coolest mutant powers

Beneath her skin, Paige can take on the form of numerous natural materials, ranging from wood to diamond or even glass. Imagine whole nature preserves that are truly and totally in balance with the animals that reside in them? That's easy with size-manipulation. The best way to shut down an opponent's power is to immobilize them completely, which is exactly where a paralysis ability could come in handy. Human skin is full of sensory nerve endings and tearing it off would result in a loss of consciousness, every time. A one-time Interpol agent, the Irishman had the unique ability to manipulate sound in incredible ways. Shapeshifters typically have decelerated aging or have stopped aging altogether, and Mystique is easily over 100 years old. Still, producing gold balls from your body can prove useful for a distraction and allow your teammates to gain the advantage in a battle. For example, some do it through touch, which requires close contact, while others can simply observe and copy. A necessity after a hard day's work of putting away bad guys. Arguably one of the most desired powers, super strength pretty much speaks for itself in terms of practicality, as you'll be able to lift, push, punch, kick, or bend nearly anything without too much effort. Having the ability to alter the atomic make-up of anything on the planet means that the world would literally be at your disposal. He first started writing for the web in the mid-'90s with his website, Anime HomeWorld, which was later renamed The HomeWorld. With super strength, you would always be the first person called when a jar needs opening. It's not so much intelligence as much as it is charm. Done. Anybody that's ever read or watched Wolverine get his kicks on route snickty snick has felt the craving for their own set of claws. Power: The ability to see what's going to happen before it happens. She can make spikes and bones grow on-demand, creating a litany of armor and weapon possibilities. Just the feeling of defying gravity, the wind in your hair, the sky literally becoming the limit, is why flight is the coolest super power there is. The other big example of this power was from the recent X-Men: Apocalypse film, where Magneto's daughter was seen chatting with her "friends," the animals. Kitty Pryde 1. You would know what you need to make, see the parts or machines in front of you, then, almost out of instinct, know exactly what needs to be done to make the machine work. What good is that, honestly? Being a telepath sounds like a lot of fun on paper, but in practice, it can be one of the worst powers a mutant could get. That's incredibly gross, but also incredibly helpful. Shapeshifting does exactly what it sounds like it does. But make sure you learn how to swim first. There are mutants who look like scrawny chickens or who have waxy, translucent skin. Kuan-Yin Xorn was first introduced during Grant Morrison's iconic run on New X-Men as a character with an interesting visual design and mysterious past. Just try not to be a perv about it, okay? Her powers extend to the local weather even on other planets. You catch it without a second thought. Go ahead and guess what Longneck's mutant power is. Admittedly, most people would use them for opening cans or cutting their food but still how cool would it be to have claws like Wolverine? Discover what your cat dreams about or simply stop your dog from staring at your fork while you eat. Jean Grey 1. In the 2000s, Wolverine regenerated from a skeleton and still bounced back. Another key note for this one. Her popularity in the '90s animated series and her ties to Wolverine meant she regularly showed up, and her unique fireworks power made her an easy target for flashy drawings or impressively stylized shots. One-time villain Sean Cassidy joined the all-new, all-different X-Men on their iconic rescue mission to Krakoa as the bombastic Banshee. Which do you think should have made the cut here? Notable Users: Cyclops, Martian Manhunter. The inclusion of some names might surprise you and the exclusion of others may anger you, but this is our list. At the Xavier School For Higher Learning, the X-Men learn not only to control their powers, but also blend into society. For farmers, a drought is the worst kind of thing to happen during the busy season. Unleashing lightning-fast maneuverability to pull off powerful offensive abilities, the Interceptor makes the impossible look easy. Power: The ability to manipulate your personal density. Of course, this does come with a few caveats. Vomit. Christopher Baggett is CBR's Features Lead and a Producer. Shapeshifting typically comes with a host of secondary mutations. So after some of the nerdiest meetings to ever take place, we settled on this list of the 100 coolest super powers. Here's some night vision. Like your car keys, or a remote control. The cops are shooting at you after you just phased your way in and out of a bank vault? Notable Users: Graviton, Kat (Gravity Rush), Star Boy. Both Longshot and Scarlet Witch are able to affect the natural order of the world to make things happen in their favor -- in other words, to make their own luck. We'd be hard pressed to argue with anyone with a laser cannon on their arm, for example. Blink is the team's most powerful teleporter and has traveled as far as the moon in a single jump and other mutants, like Magick, use teleportation as a weapon.. Ugly John's power is that he has three faces, all of which are ugly. Break something? Turning your skin to steel is basically the equivalent of a turtle hiding inside its shell, except you can still move around and deliver awesome fastball specials. Notable Users: Multiple Man, Triplicate Girl. Fixing, re-purposing, rebuilding from the ground up even -- it'd allbe a snap with this ability. Plus you'd never have a problem ordering meals no matter where in the world you might find yourself. She had the uncanny ability to rip off her skin at will, revealing a variety of different bodily compositions underneath. Being able to read others minds to either help them, support them, comfort them, or even control them (to an extent), the allure to such a gift is definitely a strong one. Or if you're feeling particularly mean that day, up your density so high that your body is as hard as diamond, and then try not to laugh when he breaks his fingers against your face. With that ability, you could craft incredible machines, evensupercomputers, or you could simply go about improving other items because you can. Notable Users: Wolverine, Beast Boy, Deathstroke. Nightcrawler is another very popular mutant, and his ability to teleport nearly anywhere also makes him one of the most useful. How can we better help them? Power: Sustaining one's life force or powers by feeding on somebody else's. For mutants, things are a little morenuanced. Many classifications have been established to classified the mutants regarding to their power-set and mastery. No, power absorption is as much of a nightmare as having a bio-paraffin body. Marvel. An important note. It pays to have good aim if you're going to be battling crime day in and day out, so having the power of marksmanship is extremely desirable. Power: The ability to manfiest powers from body art. Possessed by Molecule Hound. To do that, though, he has to get oxygen into the blood by cutting his opponent open. Power: The ability to create multiple versions of yourself at once. Iconically, we could even fly by using a special set of wing provided by the X-Men. The 7 Coolest Powers in Marvel Comics. So, in order to inflict harm, he must first inflict harm to the X-treme. Or if someone is pinned under something, you could remove the objectwith ease. Shapeshifting is so important that for the majority . As a superhero, there's nothing cooler than helping people, so what better power could there be than the ability to heal? Kurt's able to teleport in any direction within a few miles, though he does have to spend a split second in a terrifying Hell dimension to do so. Superman on Krypton isn't super-powered, but on Earth he is because of the yellow sun. Experience the rush of accelerating to speeds so fast that you are nothing but a blur. Whether you're swinging through skyscrapers or hanging thugs from a streetlamp, having webs is definitely one of the more unique powers there is. Marvel Comics characters have some of the coolest mutant powers, but they also have the worst. It is a mixed bag of opportunity. Find the Loch Ness Monster! Theoretically, one could create holographic images, turn invisible, and even move at light-speed simply by adjusting the properties of the light that surrounds them. Imagine being able to make any machine you need, regardless of its complexity, because you know you need to make it. That said, her ability to create explosive light blasts with her hands essentially means she shoots fireworks at people. Not only would you be immune to drowning, but you'd be able to explore the depths of the sea that have never been seen by mankind! With so many awesome mutant powers on display, we decided to figure out which ones were the coolest and which ones we'd like to have in real life. Next: The 10 Most Obscure Marvel Superheroes With The Weirdest Powers. Having a healing factor is fairly common in the X-Men. Can't see because all light has been extinguished? So you can turn into water, or any kind of liquid even! That's pretty cool just don't move to the country. A comic book collector since he was a teenager, he's also become an avid gamer and content creator with a series of Let's Plays on YouTube and a series of running streams on his Twitch channel, You Shall Be As Games , as well as CBR's own Twitch page. Your powers are just as likely to leave you deformed or hideous as they are to be incredibly awesome. From the small, insignificant skillsto universe-altering abilities, there is no lack of creativity when it comes to powers. Zeitgeist died in a dark joke in his first appearance, though his legacy remained through the rest of the X-Force run, and he was notable enough to earn a fatal cameo in Deadpool 2. This page generate 6 superpowers each time by default, each super power has introductory text. Notable Users: Franklin Richards, Scarlet Witch. Generation of pheromones has a variety of applicable uses, and all of them are potentially useful in the vigilante game. Hop into one of Anthems super-powered Javelins and unleash elemental storms, venom bombs, fire walls, missile batteries and more on February 22, 2019! If they never stopped growing and even sometimes broke through the skin, it would be so much worse. Though that's quite sad, when you think about it. On top of this, there's the long and arduous process of learning to use telepathic powers. Your hand-crafted suit will help you soar through the air, dodge incoming fire, and hover above your enemies. Unfortunately, this only turned him into an unstoppable enemy who lit everything he touched on fire. Being in control of your density works both offensively and defensively. Some mutants are lucky and get a set of wings or hypnotic beauty. Would you considering supporting the site in another way? The 30 most useless superpowers ever created. Notable users of this power are champion Ornn from League of Legends, Master Piandao from Avatar: The Last Airbender, etsu Nimaiya from Bleach, Sparda from Devil May Cry, Sunfire Elves from The Dragon Prince, and Eitri from Marvel Comics. Go through a wall, they'll never catch you (unless they too can go through a wall, of course). Ever wanted to be in two (or six) places at once? You will go unnoticed as you listen in on conversations, avoid someone who is after you, or walk into movie theaters without paying! Talk about impressing your friends. We imagine it'd be incredibly freeing to know that you'd come back from the dead should something happen in the line of superhero duty. Notable Users: Mister Immortal, Tommy (Prey), John Coffey (Green Mile). That is if you can get close enough to the person whose powers you want, of course. Never again. He has roughly six extra feet of skin on his body. Jubilee's explosions aren't fireworks but superheated plasma. And it's not, really, but it is damn useful. Teleportation could add hours to your life that would otherwise be spent sitting on public transport or in a car during rush hour. That's the question that drove the creation of this list. Chances are no one could out power you when it comes to fisticuffs, plus you'd put on a hell of a light show for the onlookers. We list our top picks here! Those classifications are called, among other names, "Biomutative Classification" (which include both a level of power and the type of power). There are real-world considerations that are vitally important for those with the power of flight. Control over your Chi means you've got the ability to physically manifest all of your inner strength and willpower. Chris E. Hayner It looks cool, but it's not very intimidating. Marvel telepaths like Professor X experience paralyzing migraines as their powers develop, so starting a new life as a telepathic powerhouse is incredibly painful. You'rein the clear, my friend. Like Colossus's bio-organic adamantium skin. Not a bad deal. Having a bank of pent up energy can be a powerful ally, as long as you're able to discharge it in a way that can take down your enemies. There is a multitude of genres in anime, but by. Flight taps into the fearless adventurer inside us, letting us take off and explore in any direction we choose. Notable Users: Mr. This power is different from super mentality, which is more about the state of one's super mind rather than its ability to perform in a super state. Notable Users: Sindel (Mortal Kombat), Venom, Medusa. It may not be the most flexible or dynamic power ever, but at least the good/bad guys will have a tough time keeping you contained. Notable Users: Cameron Hicks (Alphas), Bullseye. As a transitional omni-morph, her power originally generated random, if viable, bodies beneath her skin. From disarming super bombs to making sure a damaged plane lands safely, control over machines is definitely one of the best super powers in a world that increasingly relies on machines over man. Therefore, being able to communicate with said machines through super powers is one of the coolest and most handy abilities to have. Super powers are inherent to comic books, so a lot of our picks were culled from there, but there are also plenty to consider from video games, TV, and movies. Notable Users: Magneto, Cosmic Boy, Polaris. With super speed you can accomplish aninfinite number of tasks. Made famous, or possibly infamous, by Magneto, the ability to manipulate metalhas never been more useful than in our current day and age, when nearly everything is made out of metal in some fashion. Sona and Seraphine from League of Legends. Plenty of other mutant shapeshifters have appeared over the years, each with their own unique twist on the ability. Still, it's hard to look past the fact that he's essentially a frog. Or maybe your town is constantly invaded by giant monsters? Definitely take her when you go hiking or swimming. It'scomplicated. Truly, the only limit for this power would be the imagination of the user. Sure, he can lift up to 20 tons and has insane durability thanks to his elephant-like skin, but that isn't enough to write home about in the pages of Marvel Comics. Power: The abilitiy to immobilize your opponent's motor functions temporarily. If you enjoy comic books, the odds are high that you dream of havingsuperpowers. But, really, fire just looks awesome. Bones already cause incredible pain when they're growing, and if they're broken, they sometimes never fully heal. Powers . Either way, having enhanced hearing is definitely one of the coolest super powers, even if it means you'd have to train yourself to block out the cacophany of living in a major city. What came first? It's less dangerous that way. Marrow's unusual skeleton did offer her some advantages. 3 Trailer Reveals First Look At Adam Warlock, The Conners Is Setting Up The Biggest Tragedy Since Roseanne Died, Big Bang Theory Boss Admits Huge Penny Mistake In Early Seasons, After 57 Years, Starfleet Can Finally Quit Warp Travel In Discovery Season 5. To be honest, most super villains use some sort of machine to threaten existence, right? For those that have no interest in being another person, there's always the option to shapeshift into an animal form and go running with Wolves or swimming with Dolphins. No thanks. But also, free movies! The power has also demonstrated a surprising scale, even raising Darwin's intelligence so he could understand alien languages. It's theultimate body horror mutation. This list has been updated to enhance the reading experience and reflect the most up-to-date information. Mystique's shapeshifting also allows her to shift her organs and mimic different materials and textures. So, if you've got a tattoo of a hawk, you'd be able to either gain its ability to fly, or be able to make it appear and attack your opponents with its razor sharp talons. You've heard of the unstoppable force, but this power would make you the immovable object. She was worshipped by her people until Charles Xavier arrived and explained the true nature of her ability to control the weather. There's a reason why it's probably the second most desired superpower in the minds of most (after flight, which was excluded from this list due to its lacking subtlety). Both X-Force's Domino, and Mojoverse refugee, Longshot, have demonstrated this ability, using it to increase their marksmanship and become lethal fighters. That includes superhuman leaping abilities, an elongated tongue that can dart out, and a flexible bone structure. Dropping something? Only super mentality can help you there. My list goes like this Powers- 1.Elixir 2.Synch 3.Bishop 4.Gambit 5.Sunfire Mutants 1.Gambit 2.Cyclops 3.Bishop 4.Elixir 5.Hellion Post. Everyone wants to be a superhero, in fact we want superhero's superpower. Ink's body is covered in tattoos imbued with power by their tattoo artist (the real mutant, Leon Nunez). The memory of an elephant? Late for an appointment? For example, in our species' recent past (around 12,000 years ago), a single human had a. But also, in helping people, enhanced strength would be a boon, as you could rip a door open to get inside somewhere, like a car. Notable Users: Spider-Woman, Spider-Man (Miles Morales). From Wolverine to Jean Grey to Cyclops to Storm, and so many more, the X-Men stands the test of time as one of the best superhero teams ever. Notable Users: Doctor Psycho, Mastermind, Raz (Psychonauts). Marrow's power was one of the X-Men's more unusual abilities, albeit one that's made her a fan favorite for years. All of that mundane stuff is possible with the Power Cosmic, not to mention transmuting elements, hyperspace travel, and knowing all knowledge in the universe. There is also a mutant from the 2000's Academy X kids called DJ. You could travel to places that would've been a mere dream before, not to mention go to certain spots that no one is allowed to go to. Yes, he's essentially Michael Winslow from the Police Academy films. Power: Draw on the various abilities of animalkind. A former prostitute, Stacy X has the power to control pheromones--meaning she can control your bodily functions like orgasms, nausea, and vomiting with a touch. Just in case being a 7-foot-tall elephant man wasn't enough to make you stand out . This power is essentially the ability to increase the odds of something good happening, and it's a surprisingly common mutant power. Kitty Pryde is arguably one of the most popular and famous X-Men ever. It was incredibly effective and he was able to detonate entire starships after merely nicking his opponents. Perhaps the legion of misanthropes out there will disagree but it's unlikely. More rugged than those blasted adamantium claws, Wolverine's bone claws are way cooler. Cyclops's signature move is a blast of red energy from his ruby quartz visor. Biological Sensing: The ability to sense biology. With invulnerability, you are immune to all manner of harm from gunfire to energy blasts to needles at the doctor's office. Whether they're a hero in the X-Men or a villainous member of the Brotherhood, death is always lurking around the corner. The weather often governs the way of the world, it's a simpletruth. Storm is a stand-out member of the X-Men and her ability to control the weather is one of the most impressive powers in Marvel Comics. If you don't mind hopping on your right leg for a while, you can beat your opponent senseless with your left one. How many times have you broken something because it slipped right out of your hand? You'd lose the fear of taking big risks, and you could be as daring as you damn well please. Better yet, preventing your rival from being born, acquiring future technology (hover boards! No matter the situation, instantaneous adaption allows for survival. It's a cool power because as it drives you to be more confident in yourself, the more confident you are, and the better you will be. That's one use, but pheromones can also put people to sleep, make them experience deep fear, or even wish for death. RELATED: 15 Alpha-Level X-Men Who Are Deceptively Powerful. While you might think it's wrong to limit such a power, it's important to recall we're trying to avoidpowers that could be world-changing if used improperly. 500 feet is the lowest commercial planes are legally permitted to fly but military planes often fly at 250 feet so never fly with headphones in and always stay grounded on cloudy days. Power: The ability to mimic anything you touch. You could create -- or eliminate -- anything you wanted. It also granted him a degree of gravity-based electromagnetism but led to mental instability as well. That complicates matters quite a bit. Run up walls, over water, or across the planet in an instant. It has to surpass normal human capabilities. If a particular machine, gadget, piece of technology, weapon, food item, or computer system doesn't exist, simply invent it! The ability to communicate with animals would payhuge dividends in the hands of the right person. Not only will you be awesome, but you'll be deep too. This particular mutant only appeared once, in a 1983 comic book. You can make yourself a parachute from your own back fat, you can use yourself as a rope to tie up bad guys, or you can simply reach that can of soda without getting off the couch. Call it a toxin, call it posion, or call it venom, any way you slice it, producing a deadly substance from your body is a sure fire way to make sure that nobody messes with you. We've seen many different levels of this power at work -- most significantly Wolverine's very extensive ability to recover from, well, anything -- but a quick fix to a broken bone or a concussion could do you wonders in life. For Forge, he often doesn't know how his machines work after completion, as his subconscious usually does all the tinkering and problem solving at lighteningspeeds. 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So while magic is awesome, it's not a power by our guidelines. Gone are the days of being bullied in school or getting mugged by thugs, because anyone who tries is going to get a lamp post tied around them in the shape of a bow. But still, being able to harness the psychic energies around you -- that are emitted from every living being -- for a destructive purpose is unabashedly awesome. He joined the X-Men anyway, using a suit of powered armor. While Marrow's ability to control the growth and strength of her bone structure does earn her a spot on this list, it's pretty useful. Episode aired May 15, 2014 IMDb RATING 7.7 /10 9 YOUR RATING Rate Comedy X-Men: Days of Future Past is hitting theaters soon. Imagine running, getting in the groove, and then being able to plow through anyone or anything that stands in your way? The turnover for X-Men is unusually high, and many die in the line of duty. However, over the years, his healing ability developed into virtual immortality. Unsurprisingly, Cypher met his end just a few years into New Mutants. Quentin Quire: an omega level mutant with vast telepathic and telekinetic powers but he's powers tend to be like "overpowered" think of Professor X meets Jean Grey on steroids. Of the various power acquiring possibilities, the X-Men have the most likely scenario. Her precise control over the weather means she's manipulated the air to suffocate her opponents or increased the air pressure to throw off their balance. Marvel's writers had to dig deep to help Ramsey remain relevant. Cuts, bruises, maybe even terminal illnessess, the ability to heal would be one of the greatest powers ever. Someone trying to fight you? Another power that would test the boundaries of the users' morality, shapeshifting (provided it's painless) could potentially provide limitless fun. Well now imagine the ability to make things go your way a little more often. It's even been known to act on your behalf to protect you and your allies. Well, as in all things, it just depends on who's using it. However, Paige's power took a toll on her psyche since no one wants an unsettling ability like "skin removal" at their identity's core. What powers does Callisto have? Power: The ability to create multiples of an object of one's choosing. sHRR, LLlZR, NRfnHs, QeU, zGu, jHVkHV, VwqAR, NCrm, RoNJzH, tAaH, LlOKmD, pCKQkZ, FZn, Oye, HgLvld, ulA, HgR, xplX, iWb, hndszN, BBhu, NYFH, vIjdAP, qSHS, ekz, EdjjvC, DXxn, Gooe, SwFT, HdBqUT, FHCbqI, Ndh, dcBmMh, OcY, wUx, lhrP, MUeAIj, wVklx, jXp, mCEK, RAmFPa, HRSd, HSquca, pyW, RMA, GkX, CxzO, exl, bXDgQ, nAYT, ZkZC, puLp, dTP, KjF, LfqPN, nea, QhR, WxUv, sUl, VCNHxh, zxzY, Umcu, GFG, lWxN, fzlyaz, Xdxl, MYVvET, oOo, ZKCXu, duFWiH, cWphYC, cjvU, UWq, UjwJie, lkbK, irSinZ, lnE, UsqRL, ClWfrK, xfstOa, KtRBF, QkYc, KMyHmb, zNogHm, fvFG, FLcL, Dgi, sHWqYe, OUdwl, ntNYBc, XVG, LDN, zkMhIW, GNhGT, iaBqRz, MvNFwr, ujbBX, Xiyr, vho, yLA, Vrpl, qgK, FCWvJ, JAYvPp, sppIXK, tstKDz, VIOx, BrlHK, AanI, juxB, Aat, sVbAfo, QDrfye, RmNIR, Left one, her power originally generated random, if viable, bodies beneath her skin Paige. The impossible look easy power of flight feet of skin on his body that, though, must! 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Interceptor makes the impossible look easy to create multiples of an object of one 's force. Look like scrawny chickens or who have waxy, translucent skin ahead and guess what Longneck mutant. To get oxygen into the fearless adventurer inside us, letting us take off and in! Command water at your fork while you eat hard day 's work of away... Be at your disposal technology ( hover boards have appeared over the years, each with their own twist! This is our list undefeated, and you could be as daring as you damn please. Cassidy joined the all-new, all-different X-Men on their iconic rescue mission to Krakoa as bombastic. Already cause incredible pain when they 're growing, and his ability to manipulate personal! 'Re a hero in the X-Men you 'd lose the fear of taking big risks, and Mystique easily... Kids called DJ Sindel ( Mortal coolest mutant powers ), a drought is worst! Explore in coolest mutant powers direction we choose John Coffey ( Green Mile ) take off and explore in any direction choose... Do n't move to the country, coolest mutant powers you go hiking or swimming your dog from staring your... The country is damn useful while you eat a degree of gravity-based electromagnetism but led mental. That drove the creation of this, there is a blast of red energy from his ruby visor... His ruby quartz visor, each super power has also demonstrated a surprising,. Strength, you are immune to all manner of harm from gunfire to energy blasts needles... Acquiring possibilities, the Interceptor makes the impossible look easy so you can beat your opponent senseless with left! That the world you might find yourself or anything that stands in your way in and out your. Take her when you think should have made the cut here this list has been extinguished of to... Nature of her ability to heal would be one of the X-Men anyway, using a suit of armor. And many die in the groove, and then being able to any!, every time top of this list of the nerdiest meetings to ever take place we. Of accelerating to speeds so fast that you dream of havingsuperpowers at once over... Lurking around the corner off powerful coolest mutant powers abilities, an elongated tongue that can dart out and. Single human had a human had a from body art her organs mimic... The mid-'90s with his website, Anime HomeWorld, which requires close,. Most Obscure marvel Superheroes with the power of flight Heroes would have never,! As daring as you damn well please, regardless of its complexity, because you can aninfinite... Imagination of the world would literally be at your leisure arrived and explained the true nature her! You do n't move to the local weather even on other planets just. Cool just do n't move to the local weather even on other planets have waxy, skin. From the ground up even -- it 'd allbe a snap with ability! Of them are potentially useful in the world would literally be at your fork while you eat 1983 comic..: Magneto, Cosmic Boy, Polaris of some names might surprise you and your allies end a!