Sound familiar? For that reason diabetics need to be aware of the different types of doctors that are available to treat diabetes. The side effects of the Gabapentin keep me from wanting to try it. It had gone away for about a year and a half and came back two nights ago without any warning. You may also see bleeding or a black nail. Those occur on large veins, like at the calf. Third Party materials included herein protected under copyright law. When necessary, surgery tends to have a high success rate. A number of common injuries can cause foot pain including: Inflammation can cause foot pain that is restricted to one foot or even a specific location on one foot. For what it is worth, it is my "professional" opinion that this particular situation is a result of an impingement of l5/s1. I work out 5 days a week, including running. Motrin has no noticable effect. CLICK HERE INSTEAD, .errFld{padding:3px}.errFldOn{padding:0;border:3px solid red}.errMsg{font-weight:700;color:red;visibility:hidden}.errMsgOn{visibility:visible}#edit textarea{border:1px solid #000}.editTitle{font-size:22px;font-weight:700;text-align:center}#preview .editTitle{margin-top:0}.editName,.editCountry{text-align:center}.editName,.editCountry,.editBody{}.editBody{text-align:left}#preview{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}.GadSense{float:left;vertical-align:top;padding:0 8px 8px 0;margin:0 8px 0 0}.gLinkUnitTop{width:466px;margin:12px auto}.gLinkUnitBot{width:120px;float:right;margin:4px 0 24px 36px}. Try it you might find that this is all you need for relieve, best of luck!!! Unlike the others, walking seems to slow and stop the pain, but as soon as I get back in bed the pain is back. The dr showed me on my x-rays. Your doctor may need to order testing to diagnose the cause of your foot pain. An x-ray, ultrasound or MRI can all provide accurate answers as to what is occurring within your big toe. By the next morning a large red patch had appeared where the stabbing pain had been. Research indicates that a common cause of chronic heel pain is nerve entrapment. I have done some reading and think its called Midtarsals Fault. The pain ( as in many of these posts ) occurred on the top of my left foot and lasts anywhere from a few seconds to 15 seconds. Am 65 and healthy and walk every day. Fracture of the fifth metatarsal. The arch of the foot plays a vital role in supporting movement. Geez BTW-I'm 51, 5'11", 185 lbs. Plantar fasciitis is an example of a condition in which pain is felt primarily at the bottom of the heel. If you experience a throbbing pain in your foot that builds throughout the day and worsens at night, you may be suffering from a pinched nerve inside your ankle or heel. Typically you will notice swelling and a reduced range of motion at the big toe joint as well as a level of pain which is dependent on the severity of your injury. Today I was standing minding my own business in the kitchen when all of a sudden I felt like someone had dropped a hot poker right down the middle of my left foot. Yesterday I started having short sharp and intense pain in top of right foot, only lasts about 3-5 seconds. In some cases, foot pain is localized in one foot (unilateral). This is to prevent muscle spasm on my stomach, thighs and cramps on my legs. The symptoms associated with gout are severe pain on the instep and top of the foot. It re-appeared just on top of my toes on my right foot last night stabbing surface pain every 12 seconds or so (it varies). Several factors increase the chances of people with diabetes developing neuropathy: Sciatica happens when something damages or compresses the sciatic nerve, the longest and widest nerve in the body. Copyright 2006-2022 BaronActive | All rights reserved | Design by, Plantar Fasciosis: How to tell, tips and home remedies, How Do Knee Braces Work? These health issues include: Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can cause nerve pain in the toes and feet. I eat well and exercise regularly. Using nano technology and lining up wound care dressings in a manner parallel to skin has lead researchers to a novel way to enhance and quicken wound healing. Had cortisone shots and now wearing cam boot for 8 weeks and taking gabapentin and vicodin, both help. Says heel pain mostly, but some sites describe arch area pain too. It is not muscle pain, I know that. Jetgirl said: . The only thing worse than this pain is going repeatedly going to different Doctors and having them say that nothing appears to be wrong! I did tried Tylenol III with Codeine but to no avail. Not diabetic, but it runs in my family. If I'm up and moving it feels fine. In my post earlier this year I describe the foot pain I was experiencing. Kidneys play an important role in keeping your blood clean. Traumatic injuries can not only damage the muscles and tendons. Thank you for having this forum available. If you think you might have an infection, ask your doctor to get tested as fast as possible to rule out these bad diseases. When i drive, the pain is excruciating to put my foot on the ground and the 1st few steps are awful. Some people may also experience a cramping sensation in the big toe. I also noticed if I sit with my legs under me it happens more frequently. Learn about some of the more common causes of pain on top of the foot and what can be done to treat them. I have done a lot of research on the internet and I have read that wearing tight or shoes that may be too small can cause this kind of nerve damage. I was desperate for information regarding this pain and found this thread. I was having this in my right foot and I am right handed. In severe cases, surgeons have been successfully able to decompress the trapped nerves of the foot. I am pretty healthy otherwise. Became type 2 diabetic 3 years after treatment, when in Nov. 2013 I went cold turkey of of several extremely powerful, doctor prescribed opiate regime because I believed I would rather try to deal on my own with the extreme pain that my chemo damaged body now lives with so many after cancer damages to my once healthy body. Other causes of pain on the top of the foot can include:gout, which can cause sudden, intense pain in the joint at the base of the big toebone spurs, which are painful growths that form along your joints, in the joints in your feet by your toesperipheral neuropathy, which causes pain, prickling, or numbness that can spread up from the feet into the legsMore items In conclusion, if nighttime foot pain is a recurring problem that is interfering with your sleep to the point that it is affecting your daily activities, it is time to seek medical attention. I RETIRED AND ONLY WEAR SHOES WHEN I GO OUT NOW. Here are some severe conditions that might cause burning pain on top of the foot. I experienced exactly the symptoms the original poster, Bob F, described. I'm 5'4" female, eat healthy (clean/organic/lots of chicken, fish, fruit and veggies), take my vitamins and supplements, exercise 2-3 times/wk however, I do love my beer on weekends. Mine started just yesterday. Have had gout for last 4 days which has now eased off. If nothing else, this page has made me feel less alone. I thank you for putting together this incredible website. | Very little swelling. It is an intermittent pain, not as intense as some other people here experience ( it doesn't make shout out or cry), but no amount of moving or rubbing my foot makes it go away. Plantar Fasciitis. Nothing I have found including heat, ice, diet or any medication or combination seems to help except standing and walking. This went on for two days - no sleep. Sharp stabbing pain on top of left foot for a second or two every 10 to 30 seconds unrelenting. I found this website today because last night and this morning I experienced pain similar to what others are describing. He said it could be a ligament or tendon issue. One morning, out of the blue, I experienced a very sharp stabbing pain right in the middle of my left foot. If you tried some home remedies for about two weeks without any success, consult a doctor or podiatrist for further examination. Some symptoms you may experience at night in your big toe can include a sharp pain, a dull ache, burning or tingling sensation. All of a sudden the joint doesn't want to go any further because of the sharp pain. Simply click here to return to Ask the doctor. 47 yr old, good health, good diet, way to much pepsi, beer, active, 6 pm yesterday had severe pain in top and small toe side of right foot, came on very suddenly, about a 6 on 1-10 pain scale, hurt more when I tried to walk, Took telonol and later ibuprofin eased up after about 5 hours, Nearly gone completely this morning. Diabetics are the most likely to have foot-based peripheral neuropathy. Now I'm thinking it is some slight shingles episode. A neuroma is how we describe a nerve thats swollen or inflamed. A week ago I started having severe stabbing pain about 1 inch back from the pinki on my right foot. I re-started my allopurinol to control the Uric acid which causes gout and now am praying the condition goes away. However, the area is still very painful. I don't have to wear them all the time, but I do whenever I'm going to be on my feet for any length of time -- walking, shopping, cleaning, etc. Foot Injuries and Disorders. why the left foot? Quite a scary prognosis. I have tried creams, NSAIDS, muscle relaxers, cortisone shots, cam walker, rest, ice, ems (electromuscular stimulation), xrays, and MRI. Sadly Dr. Google doesn't have any suggestions. However, heat is not helpful for swelling. And foot massage can actually help with nerve pain as well. Foot massage. I drive an automatic and I am right handed. I was always one who was embarrassed about having to wear a larger shoe than my friends so I would try and squeeze in a smaller size, had I known this would be the result when I was a teenager I would have worn the larger size,,,,another cause I read could be diabetes but most that have diabetes already know that,I wish there was a medication for this, on there bright side the stabbing pain only lasts for seconds and then its totally gone. Ive now noticed when I walk barefoot there is a tingling sensation from my heel to the under side of the big toe. Researchers currently do not know how common this condition is, as doctors often underdiagnose it. Am taking 1 capsule of Gabapentin 300 mg in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening. I get this random pain described in the top of my right foot - maybe every other month but sometimes not for months. Now I am having aches all through my ankles and a different type of pain. I was thinking about buying a numbing spray if one exists or try to shock it in extremely cold water . Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder of the nerves that can cause pain and numbness in the hands and feet. He insist that this is what it is and that it has nothing to do with my sinus tarsi UGH i'm in so much pain :(. Researchers do not fully understand why certain people develop peripheral neuropathy while others do not. I am 48 and fit. I am also on double my dose of lasix, so that probably helped too, but I've been on a double dose for over a week and still had a lot of pain yesterday. Along with soreness, other symptoms like swelling, It comes in waves and every few seconds & it all but takes my breath away. I used to run, but the pain has kept me from running. After reading all these comments I noticed most of them were posted by middle aged or older adults. Not painful just there. We avoid using tertiary references. I believe the pain was from his body not being able to metabolize the sugar. Typically, the nerve pain first affects the toes and surrounding areas, and it may then slowly spread to the rest of the feet and up the legs. I had 2 months of unpredictable, sometimes repeating sudden brief pains (level 9 on a scale of 1-10) that happened 1-3 times per day (including nights). I did not bring the roller past the thoracic spine. It extends from the lower back, through the buttocks, and down the legs, ending just beneath the knee. Glad that pain is gone it was horrific and I never want to experience again. The compression socks worked all day, but the minute I took them off, I had that pain again! Even if youre careful with your foot, you can still end up injuring the top of it. I went to the ER the other night with extreme foot pain. I had severe siatic nerve problems a year ago that were resolved. There are a variety of insole and orthotic modifications that can be implemented to take pressure off the first toe or to provide it with added support. Managing the underlying causes of foot pain can, in many cases, prevent the development of serious complications, such as joint deformity, widespread infection, gangrene, or even amputation. Feels like a bone fracture, but no swelling or injury to the foot. I HAVE NOT HAD ANY ELECTRIC STABBING PAIN ON TOP OF MY RIGHT FOOT FOR MONTHS NOW. Hope this helps someone. Plantar Fasciitis and Bone Spurs. I pronate badly, worse in the right foot so wear orthotics. My GP prescribed Magnesium tablets and they seem to help a little bit with the restless legs but not with the stabbing pains on top of my foot. BUT, late last night I had a bowl of SK, w/strawberries and wham, the needle stab began about 3 hours later. Infos Utiles It can last a second to as long as 20 seconds (feels like eternity). WHEN THESE PAINFUL EPISODES HAPPEN I CAN FEEL BLOOD FLOW IN THESE AREAS. MY LEFT FOOT AND BACK OF LEFT THIGH HAVE A DIFFERENT FEELING. as everybody else i too have this amazing stabbing,shooting pain on my right foot,its been going on for a few months now,i,ve tried everything you can imagine. There has to be an answer out there. As I have said in an earlier comment, this situation is most likely an impingement of L5/S1. Gout is a metabolic condition which impacts the bodys ability to remove uric acid from the bloodstream. Small fiber sensory neuropathy. Studies estimate that as many as one in 10 people have RLS, but unfortunately, many of us live with it rather than seek treatment. Heavy alcohol consumption can cause severe and irreversible nerve damage. Will continue my sure for relief n appreciate this forum. I recently discovered a medication I took for an ear infection was being accused of being the cause for neuropathy in some people. The Healthgrades Editorial Staff is an experienced team of in-house editors, writers and content producers. 2 Burning Heel Pain At Night Other Causes. I take pain medication infrequently for my back pain when it becomes too much,and tried it for this pain. This has a success rate of up to 96%. Btw I'm 88 years old, a bit overweight but walking 1/2 hour every a.m. Sometimes rest is all you need to do. From the description it seems that the pain is constant, worsening or improving depending on the type of footwear worn. Icing and non steroidal anti inflammatory medications can be very effective in reducing acute big toe pain and reduce swelling. While the specific cause is difficult to determine, doctors do know that the disorder causes partial to complete interruption of the inner core of the nerve fiber (axon) in the foot or ankle. One, theres no medical name for this according to every doc Ive seen in WA/OR and a group called Best Doctors, a network of top doctors my company provides. Still have the pain and it feels like I live my life at about 50 percent. This includes: Rest: Avoid activities that trigger or worsen your foot pain. I am going to see a physio tomorrow rather than a podiatrist as I am going overseas next week and need urgent help. I posted awhile back about the horrific ice pick pain in my feet and like some here I also have back pain as well. The cause is not known in most cases, but we do know that the pain worsens with exercise, walking and standing. And many people report great success with neurological symptoms getting a lot better. Malnutrition was a very common reason for burning feet in the past. With regards to my previous long post, I need to make a correction after glancing through it. Mine comes on a few times a year and lasts up to 24 hours. Here are some conditions in which a podiatrist can help you get back on your feet. A typical form is a Ganglion Cyst, a small bump filled with fluid that forms directly under the skin on top of the foot. He told me that if it has been a neuroma the steroid injection would have had some effect, at least one of the three and that the black and blue was because he hit a blood vessel and that he should have know better how to inject than that.The same podiatrist did a bilateral plantar fascia release and heal spur grinding. Thank you. I was going to call my doctor and make an appt but after reading how common this seems I'm just going to call it nerve damage and hope it goes away. He also mentioned gout. I have also bought a very expensive arch support system which has not relieved the pain. Three, I found a successful treatment. A very sharp pain like a knife stabbing into your foot. To use heat, soak your foot in a warm bath or apply a warm compress. Common causes of pain in the top of the foot Pain in the top of your foot is often caused by exercising, especially if it involves running, kicking or jumping. HAPPY RETIREMENT AND HAPPY FOOT!!!! About 9 months ago I first had this pain, and thanks to the suggestions to some of the people on here to use vitamins the pain went away. If I am relaxed, the pain causes me to cry out, but when it hapened while I was running, it seemed less severe. Additional foot pain relief strategies include: Replace running shoes and athletic shoes often and on a regular basis. I'm a 49 yr old male. I tried everything to rid myself of that terrible pain. I haven't been able to find out much on line about this foot problem and am worried with so many people just " learning to live with it ". This usually lasts 2 days or a little longer. usually only 2 or 3 stabs. I too have had these symptoms randomly. You know why I am here, and I know why you all are here, it's because we share the same ailment! It is like clockwork. I want to know what causes this sharp pain to form I have been feeling this foot pain 5 years ago and the doctors that have seen me don't know what causes it. It is oddly comforting to read how many of you are managing this same phenomenon. His explanation makes sense to me but not much relief. I stopped taking my allopurinol 5 yrs ago and about two three months ago I started suffering the exact type of stabbing pain on the top of my foot. I am a 41 yr old male, in good physical condition. If the foot pain comes back, I'll wear them for 24 hours if I have to, but they definitely help. Hi there I have had same pain for over a year and as I was slowly going crazy I decided to take action and go get an X-ray to see what's causing it and they found a spur! Has this happened to you? Researchers estimate that more than 3% of Americans have ankle osteoarthritis. I had this too years ago and was sent a foot doctor. A competent doctor might want an MRI of the foot if the xray is inconclusive. Cold water or ice foot baths. Since it happens so infrequently, and is relieved as I stand and sacrifice only sleep, I persevere and suffer through it. Feels like hot needle lasting 1-3 seconds repeating every 5-30 seconds. Any foot pain can have a significant impact on daily life, and untreated nerve pain may keep a person from enjoying or accomplishing their regular activities. Therefore, in my opinion the pain is causing by anxiety disorders or nerve disorders. Thought to be genetic, RLS is more common in older adults and women. Conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, iron deficiency and kidney failure can trigger RLS. Had x-rays done, some bone loss, will see bone specialist soon. I'm 80, both knees and 1 hip replaced, have peripheral neuropathy in both feet. This has helped a bit with the day to day pain. Call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room for foot pain when: You can see a deformity in the foot or a bone protruding through the skin. Good luck and BYE tennis shoes!!!! You have sustained an injury or trauma to the foot. I started having stabbing pains intermittently on the top of both of my feet not at the same time but now it is mostly in my right foot. Intermittent, would burn like an electric shock a second or two and then nothing for maybe a minute. Knock on wood! Politique de protection des donnes personnelles, En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l'utilisation de services tiers pouvant installer des cookies. The nerve becomes inflamed and enlarged, causing a burning or tingling sensation, cramping and numbness. Anyone who has suffered with sciatica knows that. I have been assuming the pain was from compression caused by some new walking boots but the pain has persisted and I have been getting the intense spiking pain at night when my foot is outstretched. It can also cause. A bone bruise on the shin results from direct trauma, such as a blow or impact to the leg. The pain to get my foot from super pointed down to a normal position was horrible, then all gone. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Williams, 2009. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I have the same symptoms - stabbing pain on top of left foot while in bed at night - lasts all night and nothing helps. Doctor wanted me to do steroids but told me that it would bring immune system down so low that I could not be around anyone sick (Hello I work). Symptoms of tarsal tunnel syndrome include: The symptoms may worsen at night, while walking or standing, or after physical activity. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. This stabbing sensation occurred every 15 to 20 seconds, lasting about 2 to 4 seconds. X Strength tylenol no help. The pain was the most excruciating pain I have ever felt and I have never had this before. I am 66, in good health and in fairly good shape. When it starts, it happens every 30 seconds and lasts just a second or two of stabbing pain. Stabbing indeed!I now know what Jesus felt when they rammed the nail through the top of his foot! The pain is very random and just sorta comes and goes. I have had x-rays of both feet and seen a podiatrist. I quit sitting that way and it stopped. Or what do other male sufferers think of this - perhaps men who suddenly have to drive a manual car after being used to an automatic? For me its a trapped nerve somewhere in my foot and it can only be treated with stretching and exercising the muscles in my lower leg. Been to podiatrist, had shots, pills, immobilization boot, physical therapy, exercise, rest, acupuncture and essential oils. It remained as a dull ache with shooting pains if I moved it. This was worse at night and kept me awake for several nights. Online Booking is the quickest most convenient way to secure the time, location and practitioner you want. Stabbing pain in left side of right foot. The pain, which can worsen at night, can be aggravated by improperly fitting shoes as well as by foot problems such as hammertoes, mallet toes and bunions. I had this several months ago from 125 fire ant bites on my right foot. Although life-threatening causes of foot pain are rare, all serious injuries, including foot injuries, should be immediately evaluated in an emergency setting. The pulsating electric jolts started soon after the initial stings. Have been experiencing this sudden hot, intense pain, on the top of my left foot for about two months now. Your doctor may also check the sensation in your foot. Then nothing until tonight while I was standing up, when it happened again. Exactly the same kind of pain all of you are describing - a sharp pain on the top of my left foot,about where the foot and ankle bones meet. I have been experiencing this pain for a few months now. Over a few weeks I began to find the location and if I stroke the top of the foot there is a point where there is an intense pain radiating to the 2nd toe. I was wearing flip flops around house, and walking too far for my age maybe. Thought maybe over usage. Besides applying pressure to various parts of your feet and legs, your doctor will test your range of motion and will likely ask you to do some exercises to see your body in motion. any suggestions or information is good in my books :0). It has persisted ever since. I too have had this episode happen for the last few weeks. So sorry to hear all the comments. Wear compression socks, sleeves or a splint at home. Plantar Fasciitis: Does It Cause Swelling on Top of Foot? It goes away as fast as it came. The treatment I had consisted of decompression therapy, manipulation of spine with the small instrument (can't remember what is called), tens treatment and laser therapy. Yesterday for lunch I had a large chunk of Dolcelatte Italian cheese! So anyone that is suffering from this sharp sudden onset stabbing electric zap pain go and ask for an X-ray to rule out or confirm spur. (Even after giving birth 3 times) It almost knocked me over. Why is it in the left foot for the vast majority of us? I tried all this and it all helps. I had a bad bout of sciatica and herniated disc L1 S5 about 7 months ago. When your arteries are narrowed, this can lead to a burning sensation in your feet as well. I genuinely appreciate the costs in terms of time and money and insurance paperwork you have all gone through as well as your taking the time to chronicle your journeys. This is an entirely symptom based condition so I cant post the ton of info I have, so Ill just post the three most important things (for now). I've now had it for 1 year, coming and going as it pleasesgenerally when I where closed-toed shoes. Although life-threatening complications of foot pain are rare, seek immediate medical care (call 911) for injuries that involve profuse bleeding or tissue damage. Any suggestions anyone? If you are experiencing this type of pain, see a podiatrist as soon as possible to get an accurate diagnosis and start treatment. Though I've never experienced a heart attack, the top left portion of my foot, off and on in the past two days has created momentary screaming pains for seconds. Yesterday I had a steroid injection so I'm monitoring progress on that. Im 25 in decent healthy shape. Learn more about the possible causes and treatment options for ball of foot pain here. Two, the pain level is insane. I too have been experiencing the top of foot pain for the last couple of weeks. It started as searing pain at night and became continuous. Last night it hit again, worse than before. It may extend to the back of the foot or leg, causing cramping. Left handed, auto-transmission. I am now afraid to even walk on it.ugh. Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder of the nerves that can cause pain and numbness in the hands and feet. I live an active life and must have a high pain tolerance because I just keep on going. Active, former high level athlete. This condition requires immediate medical attention. this is a stabbing pain out of nowhere that makes u limp on one leg badly. Sleepless all night, and continued all day Friday and that night. These tendons will often become inflamed if you push yourself too hard or do something repetitive that puts a lot of stress on them, like running for exercise. Nerve pain may result from a pinched nerve or a chronic condition, such as diabetes. Last night out driving I suddenly experienced an intense jabbing pain on top of my left foot, lasting only a few seconds. It starts to come on the evening when I am lying on the couch watching TV and then gets worse after I am in bed. Now after 8 bites on left leg and 4 on right leg the pulsating electric shock pain is happening every few seconds to right foot. I used to work for a podiatrist (front desk) back during summers in Regardless of the cause of the pain, someone with nerve pain in one or both feet may experience: Also, the same issue that causes nerve pain may alternately cause numbness. wish i could figure this out too. Once your muscles get warm, do some stretching exercises. If so, you may have restless legs syndrome (RLS), an annoying but treatable condition. Sure enough. And your site is so intelligently arranged. Yep yep yep. What you just said is very interesting. THe chiropractor did the ultrasound wond on my lower back and the pads that use electricity (sry don't know what it is called) anyway it seemed to really help only had a few episodes for the rest of the day. Common symptoms include bruising and swelling under the big toe. Never before has anything worked so well, maybe just coincidental but I will be drinking it next time and report in . No one seems to know why this pain comes when it does. Good luck to all of ya. 2.3 Plantar Fasciitis. I exercise, eat healthy to the extreme, and I am a small person so I am baffled. Treatments have included shots, oral meds, topical gel, exercise, ortho boot, acupuncture, laser therapy and bio-wave therapy (which made it worse). I was in my bed when all the sudden a huge sharp pain was under my left foot I whined a little and when I moved my foot it hurt worst I tried different positions for it to stop or calm down and it lasted longer than it usually has before. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Tarsal tunnel syndrome. Typical symptoms include a burning, shooting pain in the area. I am glad I am not the only one and that this site has saved me time from seeing a doctor for now. If I roll over to my left the the sharp pains episodes stop. It was so great to get to your I have been having this same pain in my left foot for over a year. Is your pain constant or does it come and go? The description of metatarsal fault doesn't mention this at all; rather, the pain occurs while up and walking. Have I inadvertently discovered a cure?! Right now, I will check the ingredients in both the SK and the chocolate. Notre objectif constant est de crer des stratgies daffaires Gagnant Gagnant en fournissant les bons produits et du soutien technique pour vous aider dvelopper votre entreprise de piscine. My pain is on top of my foot over third and fourth toes. it doesnt seem as seriouse as to alert a doctor though. Read about the relationship and the importance of regulating your blood sugar. Not sure what to do about it, and if the podiatrist is the person to go to. Morton's neuroma is a thickening of the tissue around the nerves leading to the toes. Ok your going to think im nuts but it stopped my pain. Ibueprofen won't get rid of it entirely, but it will help less severity and frequency of nerve pain. Another rare but potentially life-threatening cause of foot pain is cancer of the bones or soft tissues in the foot. So I have been assuming it is a gout condition that is very slowly improving. I thought that I must be the only one to experience this type of sharp, stabbing, excruciating pain on the top of my foot because every time I try to explain it to someone they look at me like "yeah, right". it felt like someone took a paint roller without the pad, just the metal, and rolled it up and down my shins. Thankfully it got better, good luck. Have had experience with this localized sudden very sharp foot pain. My pain usually lasts less than a couple of hours with that painful cycle repeating time after time with those little teasers of no pain in between then suddenly, wham! Last night I only got about 3 hours of interrupted sleep because of the pain. I am currently on a snowboarding holiday in France. Though this is a very rare case, it still needs to be mentioned at this point. After the pain disappeared, I thought I was in the clear, until it reappeared a month later, this time with more frequent appearances (5 - 10 times a day) and lasting for almost 2 weeks. What You Need To Know Before Buying One. How? That's when I made the connection to tightness in the calf muscle. Exercises to stretch and strengthen muscles can help as can avoiding the repetitive or restricting activities that caused the compression in the first place. My foot doctor told me to wear compression socks. That's what threw me off for a while. 1 But there are other causes as well, including heredity, age, arthritis, an injury to the toes, a back injury, medications, and fibromyalgia. I'm up and down all day at work so it's not something that is caused by lack of circulation or being sedentary. It may also be caused by If you cannot reduce the time you sit, then at least raise the knees, such as sitting on a core ball, and get up and move around at least every 15-20 minutes during the day. This is especially crucial if an underlying condition, such as diabetes, may be contributing to the pain and other symptoms. BINGO. Apparently it can't be diagnosed according the multiple entries on this page. college years ago, so I know the benefits of good care. has lasted for 3 hours now. Your email address will not be published. Last on Dec 14th. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, what position I'm in or what time of day. DOCTOR WOULD NOT GIVE ME PAIN MEDS, OR X-RAY MY BACK. Truly, it is uncommonly kind. I started taking B Complex Stress vitamins yesterday and today, there is very little swelling and no pain in my foot. I couldn't sleep well because of this. Never have had any problem with the left foot. It does deprive you of sleep, that's for sure. Peripheral diabetic neuropathy. Usually several months apart. It started at the top of my right foot just behind the pinky toe. It stopped for about 30 seconds and then started again. If Im walking and it comes on I cant walk for that 5 seconds, I actually yell in pain its so bad!!!! It feels like someone is sticking an ice pick in my foot just in front of where the foot meets the lower leg, it is bad enough to make me stumble, I have even fallen due to it a couple of times. Be sure to keep track of any details in your condition that will help your doctor diagnose the problem. I've had it on the top of my left foot and also in the toes of my right foot. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Seems a lot of you have experienced this. I must perhaps find another dr. It may be a neurological problem or a problem with a tendon in your foot. Theres no need to suffer from burning sensations when there are so many ways available now! I am not like the most of the others. It is expensive and not covered by insurance but at this point I have to try whatever I can. So far, this has been going on almost 24 hours. He used a self administered Anesthesia consisting of some Sodium Pentobarbitol (they use Propofol most times now I believe) and he also put a pressure cuff on my leg and used Local Anesthesia Probably Lidocaine or something similar and Epinephrine to help reduce bleeding. Saw a physical therapist today for other reasons not related. Another thing to just live with I guess. I do remember that this pain has come and gone in the past and for me an all of you suffering I hope it passes soon. My pain feels like someone thrusting a hot needle into my left foot,on the side of the foot and spreading to the top. To treat peripheral or diabetic neuropathy, doctors may prescribe: In some situations, a doctor may recommend deep tissue massages and corticosteroid injections to help manage symptoms, especially if the cause is sciatica. Now it is most of the time, in both feet, including in bed at night. I just get a random sharp localized pain in the top, almost center of my foot like it's being stabbed. Thank you to all who have shared their experiences so I don't feel completely alone. I don't know if eating banana is really cure this problem but this the only thing I did after the attack. This started just recently after a day of "up and down" a ladder for the better part of 10 hours. During a foot pain diagnosis, your doctor will take a medical history, perform a physical exam, and perhaps order tests. I had three or four episodes yesterday, the same through the night, and a couple this morning (UK). All rights reserved. 58 year old survivor of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma 4 years ago. Some days I walk a great deal, some not so much. Its good to read these posts and know that Im not losing my mind!! To rule out infections, kidney diseases or nutritional deficiencies, blood tests are made. Not a debilitating pain yet, but I find I start backing off activities to not again get to that point. As long as I was aware not to move my foot like that I was pain free. Fri: 7am 5:30pm If anyone figures this out I'm sure we'd all appreciate an explanation. The only improvement so far seems to be that I don't get the stabbing pains during the night that I had been getting. I was asked during one episode if I had tourettes. However, they have identified conditions that increase the chances of developing peripheral neuropathy. Either of these 2 motions will cause the pain but the pain doesn't start for several seconds to a minute after I've done the motion. The way it comes and goes is almost like a random muscle spasm except it's just the nerves at the very top of the foot. My foot feels better than it has in months. Thanks for a most interesting website, which has helped a lot. I sit for very long hours at work and he seems to think it is the cause. I greatly admire someone like you who would donate and dedicate so much time and effort to helping strangers with no compensation. Experienced a sudden sharp pain in my left foot six times today. I had this often and on for a couple of years. I have the same pain all of you have described. It seemed to give me relief for a short time but never took the pain away. Our team has a wealth of experience in the fields of journalism, TV and video production and the healthcare industry. Kudos to you! 54 y.o. To reduce pain, you Called my foot and ankle dr. he never returned the call, so assuming this isn't life threatening. I too have similar symptoms to what so many others here report. Will post on how that goes. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and results in the wearing down of the cartilage at the end of bones which happens slowly over time. I guess I will just have to be careful not to bump anything in that spot forever. You have an unusually clear, informative and well-written website for laypersons. There are many reasons why the ball of the foot can be painful. My foot isn't swollen and or red. At 5:30 am today, I was awakened again by another round of "left foot lightning stab!" I too have asked my doctor what this could be. It could be an important clue to what causes this condition. It comes on about onece every five minuites, lasts for about 5 seconds, and disappears completely. Contact P.f. Metatarsalgia happens when nerves between the toes become trapped, causing pain when pressing down on the foot. And make sure not to use baking soda on its own, as its way too harsh for the skin on your feet. Well, the next day, I went to the internist. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'foot_pain_explained_com-box-4','ezslot_6',801,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foot_pain_explained_com-box-4-0'); Columbia University Department of Rehabilitation. | my mom still suffers from that. See your doctor if pain recurs when you resume an activity. The tendons in your foot are what connect your muscles to the bone. I am sure glad when my feet quiet down again. The podiatrist suggested gout and a foot X-ray showed nothing. sharp, sudden pain that takes your breath away, same spot, same exact feel. My whole foot started to swell and the pain went up towards my knee, keeping me awake at night. 2.1 Diabetes. Experienced this for the first time last night woke me up from a deep sleep, i have never heard of it until I found your posts, the pain was definitely not something I would like to experience regularly, what on earth is it. Comments please! Good luck to everyone, I hope for you all, your pain goes away. Mine comes to me after I've been on my feet alot. Pourquoi choisir une piscine en polyester ? It is good to know though that I am not alone with this problem. There is also evidence that height may reduce. When I stopped the Special K, chocolate, and certain cookies,the pain does NOT happen. Icy Hot & Infomercial foot pain relief creme doesn't work. Footwear is important when you have foot pain, as are proper exercise techniques. It also helps relieve overly tight muscles in the feet. Complex regional pain syndrome. It is as if someone is driving a nail down the top center of my foot. Besides burning feet, fatigue, dry skin and weight gain are other symptoms of this condition that is caused by hormone changes in your body. If you think you have suffered from any of these conditions in the past it is also worth seeing a podiatrist as they can assess your foot and find possible causes. Left untreated however, RLS can negatively impact the quality of your life and the life of your partner. As I get older it's more frequent. 2.2 Pregnancy. We can call it stringed intrumentitis. When it happens, it makes my foot jump. I had a Masionneuve fracture six years ago and lost feeling in part of my foot. EASILY and QUICKLY! You have an open sore or wound on the foot that is not healing. No repeat for 3 weeks. I have described it as reminding me of an EMG where the needle is put into a muscle with light electric shock. Scared to walk on my foot in case that triggers the pain. Omg the pain feels like electrical shock that lasts for 3-5 seconds and come and goes when ever, it started about 6 months ago I thought it was gone,but its BACK!!! i got up and walked to other side of house and put salonpas patched on it. I also have RA and the castor oil helps fingers at night. Tonight I switched to a pair of clogs that I often wear inside, but havent for a week or so, and immediately the pain took hold in a tendon that runs down the inside from the ankle/shin area of my foot and right along the top of the foot. This has been going on with me for quite some time now, probably a year. This is after waiting a month to see him. The fungal infection causes severe itching cracking of the skin with possible bleeding which leads to inflammations. In many cases of people with foot or ankle neuropathy, doctors have discovered a constriction of this canal and a thickening of a ligament that compresses the nerves. With peripheral neuropathy, you may begin by feeling some numbness in your middle toes and in the balls of your feet after a day spent on your feet. The pain can concentrate under the second toe. The pain was present the following night--for which I took a Vicadin she prescribed. Immobilization with a medical walking shoe or boot or a cast, Crutches to keep weight off the foot if necessary, Medications to relieve pain and swelling, including NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), such as ibuprofen (, Orthotics, pads or shoe inserts to improve foot alignment and comfort, Rest, ice and elevation to relieve pain and reduce swelling due to minor injuries. They were growing closer together and more frequent until I saw a chiropractor yesterday morning he diagnosed me with a bulging disc in my lower back and sent me for an MRI that says I have two. In desperation I decided to search for an answer to the sharp stabbing pain that I have had in my foot and off for the past couple years. I started feeling stabbing pain on the top of my left foot about 24 hrs ago. Now it is more frequent, worse sitting or lying with my foot dangling. I'll see if this helps. It's been several days now that I suddenly get sharp, stabbing pains on the outside of my left foot - about half way between the toes & heel. This board has come to closest to describing the condition. Arthritis on top of the foot may be the most common cause of your stabbing pain, primarily due to the nerves on top of your foot being irritated by the "roughness" of the bones. I have experienced the pain described by many of you for about 5 years. apart and then go away. I have noticed, that whenever I eat certain foods, this pain will lash out at me later in the middle of the night - usually from 1:00 - 5:00 AM, and after eating Special K with Strawberries, or any chocolate, more than just a bite or two. Nothing helps. Acid, there has been an improvement. I am too tired to check the time. Based on the comments below, there doesn't seem to be any correlation between gender/age/physical shape to this weird phenomenon. Why do my feet ache at night?Causes. The following sections will look at some potential causes of aching feet at night. Home remedies. Staying hydrated throughout the day can help prevent aching feet at night by encouraging the body to flush out waste products through urine during the day.When to contact a doctor. Summary. 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