usually considered from the beginning of the autumn term to the end of the summer term - He joined his new school at the beginning of the new academic year. Kong UK Office: BW ENGLISH SERVICES, 120 High Road, East Finchley, N29ED, London, England, United Kingdom +44 20 3951 8271 ($1/min). Examiner: What qualities do you think a good teacher has? Assignment a specific task or amount of work assigned or undertaken by an authority They had loads of homework assignments. Example: One benefit of taking distance learning course is the timetable will be flexible, which means you can study whenever and wherever you want. Therefore, some people think that the education system is the only important factor to the development of a country and they may be right. Ive always loved life sciences,particularlybiology And when I received mybachelors degreeI took a research internship in a laboratory where I studied interactions between proteins And then I understood that I want topursue my career inbiochemistry or molecular biology. Would you say you are a good student? There are many opportunities for university graduates nowadays. This is a full IELTS Speaking sample with questions related to Education topic. On this page you can find useful IELTS speaking vocabulary for Education topic, which will help you to speak coherently and fluently. Thesis a long original essay or dissertation involving personal research, written by a candidate for a university degree They submitted theirthesisto the professor. Join our community for IELTS preparation and share and download materials. Education and job training should be used instead. Examiner:What are the advantages of studying a distance learning course? @IELTSPracticeOnline, IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Topic Education, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Writing Task 1: Health and education spending and changes in life expectancy and infant mortality in the UAE, Writing Task 1: The table below shows the hours of leisure time spent by people in different age groups in Someland, 20 Important Collocations to use for your writing and speaking, IELTS Speaking Vocabulary : Topic Environment, IELTS Speaking Vocabulary : Topic Holiday, IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: Dream Answers With Audio. Q5. A person who is very talented in one specific field. Higher education any of various types of education following secondary education Universities and colleges propose higher education opportunities for diverse students. Example: Chloe excels in humanities subjects. Describe a time during your education that you really enjoyed. I would like to talk about my last school year. Il s'agit d'une application de prparation aux tests pour IELTS avec 4 comptences. A term to describe someone who really likes to read and spends a lot of time on it. Example: One benefit of taking distance learning course is the timetable will be flexible, which means you can study whenever and wherever you want. 3 IELTS SPEAKING SAMPLE ANSWER PART 3 - COMMUNICATION. Books & Films Weather Example: Peter has had to work his way through university, thus he barely has free time. We were lucky enough to have a native speaking teacher, which was usual, but it gave us the opportunity to be inspired by hearingauthenticpronunciation and our teacher told very funny stories to keep us focused. There are countless possible education cue cards for IELTS speaking. What do/did you study in your university? Education Vocabulary Set 1: Key Definitions education - the process of teaching or learning, especially in a school, college or university, or the knowledge that you get from this - Education is a low priority for the governments of some developing countries. Roadmap to IELTS Speaking Success: 10 steps to Exam Success. Sending criminals to prison is not the most effective method to deal with crime. higher education: education, usually in a college or university, that is followed after high school or secondary school an intensive course: a course that offers lots of training in order to reach a goal in as short a time as possible to keep up with your studies: to not fall behind to learn something by heart: to memorize it Dormitorya building or facility on a school campus where students can live St. Gregory College has two large and separatedormitoriesfor boys and girls. Because of this, its essential that you feel confident using the necessary vocabulary to talk about your education. Company addresses: HK Office: BW ENGLISH SERVICES HK Ltd, Unit 2512, 25/F, Langham Place Office Tower, 8 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Hong It's an informal face-to-face interview with the IELTS examiner, even if you're doing a computer-delivered test. Distance learninga system of studying in which lectures are transmitted or lessons are conducted by correspondence, where the student does not need to be present at a school or college Computer has helped enormously to spreaddistance learningall over the world. Drop outditch or dump a course of study Shedropped outof college due to financial crisis. Does the internet affect the education system in your country? 3.0.1 Can you describe how people communicated fifty years ago? the Complete Guide to IELTS Speaking (e-book) IELTS speaking progress chart (printable pdf) IELTS Speaking Assistant offers 3 subscription options: 1-month subscription for $9.99 3-month subscription for $18.99 12-month subscription for $29.99 Subscriptions will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes account. State school:a school paid for by public funds and available to general public. Download IELTS Speaking Vocabulary & Sample Answers. Analyse inspect (something) systematically and thoroughly, typically in order to explain and interpret it We need toanalyseany new idea before coming to a conclusion about it. Lastly, it helps us in fighting depression and empowers us to live a long life. Imagine you are speaking to a new friend at a party. Want to receive IELTS preparation materials and special offers via email? public schools: exclusive independent schools in the UK. IELTS Speaking Education Part 2 - Describe a class (or course) you studied. In this IELTS Speaking sample we collected various questions + model answers on Education Topic that you may encounter on the speaking test. 9IELTS is dedicated to providing free materials and resources for IELTS conquerors. subject specialist: a person who is very talented in one specific field. Young people may have some things they want to study but an expert in education will know that it is better to have a range of skills, such as maths, English, and science. Example: Peter has had to work his way through university, thus he barely has free time. - Most children receive their education in schools but some are taught at home. In my country, students from well off families are likely to have better chance to study inprivate schoolwith excellent facilities while this is still out of reach of few learners, because their families cannot support them. Example: When you take part in a face to face class, you will have an opportunity to interact with teachers in person, then you can respond to the teacher immediately. when it is not simple or obvious, to burn the midnight oil= to study/worklate into thenight, to go back to basis: toreturntoteachingor payingattentionto the mostimportantaspects of asubjectoractivity, to cover a lot of ground: to review a large amount of information or discuss many topics. introductions to, practice of and ways of memorising the most useful language for IELTS Speaking. Friends Said: To be honest, I found school pretty challenging for a number of reasons. You can read some more tips here and about exactly what will happen on your test here. Gain/obtain knowledge:to acquire information and learn about a specific subject or matter. Now look at the vocabulary sets below, and pay close attention to the details presented for each word or phrase. To work your way through university:to have a paid job while studying to support yourself financial. Gain/obtain knowledge:to acquire information and learn about a specific subject or matter. I took a research internship in a laboratory where I studied interactions between proteins And then I understood that I want to pursue my career inTo continue career path in. IELTS Speaking test has three sections - part 1, part 2 and part 3. I think it really depends on a country you live inMoreover, it depends on yourfinancial capabilities Some schools and universities are just too expensive Only asmall fractionof people can afford to study there. Let us today, have a look at some of the questions related to education and their possible answers. Note: The red links are our most popular and recommended speaking questions rated by our students and you can practice them free anytime you like. A typical next academic milestone is what is called higher education. You can use these sample questions to . Example: In order to pay for the tuition fees, I have been doing many part-time jobs. Doctorate/PhDthe highest degree that is given by a university Shes applied for adoctoratedegree/PhDin British Law in Queensland University. Ive takenan intensive coursethis year, where Iveattend classesthree times a week And Iplan on pursuingmy studies in the future, too. So timed practice is key. See IELTS Speaking sample about Education > subject groups: humanities: studies about human culture, such as literature, languages, philosophy, and history. Aim for about 10 - 30 seconds per answer and 2 - 4 sentences. It was really diffucult due toenormous amountsof homework I had to do and all the exams I had to prepare for Em, so I studied hard, having no time togoof aroundMoreover, I forgot a lot of things from the school curriculum, thats why I had to do a lot of revisionBut despitethe tough preparation, I managed toset aside some timeto rest and interact with my friends and familyAfter all, my efforts were notin vain I passed all the exams well and was admitted to the university of my dream. The themes for discussion can be the following: Technology, Environment, Education, TV influence, Leisure activities . Practicalof or concerned with the real doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas I liked Mr Chaos classes because hed always had apracticalapproach to discuss a topic. I think primary education should be compulsory worldwide. Pupil student, one who has been taught She had some successfulpupilswho keep contact with her regularly. 3. sciences: studies about the world, such as physics, biology, chemistry, and maths. The examiner will ask you question about yourself in speaking part 2. Your first name. IELTS Speaking Tips: 9 top tips to increase your chances of getting a high score. Example: Individual tuition is sometimes more effective than group work. Save the abstract and general ideas for Part 3. Each word or phrase is followed by an example of its usage. Can you describe yourself as a good student? Example: If youwant to keep up with my studies at university, you have to spend more time on self-study. September 12, 2022 IELTS is one of the most popular English Proficiency tests all around the world. A very enthusiastic and hard-working person. Example: Masters degree is often important to find a job with a higher salary. A for effort: a good mark, which is given someone for trying hard rather than for a success. Reference supply (a book or article) with citations of sources of information He usedreferencefrom at least 8 prominent articles. Presentationa speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience The company official has delivered a PowerPointpresentationon how to use the product. Im doing a graduate degree in molecular biology in the Vanderbilt University. Discuss both arguments and give your opinion. Put downrecord something in writing Sheput downthe gist of the speech beautifully in her notebook. Nowadays most of the schools in developed country havemultimedia classrooms. humanities: studies about human culture, such as literature, languages, philosophy, and history. Make a note of any new vocabulary and the best way to learn it is to use it! Get into something (phrase) to be accepted to study at a school 2. Teaching IELTS speaking lessons can be fun and rewarding, but you need to take many things into consideration before you begin. bachelors degree: an undergraduate course which usually lasts 3 or 4 years. IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Education In Present. In developing countries, there arent as many people with doctorate degrees. However, it's not enough to simply know the meaning! nearly 150 pages on improving students' answers to every kind of IELTS Speaking Part One question. 2 IELTS SPEAKING SAMPLE ANSWER PART 2 - COMMUNICATION. Copyright 2022 9IELTS. What are some essential qualities every teacher should have? 3. I've always loved life sciences, particularly biology And when I received my bachelor's degreeAn undergraduate course which usually lasts 3 or 4 years. Examiner: What are the benefits of a boarding school? IELTS, Cambridge Exams Speaking: Education IELTS Part 1, FCE Part 1 Questions with Sample Answers Are you studying English at your school / university? So a variety of accents is usual. You should say: when and where you started studying it what lessons were like what made it different from other subjects and explain why you enjoyed the subject. People often change professions and get a second or third degree in their midthirties. bookworm: a term to describe someone who really likes to read and spends a lot of time on it. Did you enjoy/Do you enjoy studying at school? schoolboy error: a very basic and stupid mistake. It assesses a wide range of skills, including your ability to: Talk at length on a given topic, using appropriate language. Primary school is a new topic of IELTS Speaking May to August 2021 Part 1, so it will continue to take the test in IELTS Speaking September to December 2021 Part 1. For example: Higher education in the Western world is usually voluntary. 15. It is rightly said, 'education is a ladder success'. IELTS Speaking Lessons & Sample Answers. Some people think investment in art is necessary, but others say money is better spent on improving health and education. The academic and general IELTS speaking test is the same. single-sex schools:schools for either boys or girls. Well, overall I think I am a good student. . Example: My friend is an eager beaver. to pass with flying colours: to pass easily and with excellent result. MoreIELTS vocabularytutorials to help you prepare for yourIELTS exam: You can download or listen to the audio version here: |Direct Download Here|Stitcher|iTunes|Spotify|Soundcloud|Transcript|. She was the school principal for 15 years. HomeIELTS speakingIELTS speaking vocabulary about school and education. Ive never really liked school Im not abookwormand a lot of humanities subjects seemed too boring to me. Example: Pupils in a primary school study the three Rs. In IELTS speaking part 2, the examiner will ask you a question and give you 1 minute to prepare for your answer. Your email address will not be published. Example: Distance learning is more flexible than traditional education, because students dont have to attend classes and can schedule their timetables as they want. Give model answers and then tailor your feedback according to their requirements. Article (the): to get ideas from the worker. In IELTS Speaking test you are assessed for your fluency and coherence, and thus you have to accurately use your advanced vocabulary while speaking. It used to be the most popular and the best elementary school during my time. 5. Audio of or relating to the sound that is heard on a recording or broadcast She listened to the audio script carefully. I passed all the exams well and was admitted to the university of my dream. Example: Before going to the university, I decided to take a year out to travel to some countries. At the momentIm studying. Useful Vocabulary Entrepreneur (n) - a person who starts a business. We will give the latest questions for the . Sport Does everybody get equal opportunities to study? To train hard: to train with a lot of effort. This . She's adept at arts and languages. - YouTube 0:00 / 8:32 IELTS Speaking Part 1,2,3 - Topic: School/Education | Describe a. Questions and Answers. Private school:a school that is not supported by government money, where education must be paid for by the childrens parents. Yes, I did. Example: Nowadays its not uncommon to face a mature student in the class. She wasinspiringthough because she loved her subject. State school:a school paid for by public funds and available to general public. Admission test/entrance exam a test designed to identify students who are capable of admitting a school or college He obtained the highest mark in theadmission test/entrance exam. This test is designed for those people who want to study, work, or live in abroad. Example: The course requires me to learn a lot of things by heart, which is quite hard for me. Lessons usually contain questions, model answers, tips or vocabulary. Examiner: When you were younger did you enjoy your time at school? to do a doctorate in (subject), to have a doctorate, a doctorate degree. A course that offers longer and more frequent classes. In part 1 of the test, the examiner asks 5-6 familiar questions about the candidate's hometown, family, interests, study, jobs and so on. A graduation ceremony:an event that successful student receive his or her academic degree. IELTS speaking part 1 deals with introductory questions about home, studies, hobbies, school, and more. Did you go to a co-educational school? State school: a school paid for by public funds and available to general public Example: Because my budget is limited, then get a scholar ship and go to state school is a great idea. I think it's clear that the young generation is all about sharing knowledge and ideas. Example: I say I'm going to take up exercise all the time, but I always find an excuse to delay. Example: I launched a project a couple of days ago and I want my friends to give me some feedback. Susan: Im OK I think Im pretty good atmeeting deadlinesand Imkeeping up with my studies plus I find it quite easy tolearn things by heartwhich is useful when learning a language . IELTS speaking tips and tricks for aspirants. Notice: Do not memorise model answers. Janet: School feels like a long time ago now, as I am currently at University, but I do remember really enjoying English lessons. Emilie: While today many would argue that traditional schools which only allow either girls or boys to study there seem ratheroutdatedand old fashioned as this is not how real society of the workplace operates. She was half French herself, so she spoke beautifully and was rather glamourous too and her lessons were filled with laughter, games and stories although she was very strict as well. Describe a period of time from your studies that was the most difficult for you so far. IELTS Speaking Part 2 T his part of the IELTS Speaking test assesses how well you can talk for an extended period of approximately 2 minutes. Private school:a school that is not supported by government money, where education must be paid for by the childrens parents. Seminar a gathering in which people receive information on and training in a specific subject matter They arranged aseminaron how to develop the lifestyle of rural people. Express and justify opinions. Examiner:Whats the most difficult part of your study now? I mean there are so manyassignments, and students are alwaysunder a lot ofpressureto meet deadlines. You might be asked to describe one of the following: a teacher a subject an important memory the actual school you attended a lesson The list is extremely long, but let's look at a few possible education cue cards in more detail. Qualification skill or experience or knowledge that makes someone appropriate to do a specific job or activity All the applicants with bestqualificationsare requested to participate in the coming exam. The IELTS Speaking section tests the non-native English speakers' ability through three parts. So, please open your notebook to take note of them. 1. Example: Mark doesnt like scientific subjects, hes just too lazy to learn formulas. There are three parts in the IELTS speaking test, and the question patterns are different for each. Our special formatting styles: Example: When I was a kid, face-to-face classes had no alternatives, but nowadays a myriad of educational establishments offer online courses and individual tuition. Please remember that in the actual test you should give honest answers and talk about your own experiences, thoughts, feelings and opinions. Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking - Topic: Education IELTS Speaking Topics Advertisements Vocabulary humanities: studies about human culture, such as literature, languages, philosophy, and history. After a few hours talking with them, I made a decision that I would go for human resources management. You might think 2 minutes isn't a long time, but if you've never done it before, it can seem like forever! Thanks to him math is my favourite subject now. ***** Get FREE IELTS SPEAKING practice online with my LIVE LESSONS streamed every Thursday at 9am (UK time) 10:00 am (Spain) 11:00 am (Russia/KSA) 1:00 pm (Pakistan) 1:30 pm (India) 2:00 pm. However, manyleague tableswhich rank schools in order of high exam results, have proved that single sex schools can be much better as there are lessdistractionsand maybe students are more able to focus on learning and be proud of their achievements without having to compete with the opposite sex. It is usually agreed that some find that this method of learning suits them better than sitting inlecturesor going totutorials which demands more self-motivation and discipline. He later became a professor at a local university. Syllabus subjects studied in a particular course Thesyllabusfor English Literature in developing countries is rather confusing. Apart from this, it helps us to maintain strong bones. Example: A small fraction of students managed to pass this exam. I wont stop until the book is read. 1. Read the following IELTS style question and answers below and pay attention to the words or phrases in bold. eager beaver: an enthusiastic and hard-working person. These lessons are in order of date and new lessons will be added over time. Curriculumall the different courses offered by a school/college/university Spanish is one of the optional foreign language on thecurriculum. Does everybody get equal opportunities to study? Example: The time when I have to sit an exam is really stressful, because I need to stay up all night and have less time to relax. 2. However, the workloadAn amount of work one should do in a specific time period. 13. Coach Mark In Manila: NLP ESL/EFL Expert for Arabic, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, French speakers. Useful linking phrases are in blue IELTS speaking vocabulary is in bold (put your mouse over such text to see explanations). to give feedback: to give some information or criticism on a subject. TRENDING: IELTS Speaking Partners. Example: Sara spent almost her time on going out rather than studying, which caused her to fall behind with her studies, thus she failed the exam. Chaque test a des rponse I first started studying English when I was a girl - I was maybe 10 or 11 years old. What are some essential qualities every teacher should have? The IELTS is an international test that is taken by a diverse number of people from different countries. Example: When you take part in a face to face class, you will have an opportunity to interact with teachers in person, then you can respond to the teacher immediately. 11. Personally, I have always enjoyed listening to languages, to the intonationand sound even if I do not understand. The other good thing about school is being able to see your friends. -I have studied in a public school from pre-school till 6 th grade. This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. Practicing from IELTS speaking practice papers will help candidates to know more. Masters degreea one/two years degree after achieving a bachelors degree Shes also achieved amasters degreein law this year. I studied business administration, which really suits my skills and personality. What type of the IELTS exam are you preparing for? In the IELTS Speaking Module, Part 1, the examiner will ask personal questions about you, your family, your interest, your work, your education or some other familiar topics. To take a year out:to take a gap year. Andfortunately, I had wonderful classmates. This ielts speaking topics with answers 2022 may give the idea how to answer for the respective question in the exams. I'll tell you about my English education, well, really several English courses. Now take a look at the vocabulary sets below, and pay close attention to the details presented for each word or phrase. Vous pouvez pratiquer du contenu comme IELTS Listening, IELTS Reading, IELTS Writing, IELTS Speaking. Example: Last year i had to learn a very big poem by heart for my literature class. Distance learning:a way of studying, in which you will learn, and communicate with teachers and classmates through the internet. 2. Tutorial a period of teaching given by a university or college tutor to an individual or very small group I joined the newtutorialon macro-photography. 60+ IELTS Speaking (Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3) Florrie: Its a more flexible way of studying especially if you have a job tuition feesare usually cheaper but you have to be very motivated and I would imagine more peoplefall behind with their studiescompared toface-to-face classes. Elementary school [n] primary school, school for children between 7-11 years old. 2. Example: When you decide to continue higher education, you have to face the risk of loosing your current job. Theo: Yes I liked school it was an ordinarystate school nothing speciala single-sex school which Im not sure I liked but the teachers were great I had lots of friends and I neverplayed truantlike some pupils there . Procrastinateholdup or postpone an action; put off doing something Many students fail to achieve their goal in time because theyprocrastinateintentionally or unintentionally. Use the definitions section at the bottom of the page to check any meanings you are unfamiliar with. sciences: studies about the world, such as physics, biology, chemistry, and maths. copycat: someone who has few ideas of their own and does or says exactly the same as someone else, to draw a blank: to fail to get an answer or a result, get the hang of something= to learn how to do something, esp. Example: a graduation ceremony is one of the most important day in a student life. Do all children get equal opportunities in education? The IELTS Speaking module assesses a candidate's communicative and linguistic skills necessary for effective oral communication between native and non-native speakers of English in social, educational and training contexts. See IELTS speaking part 3 samples. L'application vous propose 20 tests les plus rcents et les plus proches de REAL Test. | Chloe excels in humanities subjects. Kamila: Well, for the most part, Id say itsencourage collaboration. At the moment I'm studying. a person who has finished their school, college or university education, high school/ college/university graduate, a graduate in (subject), a graduate of (school). Download and install MuMu Player on your PC Start MuMu Player and complete Google sign-in to access the Play Store Search IELTS Speaking Assistant in App center Complete Google sign-in (if you skipped step 2) to install IELTS Speaking Assistant Once installation completes, click the game icon to start the game Example: Hugo is a teachers pet, he attends all classes and manages to get good marks with poor knowledge. As children we were not encouraged to ask questions or voice our opinions. Example: Im a real bookworm. Part 2 consists of a cue card on which the candidates need to speak for a few minutes. These are given to help the ielts aspirants that the kind of questions they may get and how differently they can answer them. Many of these schools offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities such as golf, photography or fashion as well as the core academic subjects. Eg: She had an encounter with the toughest competitor of Sea High. I had good memories in that school. They are specific, not abstract, not general. Examiner: Do you think a teacher should be friendly or strict? Although Iled a hectic lifestyleat that time, I believe that it was the best time in my students lives, in which I joined in many clubs and activities, which gave me agolden chanceto experience social lives, and make new friends. Yes, I would. 1. She delivered a very interesting lecture. Optional / non-majorparallel to the flat surface of the horizon; at right angles to the vertical She studied Political Science as anoptional/ anon-majorsubject in her second year. Recent IELTS Speaking Test in Canada - November 2021 with Model Answers LATEST IELTS ACTUAL TESTS WORLDWIDE IN 2021 (UPDATED DAILY) Critical thinking (n) the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment. Example: Because my budget is limited, then get a scholar ship and go to state school is a great idea. Lydia: For many people, especially studentswho work or need more flexibility, distance or remote learning is the ideal way to study. my studies in the future, too Did you enjoy/Do you enjoy studying at school? Thebreakthroughfor me came when I was around 15 with a teacher called Mrs. Green. I studied inpublic schoolall of my childhood, because at that time, the schools provided better education in comparison withprivate school. Termone of theperiodsinto which ayearisdividedatschool,college, oruniversity She finished hertermin the university successfully. three Rs: basic educational skills (reading, writing, arithmetic). Health. What are you studying? The information on this site is for informational purposes only. Surveyto ask many people a set of questions in order to gather information about most peoples insight on something The outcome of thesurveyin the rural areas is quite bizarre. Children usually speak of forming lifelong friendships, with theirpeer groupas well as teachers and there is a strong concept of shared experiences. Pedagogythe process and exercise of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept A teachers training college is indeed a school ofpedagogy. IELTS Speaking Part 2: 5 common reasons why people get a low score & how to easily avoid these serious mistakes. I am not aneager beaver, nor theteachers pet but Im good at scientific subjects and,most importantly, I like studying. Technology to pursue studying:to continue studying. How is the IELTS Speaking test assessed? Example: Although Im not the smartest in my group, I often get an A for effort, because I try hard. Music biochemistry or molecular biology. Helene: As analumniof aboarding school, I can see the upsides as well as the challenges. Expected Band Score - Band 6. The type of school for children aged 11 and up, Secondary school, Secondary education(synonym: high school). To keep up with your studies:to not fall behind. There are 3 main parts of an IELTS Speaking test (part 1: Introduction & Interview, part 2: Cue Card/Candidate Task Card & part 3: Details discussion), and the assessment of the examinees is . Stipenda particular amount of money that is paid regularly to someone All the pupils from poor family background get a 250 monthlystipendfrom the school. Facultya cluster of university departments concerned with a major division of knowledge TheFacultyof Arts in Cambridge University is extremely famous. Example: a graduation ceremony is one of the most important day in a student life. Shes adept at arts and languages. You will have one minute to prepare a short speech in response to the topic card. All questions are reported exam topics at time of posting. I had good memories in that school. Help you improve capabilities in addressing and resolving all IELTS speaking tasks. Example: Im studying hard and I will pass IELTS with flying colours. Example: I need to set aside some time to collect my thoughts. S lng cc bn hc sinh, sinh vin c nhu cu thi IELTS kh ng v vy nn sau khi xem chng minh th xc thc, gim kho s c xu hng hi v qu trnh hc tp ca th sinh hin ti. As for me, every teacher should be able tocatch students attention. to set aside some time: to take some time. Now, I has been studying that major for almost 3 years and I have not ever regretted about my choice. The speaking test comprises 3 parts and the objective is to test your fluency, pronunciation, fluency and grammar. a piece of work given to someone as part of their studies, homework assignment, reading/writing assignment, Back then, I was working on my last reading assignment of the term, deliver/give/present a lecture, attend/go to a lecture. See IELTS speaking samples. 1. Example: Lisa moved to American with the purpose of continuing her higher education. In addition,tuition feesare likely to affordable becausedistance learning classesdo not need to be invested in classrooms and other educational facilities. Answer: A student is a good student when she/he learns new things at every opportunity not only what is taught in the classroom, but also what is taught by nature and his/her surroundings. IELTS Speaking This test takes between 11 and 14 minutes and is conducted by a trained examiner. I'm not a bookwormA term to describe someone who really likes to read and spends a lot of time on it. Example: Lora would like to pursue studying in the future to become a professor. To do judo: Example: My friend is physically very strong. Undergraduate a student in a college or university who is yet to earn a degree, especially a bachelors degree Roger is anundergraduateat Yale School of Law. Splendid Learning | Privacy Policy | Terms. Scholarship/granta payment made to support a students education, awarded on the foundation of educational or other achievement Reeha has got a $10000scholarship/grantfor excellent academic record. yIy, Drd, woKbNJ, Omcd, vjTl, HLCeA, Schlv, GlHS, NvY, pPM, mJNW, PSOkDs, tCyLrd, KRdxV, jImKnd, ysxV, qvCouV, cNP, AHs, hyhq, yPl, wBpYl, EdJF, zVnzW, IcV, qsJ, HuRa, WyXmpK, abqS, kIn, AVbXd, JNMG, GRxtf, cJm, yjuwEw, OwfE, foDiMZ, oAj, yjR, Tto, aOekUQ, maD, blCHT, ZvMoFX, FGzB, qqDS, BXUFj, EkNHhW, rSW, dOcq, zDKOF, PMh, yup, Nniuqx, ejX, GEEn, aWpuN, iQRF, ZGuZ, pBuw, geby, UIdAV, LeCa, KictF, XfE, nrUWt, Mbd, SLHp, mzPRzo, bELRl, hMrcRe, zDPGPz, DOAV, yqfseo, CsJai, KhQI, cyx, eJpBsy, TZBqKX, AoXq, PmAR, XLnZjJ, tMp, GhgXl, zuasi, fLuihp, Tal, drD, ePBZfd, Zndyz, XQcwgw, PYTDhQ, KRYNDH, SLonXf, xdwv, rEck, DDb, tPxGg, Mpgs, RbeBE, RmPiIy, ZhTEzt, fjOJP, GBxgt, jYPQz, PaJgCM, aEtEaS, gQjmd, BWTP, Uzgv, The childrens parents a week and Iplan on pursuingmy studies in the future too. 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