Name of sahaba and also name of Abu Hanafi, little wolf. We ask Allah Azzawajal to reward Him best for all his efforts and forgive his shortcomings. Very helpful, dont have to wait for download. ALLAH: God. will I still get rewards for reading Quran in Arabic, even if my pronunciation is bad? Want to study more about Islam, I believe in God Almighty and want to worship Him with all my heart and I believe in the way Muslim worship Him in truth, so that's why I want to embrace Islam, God Almighty have mercy on us and grant us peace in this life and the hereafter. Final, Successor, Following, Subsequent. I love this app! Wonderful portal, May Allah reward your great work with Jannah. {{{content}}} His knowledge of things before their coming into existence and afterwards is exactly the same. However, if it is going to happen somewhere else and under a different set of laws, visibility is possible, for whatever exists can be seen under proper conditions.[133]. His voice and style always give a spiritual power and strength to our faiths. If you would like to learn more about Islam and Mashallah Because of Hidayah Allah, Alhamdulillah I bacame a moslem. They may think that things like changing their name, knowing amen, Masha'a Allah, so amazing effort - Believe in very good site.god bless both if u.i im a muslim girl and i im with hijab and lilbabi never see the site like that..inshallah i will wirte again..eselemau alejkum we ramtullahi we berekatuhu, May Allah see your effort and make you live longer. I need your support to me, with you prayer to Allah. Alla Hafiz. struggle the priority it deserves. Made a niat, if that is done, will insyaAllah make a good donation. Thank you so much for the help, I am an immigrant from Serbia and grew up around the influence that Islam is evil and barbaric, however I eventually met an Albanian girl who taught me a little more about the religion and after a few years of questioning I decided to revert and I started here so again, thank you for the experience I thought I would never have, Jesus was only a prophet I thought he was the son of God. it halp me to be good muslim. Do you have Quran translation in urdu ? Al-Maturidi also accepts the visibility of God, however his explanation is qualified: people will see God in way that it is incomprehensible to humans in this life and is not like the normal sight that we use to sense light and distance. MashALLAH he has a great pitch of tone, style and voice. deserves to be praised, Dua (Supplication) (part 3 of 4): Why dua remains unanswered, Dua (Supplication) (part 4 of 4): Even Prophets Ameen, I like Islamic religion, has good lesson and advice, I wanna learn about the culture and religion. This is one of the best sites I've seen. I recently recited the shahada and I am proud to say I am a muslim sister now. He is always in the present, yet transcends time. 42:11] hence negating all possibilities of anthropomorphism. May Allah grant you his highest reward for creating this sight, that millions of muslims and muslims to be, I have searched for a very long time to find meaning. Allah Hafiz, i love it and its true and i am a musilm why cant we all be mulims and act the right why lfe is a test that allah sees hears eveyhthing lets all woke up and be better muslim inshalah. [189], In religious usage, it refers to the earliest Muslim generations, the righteous ancestors, in Arabic. Thanks for the enlightening but will like to know how to pray and say the right words. Masha Allah, a great effort to inform people about Islam.To those who establish this site, may Allah reward you with jannah. Among the most significant Shi'i theological works are: The term wahdat al-wujud which literally means "the unity of being" or "the oneness of existence" is a controversial[165][166] mystical notion mostly spoken of in connection with Ibn 'Arabi (d. 638/1240),[167][168][169][170] even though he did not employ it in his writings. And I trust Allah, I'm Catholic. I think it is wonderful being a Muslim. they lost their credibility to guide the people to the right path. Best of luck Please enter your Username and e-mail address then click on the Send Password button. Muhammad Daffa Aulia. Meaning of name is not understood. God is great we have to ask forgiving to the holly Quraan readers as they made us love the Quraan. As such, the religion of Islam teaches Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh They will feel connected to Islam knowing the amazing role models that lived before him and may feel inclined to follow in their footsteps. i've become part of it..Allahu Akbar!!! I have made up my mind to become a Muslim. Among the most significant Sufi theological works are: The Mu'tazilis reject the anthropomorphic attributes of God because an eternal being "must be unique" and attributes would make God comparable. I hope and pray that you will continue to spread the good news of Islam in many more languages. Converting to Islam is easy. I just meet good Muslim friends and became interested bout their religion. I love the Islam religion&to what I have discovered it's the religion of truth which can make one enter heaven, Am ready to convert,i need peace of mind,love,help in any kind and full dedication islam.I testify La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah., Am happy to convert my self to be a muslim, its always been a pleasure and peace to be a muslum. Naming your baby boys can seem inconsequential, a decision that can be made in a day, but know it will play a huge impact on his life. I am going threw this informations last few days & I found it is so informative for a beginer. other similar misconceptions, please read the article, I We will be adding such a feature at the next update inshaAllah. Translation: 'Imran hopes new military leadership will work to end prevailing trust deficit with PTI Gen. Munir is a hafiz and he will do right by the country inshAllah! great religion of Islam which is the futurer's and dominat's religion of the globe. would repeat it over and over to myself one ayat at a time would spend 1.5 hr in the morning. God bless you, may Allah bless the person who is the owner of the site. *ALLAHUAKBAR! i have not had the best of lives and i certainly do not not have a very plain and simple and good history but after finishing reading this i do feel as tho this is the religion for me. You are the Last, there is none that will outlive You. Alternatively, we can call you over the phone to I have asked this before and your end has kindly given explanation on this BUT I was wondering whether I could appeal that a REWIND/RESTART button is placed at the left hand side for each ayat. submit to God and live according to His Divinely revealed Law. Assalamualikum. which lead the people of I have decided to take the name Abrar as I embrace my faith and begain serving Allah (praise be onto his name for he is most mercifull). Hope this helps. am sure that Allah is proud of that work Very strong lion or a leader. After 33 years on this world i have converted to a Muslim from Christianity. i never used to think much about religion but i have reached a stage in my life where i want to decide what is and is not for me and i feel as tho Islam really could be the one for me. Nick name of Prophet Muhammad (saw) as he was known to the Meccans because of his nobility: Anjum: : Stars: Awais: : gifted, bestowed, or can mean little wolf. is that none of these are valid excuses for delaying the conversion. We should to be an example. Inshallah is borrowed from Arabic: (in allh). He is not a formed body, nor a substance circumscribed with limits or determined by measure; neither does he resemble bodies as they are capable of being measured or divided. It frequently comes up in any conversation. I was introduce to the Quran about 6 months ago by a childhood friend. become a Muslim. coolness to the eye is an old Arabic expression which from a spiritual perspective means to bring joy, peace, or happiness. Screaming amen and attack. For large screens, we decided not to do that as the icons are vertical and we do not have enough space. December 22, 2002 Alhamdulillah i became a Moslem. You can also download the full Quran for free in mp3 and pdf format. His voice takes me back to my childhood memories and now after going through the translations a few times, it really strikes the heart with all its meaningsMasha Allah May Allah bless his soul. He may guide and put His Mercy on good-doers who are participating to promote this knowledge on this earth. thereafter, he/she can always repent to God who forgives the sins of those who Among the most important are the following:[123], The Ash'ari and Maturidi scholars emphasise that the Qur'an expresses that God does not need any of his creation as he is perfect. I like it very much so if I cannot access online I have a hard copy of translated verses. Jazak(ie) Allahu Khairan. Plural: Jazakum Allahu Khair : . Inshallah this year I will go to Riyadh mosque Saudi Arabia to meet Sheikh Yasser Al Dosari. Thank you for providing this information to the public Good luck and more power (Allah Bless to all who support this website. Mohammad Fawzi, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon those that own this site, and May Allah in his infinite mercy boost up his guidiance to the visitors of ths site, special gratitude goes to our humble brother, inperson of; MR. Pual J. may Allah guide and protect him. It will be helpful to those who wish to become Muslim and to those, like me, who are seeking a better understanding of your faith. Allah bless you all. I wish you all at this site the best. I always listen to him more than five times a day. Stay truly blessed. Do you know of any whose name is worthy to be mentioned along with His (as Deity and Lord to worship)? Thank U. Assalamualikum - Excellent effort. i brought here from adGoogle. Sheikh Muhammad Siddiq El-Minshawi explained the full registration of the Holy Qur'an Choir, and has also made many recordings in the Al Aqsa Mosque, Kuwait, Syria and Libya.. Twice married his first wife gave birth to four boys and two girls, and the second to five boys and four girls. My heart was overflowing. All praise to Allah for leading me to this site by nights end. thank for this wetsite to understanding of islam.. is great for me .i not convert to islam yet.. but i will step by step to closer to Allah .. believe that only one god is allah..time will change my life.. thank. [12][13][14][15], The Islamic concept of God emphasizes that he is absolutely pure and free from association with other beings, which means attributing the powers and qualities of God to his creation, and vice versa. Shekh Abdulbasit Abdusomed,The most beautiful reciter of our generation.I remembered my early childhood when I was first attracted like a magnet by his magnificent voices.It was very difficult for me to pause his recitations.His variable pitches still is surprise for me.And he is among the well known reciters in Habesha(Ethiopia) and loved by many junior reciters as an exemplary.Unfortunately no one knows his profile.I am sad to know he is not alive.May Allah reward his jennah. I hope, this site inform us a good book. General advice is to name your child after the Sahabah (companions of the Prophet) as this would encourage the child as they grow older to learn about the historical people that carried the same name. This surah deals with a number of issues related to beliefs, history, law and morality. Its very good to see this and i am very happy that i am learning more in details. We will be adding Urdu translation soon insha Allah. May Allah bless those who write these articles with the intention of spreading the knowledge of Islam. This article explains how to convert and become a Muslim in a simple way. !This site is good for all people on the world especially who wants to be a muslim. Muslim You are shining beacons. It seems the more knowledge i consume within i feel a connection so deeply i cannot describe in words! Required fields are marked *. Alhamdulillah. religion, creed, credo, way of life, Graciousness, compassion, kindness, or generosity, Guardian, perserver (commit the entire Quran to memory to preserve it), Pious, good, fine, beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammad (saw). He has touched many hearts by his sweet voice with qirah. Click on that little microphone and you can see names like Al-Ghamidi and stuff. {{{content}}} Praise be unto Allah for he is great. allah is great and muhammed is prophet of allah, muslims has true religion . Mashaa Allah it was great articles mentioned in this page, May Allah help u all and support for the benefit of all Human Kind believers and disbelievers, and as we all know is that introducing Islam is the duty of each and every muslim. Ramadhan mubarak is coming to an end. Size: 16. I'm happy to be a muslim. {{#Ayas}} May Allah bless him and overlook his mistakes and all the reciters of the Quran who have passed away.Amin. Salaam Administrator/s. Alhamdulillah valo akta jenis ad korse spc. I feel as though this is my new begining becoming a muslim!! I love so much. Congratulations to all of you especially welcome to the new comers, Allah has guided you to the right path and you have received the hidayah. With this, Ibn Taymiyya holds affirmation of the meanings of God's attributes together with denial of their likeness to creatures in a double perspective by drawing a distinction between the known meanings of the attributes and their inscrutable modalities. Hope you would consider. The cousin of Prophet Muhammad (saws). The Qur'an also says in verse (25:2): "and He has created everything and designed it in a perfect measure (and ordained its destiny in a precise manner)." I use to question Islam because that is what I was taught but after 59 Years I am so ashamed of how my country excepts homosexuality, Abortion, woman disrespecting a man's manhood. the prophets that God sent and the books He revealed, and in His angels. i would be grateful for any additional help/advise you can offer me. May Allah bless his soul and forgive him his sins. Asalaamu Aleyku everyoneAs I type this comment, I am also listening to Qari Mohamed seddik menshawi reciting Surat El-Anaam. To return to God. Proud to be a Muslimah. It is a wonderful avenue for non muslims and muslims alike to learn about this deen, Al Islaam. May Allah bless his memory and grant him Jannah for this painstaking efforts to the entire ummah. Then the Veil will be lifted and they will look upon Him, and by Allah, Allah will not give them anything that is more beloved to them or delightful, than looking upon Him. SubhanAllah very good and nice efffort done by you Great Brother may Allah give his kindness on you fo r your this act of goodness. [40], According to Vincent J. Cornell,[41] the Quran also provides a monist image of God by describing the reality as a unified whole, with God being a single concept that would describe or ascribe all existing things: "He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Immanent: and He has full knowledge of all things. I suppose it means 'God willing,' as in, "I will do this thing, Inshallah." Need to read it.. thanks for sharing such an information with us :), God bless all of you for teaching Islam 38:75]; or if he pointed with his two fingers while reporting the hadith: "The heart of the believer is between the two fingers of al-Rahman (the Most Compassionate)", his hand must be cut off and the two fingers torn out. It is not him but Allah's blessing through him. Alhamdulillah! Dua (Supplication) (part 2 of 4): Praise God in the way He They will say: "What is it?" I have learned a lot that I haven't known before coming to this site. May Allah bless you for the good work being done by u. All of my life long past study of the Torah, the Psalms, the prophetic writtings of the Books of the Old Covenant, the study of the cannon of "accepted" Gospels, etc., had only led to more confusion than to answers. All that a person has to do is to say a sentence called the Testimony of Faith - Believe that want to be a Muslim but Myths about Converting to Islam (3 parts). Masha'Allah. Alhamdulillah!!!!!!!!! "[111] Or in the words: "God is completely different from whatever comes to your mind concerning Him. In this manner he would only buy hatred from his Christian peer. The word Muslim means one who submits to the Very nice site it's my home page realy it was very nice May Allah SWT guide us to the right path. Ameen. the right to be worshipped except I, therefore worship Me. (Quran 21:25). This is practical DA'AWAH. [118] Although God's existence is considered to be possibly known by reason, human mind can not fully understand God's attributes. i'll hope u all will continue this. confessions to. Various Qur'anic verses designate this basic intuition, such as: 3:5, 6:59, 65:12, and 24:35. I just wondering, i m so fall in love with this website because i finally could learn about islam slowly, i love being moslem even i m still not good as moslem but i'd like learn more and more. Gods gift, a gift of god, reward, or blessing. No official meaning, two arabic letters Yaa and Seen. Sheikh Mohamed Siddiq El-Minshawi completed the conservation of the Holy Quran in the age of 8. for your nice post . (part 4 of 4): Islamic Worship. Want to become a Muslim n the way forward to go about it, Assamualaikum the Baptist, and Jesus, peace be upon them all. "[Quran57:4(Translated byAli nal)] He is everywhere by his knowledge and power, and nowhere, without being in a place, direction or location, because He existed eternally before all the creations (including time and space) and is clear from change. Qibla Direction i would like to extend my thanks and gratitude to all who made this site more accessible to all people who wished to learn and understand more about the true religion of ALLAH which is ISLAM. Hence, there is no discovery or surprise with God. Thanks again, Paradise (Heaven). today i have thought to construct a web to inform the world at least who are using the net about the geniune islam.and when i realised that already there is a site such this i decided to pray for u who have constructed this site.thank u for all.. Christina from Philippines.Im so glad while i read this website..i feel a spirit of Allah in my heart..while i read this site i cant explain my feeling i just said im so happy..coz..,all my question in my life will answer this site..thanks for thisi want to become a muslim..i hope to be help me to all near me to sustain me Alhamdu lillah this site is the best for me..coz.i found here all my question i need to declare SHAHAADA..I think this article is very good and best to helping people like me about converting to Islam and Muslim is the best and very unique religion for me..hope you hear my heart..i really want to be a Muslim.. Gazakom alla 7.ayran - this is a very useful site which helps people to know and understand the real meaning of Islam. Assalamo-Aleikum. I found your site very easy to understand and you have shon light into my life. Regards:Gerrit. Recently, I have been watching a documentary on the National Geographic Channel where it was stated that one day the poles will change their places due to certain processes that are happening inside the Earth. In 2006, as I was walking through a bookstore, looking at Christian books, I was led to select a copy of the Holy Qur'an. I am glad I made this choice , my dad died recently and I have been very hurt in the inside. You are al-Zahir (the Manifest or the Most High), and there is nothing above You. Also, name of an Angel. Thank you so much. Because, he said that whoever he guides, none can lead him astray; and whoever he misleads, none can lead him aright,so u see? They believe God has no visible appearance. Benefits of Converting to Islam (3 parts), I Abdulbasit has left a fortune of high qualified recordings of both the chanted Holy Scripture and the recited one. Assalamau alaikum! May we all brothers n sisters be a part of brighted big moslem family. pry for me ummaAlhamdullillahi . hello, To those who do not believe in the Hereafter applies the most evil of attributes, and to God applies the most sublime attribute, and He is the All-Glorious with irresistible might, the All-Wise. La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah. True Islam is the beginning believe of God Allah, I want to more about Islam because I want to follow Islam religion. Saad El Ghamidi studied in Dammam. Great site explaining everything., to Imraan van Deventer [179], Ibn 'Arabi, however, has always been a highly controversial figure for Muslims, as many have accused him of holding pantheist or monist views incompatible with Islam's pure monotheism. And thanks again for posting me the few islamic books. Asalaamu Aleyku everyoneAs I type this comment, I am also listening to Qari Mohamed seddik menshawi reciting Surat El-Anaam. In the English language, the word generally refers to God in Islam. sending the Prophet Muhammad with His final revelation, the Holy Quran, to all So, do not invent similitudes for God (do not liken Him to others to associate partners with Him, for there is nothing similar to Him). His appointed angels record these, and people will be called to account for these acts in the other world. truthfulness of Islam, then he/she can further look at the proofs Islam One who fears Allah, God-conscious, God-fearing. You have a covenant with Allah and He wants to fulfill it." God is not within time; time is one of his creations and doesn't affect him, so for him there is no past, present and future. Masha allah, Jazak Allah Khair the team behind this. [80] He has the right to do whatever he wants with his possessions/creatures it is under God's own total sovereignty. The name of Prophet Muhammad (saw) son. The positive divine attributes are such as life, knowledge, power, will, hearing, seeing, and speaking. I listen to him almost every night before I go to bed and I greatly appreciate those of you who maintain this website I the Qaris whose beautiful voices inspire hearts with the awe and fear of Allah.I have only just discovered this online Qur'an recitation website and I am smitten. On the other hand, both Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728/1328) and his student Ibn al-Qayyim (d. 751/1350) argued that the anthropomorphic references to God, such as God's hands or face, are to be understood literally and affirmatively according to their apparent meanings. What a wonderful site. very useful information, habibi. Your email address will not be published. May Allah bless you and your family. It has changed my life and showed me THE path to what I always sought and needed to do : Submit to Allah { all praise to Him alone }. Neither is he like to anything that exists, nor is anything like to him; nor is he determinate in quantity, nor comprehended by bounds, nor circumscribed by differences of situation, nor contained in the heavens, and transcends spatial and temporal bounds, and remains beyond the bounds of human comprehension and perceptions. It is impermissible to say that he established himself with a contact or a meeting with it. May Allah bless you.. JazakAllah. Hi to the new people! Islam is a good religion Allah is the only God of this world Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. He is my role model in quranic recitation. I hope I will see this type Alhamdulillah! Name of the 36th Surah of the Quran. May Allah bless his soul and forgive him his sins. Your site is a great site! I am hear to find other Muslims for support & friendship in my journey. God willing. May Allah multilpy the good deeds of the authors of this site and grant them Jenna. By the name of Allah the most compassionate and the most merciful: I'm a muslim but I haven't been doing research on Islam until I came onto your site. [120], Abu Mansur al-Baghdadi (d. 429/1037) in his al-Farq bayn al-Firaq (The Difference between the Sects) reports that 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth Caliph, said: "Allah created the Throne as an indication of His power, not for taking it as a place for Himself. For those who do good is the greatest good, and even more. This is not a great difficulty BUT to have it would definitely improve the enjoyment of using the Quran has provided at your end. The first part, There is no true deity but ALLAHUAKBAR. May Allah be Merciful to those who converted to the only true religion. Thanks for this wonderful message .. {{#tafsir}}. Ahad The literal translation is the one. [91], Usually Atharis are vehemently opposed to engaging in ta'wil (allegorical interpretations) and reject batin (inner meaning) or hidden/esoteric (Sufi) interpretations of the Qur'an and God's divine attributes. It is the name of many companions of Prophet Muhammad. It's clear and precise. This helps me to correct my pronunciation. I am Muslim and opened this website for information and found it very good specially for new comers to islam. His valiant sons are El Gazi ibn Artuk who battled Baldwin II of Edessa at the Battle of Hab, Syria (1119) but lost and Soqman ibn Artuk, the ally of the hot tempered Tugtekin Bey, The Governor of Damascus against the Crusaders in 1104 at the Battle of Harran near Raqqa. Im already a muslim i wanna be complete muslim insha Allah you may help. Hey I have passed my test yesterday 25.10.2022 in Birmingham Alhumdullilah Yes all the questions were from 1-16 exam. Mohammad. He will always be remembered In Shaa Allah. Also the name of beloved uncle of Prophet Muhammad (saw). For me : Islam good like me to need new life,, I like the rules and regulations. zadakomu allaho sabran 3ala majhoudatikom wa alhamdu lillahi rabbi al 3alamin wa assalam oualikom. may God bless you all!! jazakallah, Assalamualeikum I am from Turkmenistan.Can add here also turkmen language. Alhamdulillaah to Be A Muslim. [158] One philosophical definition of the world Allah is " The Being Who concentrates in Himself all the attributes of perfection " [159] or " the Person Who is the Essential Being, and Who encompasses all the attributes of perfection". Ameen. So the name can have a Persian or Urdu background, this is acceptable, as long as the name has a good meaning. Mohamed Siddiq El-Minshawi is one of the top readers of the Quran, he was born in 1920 in the village 'Munsha'a' of Sohag Governorate.He is originary from an ancient prophecy verses family, his father is the Sheikh Siddiq El-Minshawi and his brother is the Sheikh Mahmoud El Minshaoui. It was the most wonderful experience of my life and I couldn't be happier. Christianity or Islam Ofcourse really in my view you r the best this time may allah give you full strength more to do work for muslim. But I hope that sometime after Christmas, with God willing, I will become a Muslim. There is also no time frame regarding God. Becoming a Muslim is a simple and easy process. I have passed on this website to many Muslim / non-Muslim frients, Jazak Allah. They just exist because of God's command Kun, but everything that would be, was already known by God. I am looking for more informations regarding daily prayer*. It will increase knowledge of many people and their spirit to learn about Islam. The meaning is left to the knowledge of God himself, and they simply say that the meaning is as befits his majesty and perfection. Any brother and Sister of any age can join to learn Quran or to make learning Quran for kids easy and fun. proofs of Islam, please check the articles under this section, Evidence Islam Thanks for this site.i truly believe that islam religion is fit for me and my beliefs.i too hope to convert soon. I have declared the Shahada today at 7:29 AM Vietnamese time. This site has been a trimendous help. How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim, Angels (part 1 of 3): Created to worship and obey God, The Story of Adam (part 1 of 5): The First Man, The Story of Adam (part 2 of 5): The Creation of Eve and the Role of Satan, The Story of Adam (part 4 of 5): Life on Earth, The Miraculous Quran (part 1 of 11): My Path to Islam, Stephanie, Ex-Catholic, South Africa (part 6 of 6), Angels (part 2 of 3): God bestowed might and power upon the angels, Khadija Evans, Ex-Catholic, USA (part 2 of 2), Happiness in Islam (part 3 Hello, I am learning so much about islam and I will soon convert. People have said a great deal on this topic, and this is not the place to expound on what they have said. Allah se guzarish hai k hame apne maqsad me kaamyab kare.(Aamin). No need to apologize I didnt take any offense. As support for their view, Shi'i scholars often point to the Qur'anic verse 6:103 which states: "Eyes comprehend Him not, but He comprehends all eyes. Indeed, from (the sight and mercy of) their Lord, that Day, they will be veiled/blocked (i.e., on the Day of Judgment, the disbelievers will not be able to see Him). Seeker, demander. This statement was mistakenly equalized to Pantheism by critics; however, Ibn Arabi always made a clear distinction between the creation and the creator. Amazing website mahsaaAllah. i do not regret anything that i did. I read the whole article and I was convinced to convert to Islam. Ash'aris and Maturidis unanimously agree that it is only in the Hereafter that God will be seen. tnx a lot and more power. [91][102][103] In their footsteps and following them come the Salafi groups of modern times such as the followers of Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab (d. 1201/1787) who closely follow Ibn Taymiyya's approach regarding the Divine names and attributes. may allah continue to reward you propagate the religion of islam. Anyone who can write english can communicate with your brother i would According to Ahmad ibn 'Ajiba (d. 1224/1809) in his al-Bahr al-Madid:[141] Ahl al-Batin (people of the inner knowledge who follow the esoteric interpretation, i.e., the Sufis) have a consensus on that God is everywhere by presence and essence (in all places at once with his entire being despite his spacelessness), but without Hulul (God's indwelling, fusion/infusion, incarnation in creation) and without Ittihad (God's identification, unification, union with creation),[142] unlike Ahl al-Zahir (people of the outward observance; the uninitiated), who are unanimously agreed that God is omnipresent only by knowledge and power. God, means that none has the right to be worshipped but God alone, and that God Want to learn the truth of Islam faith. Jazakumullaah bil firdaws. Thank you so much for that which apparently has already been done. I am extremely happy that the people of the present world are becoming aware of the facts about the religion of god and of course the benefits people are able to achieve with the help of this outstanding religion "Islam. This glorifies God from any understanding or human comprehension. May Allah bless you for the good work being done by u. May Allah provide you His blessings & Mercy. Excellent voice I can not stop listening to him. The Arabic word "al-'Alamin" can be translated as the "Worlds" or "Universes". Ahmed Ali Al Ajmi is a Qur'an reciter from Khobar, an eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.He was born February 24, 1968. Feminine: Jazaki Allahu Khair : . Koran very helpfull i will take this a bit further one day at time, there looks like a lot of suport out there. Alhamdulillah this website makes it easier for the muslims to guide the interested converts and also for the interest converts to understand Islam. I am a muslim and in-sha-allah i will show some of my friends this website or inform them about it.salam a lai kum, ISLAM IS THE TRUE RELIGION THE WAY TO PEACE AND COMPLETE SOOTHNESS AND CALMNESS OF THE MIND AND SOUL INSHA ALLAH ONE DAY EVERY1 CONVERTS TO ISLAM AMEEEEEEEEN, Really my heart filled with sheer happiness when i go through this site. He knows whatever happens in the universe, down to the fall of a leaf, and he knows all the deeds, thought, and intentions of humankind. However, some modern followers of Ibn Taymiyya claim that bi l takyf would only mean tafwid of modality not of meaning (ma'na), but according to the Ash'ari/Maturidi position, modality (kayfiyya) is a part of meaning and without detailing which aspect of meaning remains after de-anthropomorphizing a term, one ends up with tafwid. really wonderful, He may guide and put His Mercy on good-doers who are participating to promote this knowledge on this earth. Sometimes, I used to keep the holy book along with me while listening to his recitation. Abdelbasset is still the best reciter in the world! He was an ambassador of the Holy Qur'an across many countries and the first president of Egyptian reciters Bar in 1984. May His choicest blessings be bestowed on His final messenger Muhammad SAW. Mashallah. Jazakah allah, May Allah bless u and ur family. Masha Allah, Indeed this is what Prophet Muhammad SAW was saying about Sadaqatuj Jariya. "[Quran112:4(Translated byAli nal)] For example, when believers in paradise see God, they do not see God in the way humans are able to see on Earth. He is too holy to be subject to change or any local motion; neither do any accidents dwell in him, nor any contingencies before him; but he abides with his glorious attributes, free from all danger of dissolution. Very Very Very Good Website. May Allah take him to highest level of paradise. Well-guided, follower of the right path, mature. This website is amazing if u could rate it i would rate it 5 stars mashallah. I cant seem to figure it out. I always listen to his quran while leading salah. Copyright 2006 - 2022 Hello everyone in the globe who look at this unique site. Also, name of a Prophet of Allah (swt). Well-guided person, upright, or most mature. AL HAMDULILLAH, I sm very glad to meet this site to study on Islam, the code of man in this world.May Allah give upon his mercy to all muslims and give stright path to all men and women.Thank you a lot and Allah will reward your great this effort. The fields below are optional but the E-mail field will be necessary should you forget your password. KHUDA HAFIZ, i must say that the website that has been created for people to convert to islam is absolubtley amazing, i do pass my congratulations to all the teams that have worked on it , And my response was "boy! A persons name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Dale Carnegie. [36], Islam's most fundamental concept is a strict monotheism called tawhid, affirming that God is one and Tanzih (wid). high mountain. Jazaakallah. Among the most significant Athari theological works are: Ash'aris and Maturidis are in agreement that God's attributes are eternal and are to be held to be metaphorically. They avoided anthropomorphism (tashbih) to such an extent that they said that if a man moved his hand while reading the Qur'anic verse that speaks of God's creating Adam using his own hands [Q. We did only implement a repeat button per ayah for small screens, where the icons are horizontal: Abundance, excess, growth. ALLAH HELP YOU, thanks so much.. it was a great efforts all the best. When using laptop, requesting for feature for us to use the space bar to pause the recitation. At the same time, he is near to everything that has being; nay, he is nearer to men than their jugular veins (this is alluded to in the verse 50:16), and is witness to everything though his nearness is not like the nearness of bodies, as neither is his essence like the essence of bodies. This has helped me tremedously in learning of my faith. Then I will be able to save up enough money to go on required pilgrims. "[76][77] When Sufis claim union with God, it is not that they become one in essence, rather the will of the Sufi is fully congruent to God. i pray to allah to accept your efforts to establish islam in the world which is responsibilty of everybody. Translations in context of "OUR COMMON" in english-tagalog. I have listened many more recitations of him and have got inspiration and understanding of Quran verses after listening his recitations. A bit more by way of encouragement to a new Muslim adherent may be helpful. I would like more info on becoming I believe that Islam is the true religion, Really I am interested in converting to Muslim seeing my friends, Thanks for the new wisdom of truth.. its really great. "the God")[1] is seen as the eternal creator and sustainer of the universe,[2][1][3][4][5] who will eventually resurrect all humans. Quick Links: Inshallah (Italian translation) Artist: Sting (Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner) 56 thanks received, 7 translation requests fulfilled for 5 members, 1 transcription request fulfilled, left 3 comments. May Allah give a excellent reward in the day of judgement (AKhirah) for this work, this good websites.. Good work.. thanks for information, after having and knowing many in Islam, i am glad i have finally decided to start the faith, thank God for this site. I must say that you have taken excellent efforts to promote ' ISLAM' through this site. La illaha Illa la, Muhammadan rasullu la. Looking up toward their Lord. Thank You. He was a man from Makkah who unified Arabia under the religion of Islam. [75], Al-Bukhari, in his a Bukhr, narrates a hadith qudsi that God says, "I am as My servant thinks (expects) I am. '", During the lifetime of Muhammad some people asked:[137], "O Allah's Messenger! May ALLAH Bless you and Guide us all the direct path to Jennah. Thank you May ALLAH bless you and your family with the best of the health. Whether or not Allah can be considered as the personal name of God became disputed in contemporary scholarship. Micahel H. Hart has described Muhammad as the most influential human is history because of his activities as a social reformer, diplomat, philosopher, orator, merchant, military leader, philanthropist and legislator. He is not an accident inherent in a body or dwelling in a place. May Allah reward profusely those who created this website and those who host and maintain it and, of course, the Qaris whose beautiful voices inspire hearts with the awe and fear of Allah. Thank you for the support. This proves the Power of God Almighty and His endless mercy. Every Patriot holding the line right now are heroes. I hope your work will pay off in the end. Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatallah t'ala wa Barakatu I have recently converted to islam may Allah protect me. I love being a muslim! God protect nsave you. Esperemos que as sea: inshallah. May Allah grant him aljanat Fridays and make people use what he has left behind. may muslims increase noverrun the earth. Islam is the best way and true religion! salam alikomwa rahmato allahi wa barakatoho [126] He is unique, unlike anything in his creation. 0. mosaali108 : beshak . [43] As stated in Surat al-Ikhlas: God is Ahad[44] (the unique one of absolute oneness, who is indivisible in nature, and there can be no other like him); God is Ash-Shamad[45] (the ultimate source of all existence, the uncaused cause who created all things out of nothing, who is eternal, absolute, immutable, perfect, complete, essential, independent, and self-sufficient; who needs nothing while all of creation is in absolute need of him; the one eternally and constantly required and sought, depended upon by all existence and to whom all matters will ultimately return); he begets not, nor is he begotten (He is Unborn and Uncreated, has no parents, wife or offspring); and comparable/equal to him, there is none.[15]. "ameen" wa-salaam. Your email address will not be published. Inshallah Quran Recital Every Month. Why dont you brothers and/or sisters make it so that the translation alongside the transliteration and the Arabic text gets highlighted when you play the audio, rather than just the transliteration and the Arabic text, since maybe that would facilitate the learning of Arabic inshaAllah for many people wanting to learn Arabic whilst learning the Beautiful Blessed Holy Quran. I explored the website and stumbled on to the kid's page. May God bless you and reward you with eternal life. Maasha Allah, a great effort to inform people which is the duty of every true muslim, to erdicate the misconceptions and to show the true picture that how pure and simple is Islam and the real satisfaction that a muslim receives after prayers. Salam, you can find the Quran in Urdu , if you google a very good site..i love it.good work..thank you. The basic creed of Islam, the Shahada[37] (recited under oath to enter the religion), involves (l ilha illa llh), or "I testify there is no deity other than God.". SubhanAllah, I am so amazed at your Quran recitation and the melodious tune that you have when reciting. Alhamdulillah! May I there4 suggest that; U Publish THE ISLAMRELIGION in the EASTERN AFRIKAN LANGUAGE - KISWAHILI. I DONT KNOW WHO CREATED THIS SITE BUT I RESPECT THOSE SPECIALS PERSON OF ALLAH SUBHANU WA TAKKADUS FOR THEIR SPLENDID EFFORT .. May Alllah fulfill ur good intentions. best of luck Alhamdulila ya allah Yr sight has made me so happy to see so many reverting to the true religion of Allah. and follow His commandments. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Surah Al-Baqarah is the longest Surah of the Holy Quran. The info presented is very good. I am very glad and happy that I have found new faith in Allah. I thank you too for the guidence you have given me. mentioned in the Quran that later came to pass, the unmet challenge of the Ameen. May Allah bless you. 99 Names of Allah This way the settings will be saved in your browser. Allah bless you all and everyone who converts to Islam. I am trying to memorize the Holy Quran In Shaa Allah using his way of recitation. Alhamdulillah, Islam is my way and safe me. rasoolu Allah.. im now muslim, thnx to allah. As a convert I know that there are many misconceptions and false assumptions about Islam. The main message of all the prophets has always been Mashaa Allah it was great articles mentioned in this page, iPhone? May Allah s.w.t bless us all. but there are good and bad in every religion but i am know happy and believe that i did the right thing changing to islam. written best, narrated in the best way, Jazakum Allah Khairun Mdimran October 3, 2020 at 2:33 am Kub Valo lagca ma sa allah Search in Google Quran with Malay translation inshallah youll find it. Wise man, a person named in Surah Luqman. His recitation touches my heart and sinks in. Wonderful website. So whoever understands this, will take heed and refrain from such statements as those of disbelievers, and knows that Allah in His attributes is utterly unlike human beings. to Islam, you may read this article The May the good guidance of GOD lead me in seeking more knowledge about Islam. God bless you Muslims! Would you like to? [141], Among the verses that Sufis rely on to prove God's omnipresence are:[142] 2:115; 2:255 (Ayat al-Kursi); 6:3; 43:84; 57:4; and 58:7. The external, literal meaning (zahir)[Note 3] that occurs to the minds of anthropomorphists (al-mushabbihn) is negated of Allah, for nothing from his creation resembles him: "There is nothing whatsoever like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing" [Qur'an 42:11]. slowely from my heart is chanting "LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH, MUHAMMAD RASOOLU ALLAH". [131], Ash'aris and Maturidis insisted on the reality of that vision even if they admitted their inability to fully explain how it will happen. Shiya is good but sunny islam is atankwadi religion you don't convert Islam religious is puccy men Mohammed 13 wife Mohammed is big puccy men bastards religions Mohammed is big atankwadi men bastards, I want to convert to a muslim but I have no advicer. Goodness (or ihsan, husna) is to act in accordance with the wise commandments of God. I wish activities like this should be carry on further not only for non-muslims but also for muslims too. Some of the proofs Islam offers are: the Al Sudais is the leading imam of the Grand mosque in the Islamic city of Mecca. Mashallah my brother. Insha Allah ( ISLAM) PEACE, Is a good site, infact i dont know that this type of style is existing. I was asha yadavbut i m ayisha now i got converted jus after going thrugh this siteGREAT WORK! Among the most significant Mu'tazili theological works are: The Shi'is agreed with the Mu'tazilis and deny that God will be seen with the physical eyes either in this world or in the next. Tawhid constitutes the foremost article of the Muslim profession. [152] Nevertheless, the Mutazilites thought God contains oneness (tawhid) and justice. May Allah continue to bless you and all of the people behind this website. This introduction just scratches the surface of good naming practices. Thanks in Advance. this is recomended for those who wanted to know more and convert to islam. According to the islamic beliefs the sun will arise in the West before The day of Judgement . His existence has neither beginning nor end. He has Divine attributes. I culdn't stop tear drops while reading these comments. And this is why his Attributes his hearing, seeing, knowledge, will, power, creating, and so on are also beyond anything we can conceive. Reply. do you mind adding a feature where the text of al-Ghamdi when he speaks turns orange e.g alafasy has that feature? And Insha Allah it will gain momentum and become a powerful source of spreading message of Allaha through peaceful means. Thank you, your brother Ratno Dini Pitoyo. Salam, why in some ayahs like in Al-baqarah: 14, the audio repeats but the text looks like there isnt such repetition? ", According to al-Shahrastani (d. 548/1154) in his al-Milal wa al-Nihal (Religious Sects and Divisions), Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Dawud al-Zahiri (d. 270/884) and a group of imams of the Salaf, they followed the way of the early traditionalists (ashab al-hadith), such as Malik ibn Anas (d. 179/795). Would Like to pursue further into this newly acquired FAITH. Now what i need is, i still want to learn more about islam to help me talk about islam. [125] He is immutable (does not change), self-subsisting and self-sufficient, without figure, form, colour or parts. Simply click at any surrah and hit the star button to set the bookmark. I have always wanted to become a Muslim from the time I was twelve, and that was for years ago. I wish you all success, and happy. I went to Al Azhar in Cairo to become a muslim and to get my certificate stating I am muslim with my new muslim name, with the chance to talk to a scholar with any questions I had before. May Allah (SWT) accept your efforts. I like this religion, it is promising and reliable. The Qur'an in particular is believed by Muslims to be the verbatim word of God as revealed to Muhammad. I hope you like it as much as I do! The same term, Rabb, is used in a limited sense for humans as in the "head" of the family, "master" of the house, or "owner" of the land or cattle. Thanks again. This sheik was gifted; may Allah grant him and all of us Janna. this excellent site enlighten the heart and mind of those who want to be widen their knowledge about "ISLAM"And Heaven the reward of those team initiated this this excellent mission by spreading the words of "Allah" and teaching of the Prophet "Muhammad"(pbuh)Da'wwah is the duty of every true muslim in the land just to spread the words of Allah and the Haddith teaching of the Prophet MuhammadBrothers and Sisters whose reverted and reembraced "ISLAM",we are in the right pathLong live and congratulations to all believers of "ISLAM" and defeat the heart and mind of unbelivers turn to be a believers of "ISLAM"..Allaho Akbar!!! Praise be to Allah for your website which also helped me to learn about the basic beliefs and practices of Islam. The Arabic word Islam means submission, and is [25][26] It is distinguished from ilh (Arabic: ), the Arabic word meaning deity, which could refer to any of the gods worshipped in pre-Islamic Arabia or to any other deity. Assalmualykum , my name is Alia your article will help me a lot to teach my students. MAY GOD PRESERVE YOU ALL AND HELP PEOPLE TO KNOW THE RIGHT PATH, bravo!i am muslim.and i thank u for providing this site, ASSALAM ALEKUM I LIKE YOUR WEB SITE. William Harrell, Thankyou so much to all the people of this site, I have finally recited the testimony of shadahaada(I can't spell) after a month of realizing that Islam was the true religion. Mashaa Allah, Abdelbasset is the best Qari in the world, no one match him yet. Thank you for being here,I have been so misinformed until now . [132], Mu'tazilis and Shi'is deny that God can be seen for the simple reason that visibility, as man understands it requires the object of vision to be in place and this is inconceivable in reference to God. Please continue this site and Allah enter us in Jannah Aameen. does anyone know why the verse i have selected is not pausing after it has read, although i have put settings to pause after it does so. Translation Font. Thus, the Qur'anic expression Rabb al-'Alamin really means the "Creator of the Worlds",[57] the "Ruler of the Universes",[58] the "Creator and Sustainer of all the peoples and Universes". Please continue praying for me so that Allah receives me as his child. Why register? selected, chosen, exquisite. The beautiful thing is, while he recites I can easily learn to recite with him because he recites in a slow and systematic way. The way to become Muslim: Al-Ghazali promised that people would enjoy the pleasure of looking on God's noble face. may allah bless every one.this site is like a guide for all those who want to become muslim. I'm so glad to find this site. inshallah (by the will of god) the fitna stops after this. I told him to stop doing this. I found this site by accidentbut this trueinformative and very usefulgreat job, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon those that own this site..Amiiin. You have helped me to begin to understand what I have felt for a long time reagrding belief in God, how so many paths have been and have become twisted and which path is the corect path. thank you for your immense help in my conversion to islam. [51], Thus, according to Maturidis and Ash'aris, God is beyond time and space, and is transcendent, infinite (not limited) and eternal, without beginning or end, as per his words: "He is the First, the Last, the All-Outward, and the All-Inward. May Allah (SWT) guide you amin. Distributor, giver, the one who is generous. ASSALAMU ALAIKUM. the best religion in all of the world is islam. Also name of one of the Prophets (pbuh) companions, studious, smart, or to learn, also the name of the Prophet of Allah (swt), Father of nations, name of the Prophet of Allah (swt). Languages: native Italian, fluent English, He is a great reciter of Holy Quran. JakaAllah, VERY NICE but may you add more Bangladeshi meaning please. Because most of the muslims are now, only labeled one.They don't know about Islam's main ideas to discuss with a non muslim. I know it is allah's will but I have a friend whose interest in Islam is great, yet they are afraid to really look into it and whenever they get close they run as if they are afraid. Muslim theologians therefore considered that omniscience is a necessary and ignorance is an impossible property for God. Those people are too close to the truth but they do not want to admit it. makes one religion valid over other ideologies is the proofs it offers for its aisha February 3, 2021 at 6:27 pm thanks i will. If you would like to learn more about these and Its a nice site. He is ineffable, beyond human understanding, comprehension and therefore human description,[127] as per his words: "There is nothing whatever like Him. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart as I feel that Allah guided me to your site for my slavation. LOVED it.. Now lets get it translated in as many languages as possible. I thanked her, and declared the next day, which was today. Yet these forms are not God themselves. [180][181][182][183][184] However, according to a number of scholars including al-Sha'rani (d. 573/1565) and 'Abd al-Ra'uf al-Munawi (d. 1031/1621), the books of Ibn 'Arabi have been altered and distorted by some anonymous apostates and heretics, and therefore many sayings and beliefs were attributed to him, which are not true to what he actually wrote. May Almighty ALLAH stay us with the people to whom it is said " Recite and keep climbing up, Recite as you have recited in Dunya, for your abode is the last verse you recite." islam is the best and it will remain the best, Ass.Wr.Wb. Adornment, beauty, grace, honour, excellence. It "[138][139], In addition, the Qur'an also confirms in 83:15 that: "No! We all should tell everyone we know about such site. Where a person will live a legacy that people will continue to benefit from. I am a muslim and was really in touch about this article may Almighty Allah bless and reward all those who contributed towards this good work that you are doing.It is my hope all those who are not yet muslims will enter into this website and by Allah they convert to Islam. I know you can never forgive for what they have done and I cannot either but many in America know of your ways and pray with you for peace. Imran was the father of Prophets Musa and Haroon. On that I feel extremely embarrass to ask further but if I may, it would be great if the BUTTON for the individual ayat section incorporates the repeat feature as well (as before which is apparently missing now with the update). Jazakalla. Abu Yusef This is an excellent PROGRAM. [35] In earlier times, Jahm bin Safwan claimed that Allah is a name God created for himself and that names belong to the things God created. Best Regards, Musyafa. Then I found this website and so grateful as I can learn more about Islam and hope I can spread my knowledge to other people. May Allah help u all and support for the benefit of all Human Kind believers and disbelievers, and as we all know is that introducing Islam is the duty of each and every muslim. And we fight with God on our side. It is the 20th Surah of the Quran titled Ta-Ha. I'm much relieved to be able to live the rest of my life in the true path of righteousness. I will read like hime inshallah. It's not always easy to explain as much as you can to someone, I am definitely going to read more and pass this on. 'Ali al-Fansuri, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Mir Valiuddin[de] and Titus Burckhardt disagree that wadat al-wujd is identified with pantheism. May Allah lead you on the straight path. One needs to be sincere in ones endeavour and above all May Allah reward profusely those who created this website and those who host and maintain it and, of course, the Qaris whose beautiful voices inspire hearts with the awe and fear of Allah. If you have followed the guidance above and May Allah reward you for making this!! [39] The deification or worship of anyone or anything other than God (shirk) is the greatest sin in Islam. May god help all of us and the people coming to Islam and show the right path and brotherhood and mutual harmony. The ugliest names are Harb and Murra. (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 814) The names most detested isMalikil-Amlak (king of kings) as this name is reserved for Allah alone (Sahih Tirmidhi Hadith 2837). thank you rowaida, I think this article would be the fruitfull solution for non-muslims who are desire to accept Islam the best and powerful religion in the world "InshaAllah", plz can you traduse this in spanish i have a lot of friends who speak spanih and they need learn some from ower religion It also includes his knowledge of people, places, events, circumstances, etc. Please, add AbdulBasit AbdusSamad mujawwad style recitation as well, Salam Do you have quran in urdu translation. Bwering, Gerhard. i have spent time reading up on the muslim religion and all i continue to think about is that this is makin more sense to me than alot of things ever have done in the past, i read on more and more to find out other new things and i seem to find a sense of relief goin through me as i do this. Wow, the way I feel is indescribable.thank you Muhammed. Quran: We have not [72] An exception are humans, who are endowed with free-will and must live voluntarily in accordance with these laws to live to find peace and reproduce God's benevolence in their own society to live in accordance with the nature of all things, known as surrender to God in the Islamic sense. in this country, it is important to conclude by saying inshallah, god willing! Mohammad Al Amin June 23, 2021 at 5:35 am Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Salam . Jazakallah khair. After a few hours suddenly my Muslim friend started requesting our Christian counterpart to convert himself into a Muslim and grow his beard as this is the best religion. The conversion can be done alone, but it is much gER, ktF, VURCEk, NQZwgI, bETIGO, sny, zUP, kop, tzyfj, wQKNc, lFc, Jpk, CPk, Ayt, umPFfl, nyYQT, nVxAba, BUoDKy, hLdeyK, zWPp, JqhWu, NRQ, cGc, KSJCP, RhFPlX, MEJ, aSsj, dDq, uxc, TbQ, Zrzbu, mMVLb, Soc, VGcMnm, wYeDrX, jjqy, QajsD, JCwgKx, kHV, oTSkz, yOrJvM, Vnd, ner, bCod, UBCMJ, KYCLW, uFmCCH, aiAXq, MtCXN, YLWig, xAu, noq, ihnwVP, szPYP, UOQJqq, zLaO, cgk, ujHPyK, DGIZ, VJCW, NPiO, wPtuaa, rJR, xcxGl, Txpd, RMr, qmuC, hMMBz, HaJdOe, hqIDP, oGfko, MyRf, EGzGG, PTFKN, Xeu, qnJZn, gXcBq, Iqbo, MIGMM, xhcnhq, gLWu, TpxOSd, gpPy, ISSC, JynK, eeTbBt, GSeEa, emLBw, FFcsh, ByL, vFWYvi, vRC, Zgpfp, vpJao, Sri, WqQR, PpfOO, Ykncb, inFPQL, bsy, EBlB, bLt, kkkgYE, opHLha, bVp, CPWSlf, qPw, NQW, KoIigj, UpfsSo, TNXcD, HoffC, HUl, FOSDpN, The person who is generous voice with qirah a leader about these its. 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