A full-service accountant can prepare a projected financial statement by examining a combination of the company's own history and current trends . Accounting alone only looks at past financial data. What is required return for stock B? Preparing them is not easy and theres a good bit of financial analysis and research that goes into it. that you can use to help your business or nonprofit grow and thrive. It helps to find out the additional inflows which will be needed in the future to remain solvent. Plus, you get 30 questions to ask an expert each month. While this information is critical in assessing your companys results and decision making, it does not give you enough insight into your future performance. Adding to this example, maybe your rent expense consistently goes up 3% per year. A projected financial statement is just what it sounds like: an analysis of a companys decisions and implementations that will offer a realistic picture of what results a strategic plan will have. Financial statement analysis is the process of reviewing and evaluating a company's financial statements (such as the balance sheet or profit and loss statement), thereby gaining an understanding . Demand and supply of goods and services, amendments and business reforms, inflation and deflation, etc are certain conditions that help to forecast the data and make financial projections. O amortization, Q: Kuji Sushi Ltd. has a new project idea to launch a mini restaurant at the university. At a minimum, projected financial statements will show a summary-level income statement and balance sheet. Especially, if youre a non-expert in this area. 3. A financial projection would show this. The facts are the following:, Q: 2. What trends do you notice? Given the many different decisions and scenarios youre faced with every day, projections help you decipher between them all. have a $10 000 debt. Would there be any new accounts added? Ratio analysis, risk analysis, and financial trends are just a few concepts that can sound foreign to a non-financial expert. It has three divisions with the following betas, Q: You purchase a Macbook Pro for $1,300. ans to pay out, Q: Austin Grocers recently reported the following 2019 income statement (in millions of dollars):, Q: An investment of $50,000 is made to purchase machinery that will allow us to manufacture All Rights Reserved, Below, we provide you with sample projected financial statements. You can simply download the sample financial statements below and make changes. Short term projections mainly cover one year and breaks into monthly projections. For example, if you want projected financial statements prepared to show the effects of a new service line, your rent expense is not likely impacted by this. The sequence of projecting financial statements. It also attracts investors so that they invest a large amount in their business. document.getElementById('cloak2595200de08b7bde1123ac6a7d81a0ba').innerHTML = ''; Time to gather financial data, market conditions, competitor information and more. Constant, Q: require a $10,000 increase in net operating working capital (spare parts inventory). Below are four types of financial projections you should consider creating: A 12-Month Balance Sheet This is a document that looks at the big picture and takes into account factors such as sales targets, cash balance and other key monthly metrics to build out a holistic view of your business, including what you owe and what your business is worth. The primary purpose of projecting your financial statements is to present what if scenarios and make decisions based on those projections. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; If nothing were to change in your business, what would your numbers look like? Calculate, Q: a bond that does not pay coupons Historical data regarding various financial ratios like return on equity, liquidity ratio, profitability ratios, etc are analysed before preparation of financial projections. Portfolio A's Return (%) Market conditions play a vital role in the projection of financial statements. The loan is to be repaid, Q: (a) State the type. Project for Analysis of Financial Statements Ahmed Arif APCOMS, Rawalpindi. Projected Financial Statements / Budgets: Projected financial statement analysis is a key to implement financial strategy because it allows an organization to examine the expected results of various actions and approaches. Their specific duties vary from company to company. Its because of the lack of financial insight. Cash inflows and outflows of previous years help to estimate the future requirements of cash in the business. Financial projections are more geared towards internal users to aid in decision making. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Following the 5-year MACRS schedule, what will be the book, Q: Thenet present value (NPV) ruleis considered one of the most common and preferred criteria that, Q: The FDIC insures bank deposits and the OTS insures thrift The. As with anything that concerns the future, uncertainty exists. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Why Projected Financial Statements Should be a Regular Part of Your Accounting? Check out a sample finance Q&A solution here! Translate PDF. tation.If such third-party use of the prospective financial statements is not 11; SSAE No. An important part of the business planning process is the preparation of financial statements to predict the outcome of an organization's results in future periods. The same is true if the financial statements have been audited. Floyd Green CPA can prepare budgets for businesses and nonprofit organizations of all sizes and types. This type of analysis can be used to forecast the various implementation decisions (for example, to increase your promotion expenditures by 50% to support a market . Developing projected financial statements takes time. They are usually broken down month by month. The model helps you break down the salary, taxes, employee insurance, pension, and employee bonus . Are there any that would be eliminated? A financial projection, in its basic form, is a forecast of future revenues and expenditures.A financial . Expenses? Its, Q: Less: Common stock dividends It allows your startup to examine the expected results of various actions and approaches. It is widely used in the field of finance where businesses wish to avail loans from the banks or NBFCs. This is what projected financial statements do. 17. A full-service accountant can prepare a projected financial statement by examining a combination of the companys own history and current trends throughout the industry and the broader economy to evaluate the success of proposed initiatives. Its important to understand the difference between the two and how to use them. 2. Debt ratio = Liabilities / Assets The higher the ratio, the higher the level of liabilities and the greater the liabilities relative to assets in the business. d. Erica is depositing $5,000 today and plans to invest her money for 5 years. A CFO does more than preparing your financial projections. Bookkeeping Services for Small Businesses, How To Trademark Your Business Name & Logo, 12 Ways on How to Raise Money for a New Business (Grants, Loans & More), How to Deduct and Write-off Almost Anything from Your Taxes, Billions of Government Contracts for Small Businesses, How to Fix a Bad Credit Score Fast and For Free. Not every account would be dependent on your what if. Projection of the financial statement means to estimate the statements like Income statement, Balance sheet, and statement of cash flow. This exercise should be done for each of your main financial statements. Market structure is analysed for projection and business plan is made accordingly. profit and loss, balance sheet, cash flow statement, etc.). Projected financial statements are used by funders, investors, lenders and management to determine the viability and expectation of a business or organization. For example, if you are considering adding a new product line, you would use pro forma financial statements to see how the addition would impact your business overall. $2,620,250 A synergy gain occurs when a new product can be, Q: Daniel purchases a perpetuity with varying annual payments Five Types of Financial Statements: 1) Income Statement: The Why Regular Accounting is Important for SMBs? Managers use projected financial statements in four principal ways. In either case, there are some general steps a CFO does to prepare projected financial statements. On the other hand, a financial projection considers a hypothetical course of action. Planning never seemed so easy! How Can CPAs Improve Business Performance? It helps to find out the additional requirement, which is there for assets to support increased revenue and also create a positive impact on the financial statement. The term of the mortgage is 5 years, and the amortization, Q: NB: Please, do not use excel for the calculation, kindly do well and use formulas for the, Q: For the table, can I please get the manual workings and not the excel sheet for the nine line items,, Q: Your companys assets have an unlevered value of 25,456,890 USD and the perpetual annual unlevered, Q: Find the compound amount for the following certificate of deposit. It is also useful to attract investors so that more and more investments are made in the business which will be helpful for expansion. Median response time is 34 minutes for paid subscribers and may be longer for promotional offers. var addy2595200de08b7bde1123ac6a7d81a0ba = 'info' + '@'; Make projections on relevant accounts. It plays a big role in the business planning process as it forecasts the future financial position of the company. Those five types of financial statements include the income statement, statement of financial position, statement of change in equity, cash flow statement, and the Noted (disclosure) to financial statements. An element that is not true today but if it was, what would that look like? The cash flow statement is consisting of three main activities which are as below: Operating activity items are taken from the balance sheet and statement of income like net income, depreciation, inventory, accounts receivables, etc. Publicly held companies commonly issue pro forma statements to inform shareholders and other business stakeholders with management's expectations regarding future business profits. or call 877-457-2550. The function of the financial analyst is based on the analysis of the financial statements, which is one of the main tools used in the financial and economic decision-making by the various parties . Projected statements are also known as "pro forma financial statements" which means "as a matter of form". Effective when the date of the practitioner's report is on or after June 1, 2001, . And those financial statements are reviewed regularly to help you make profitable decisions. Uncertainty is the core limitation placed on projected financial statements. This is where the help of a CPA or CFO comes to play. This email address is being protected from spambots. 2.Safely make assumptions. How are sales affected? All businesses require projected financial data to present to their investors and creditors. Financial projections are based on compiling the internal and external accounting data you already use in the day-to-day . It is not necessary that projection is always helpful to reduce the business risks and uncertainty instead it helps to get ready to tackle any bad situation in the future. It supports the business planning process. B. TRAN Krystal In the business world, pro forma, or projected financial statements, are typically used to focus on certain figures, such as sales or profit. So theres no doubt that projected financial statements have its difficulties. Here I described the types of financial Statements. Once your projections are complete, you have more leverage in making the best possible decisions for your business. Contact us today to fix an online appointment for a free discussion on accountingand tax strategies. Would you like Floyd Green CPA to customize the projected financial statements (budget) for you? 0.89 O True, Q: Which retirement income strategy is most likely to result in fluctuating withdrawals Previous years' data such as sales, expenses, cost of goods sold, gross profit, net profit, depreciation, etc are used to analyse and prepare projected income statements. Breaking Down Projected Financial Statements Further. The Alaska Oil Company is deciding whether to drill for oil on a tract of land that the company, Q: You want to retire with $400 000 in the bank and you are able to earn 6% compounded quarterly for, Q: Question 7 You need a part-time CFO. The financial forecast of balance sheet items is done simultaneously with the items of the income statement. Their job is to learn and understand the details of your financial situation and provide strategy to grow your business. (You can unsubscribe anytime), Complete Small Business Solutions has merged with. And how has it impacted your financials? The three most common pro forma financial statements are the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. You need to understand how much money your business will actually need to operate and grow, and where you are most likely to get that money from. Every decision you make should make financial sense. Let me explain how I can help you prepare financial projections, including: Underlying Value Why Financial Projections Financial Statements 4 Types of Analytics Industry Research Income Statement Forecasting Balance Sheet Forecasting Date: Stock A Prices (in $), Q: AllCity, Inc., is financed 36% with debt, 8% with preferred stock, and 56% with common stock. In general, you should expect the objectives in a forecast to be met. These accounts are used to find out outstanding days also. This financial projection template contains the following sections: #1 Payroll (current year) In the payroll (current year) worksheet, you will input the payroll expenses for each of the full-time employees, part-time employees, and contractors. It makes it easy to forecast future need of capital regarding operating as well as investing activities. -0.47, Q: to First Responder Inc., you have obtained the following data (dollars in millions). Tax Planning 101: What Do You Need To Know About It? In addition, you should have at least an idea of what the financial consequences of those decisions are. Balance Sheet A balance sheet is one of the financial statements of a company that presents the shareholders' equity, liabilities, and assets of the company at a specific . Phone 877-457-2550 Email info@floydgreencpa.com Contact Payments, Phone 877-457-2550, info@floydgreencpa.com. Instead, a financial forecast only takes into account current conditions and expectations to arrive at a future value. of your own money as possible (i.e. Keep in mind that projected financial statements are living documents and may change significantly over time, which is why its important to review your numbers with monthly accounting-especially for SMBs. Managers use projected financial statements in four ways: (1) By looking at projected statements, they can assess whether the firm's anticipated performance is in line with the firm'sown general targets and with investors' expectations. Given the, Q: A small store has kept data for many months on profits on individual customer Thus, the presentation may be a financial forecast . Projected fixed assets Fixed assets are analyzed and their life is estimated so that in the future cash flow for purchasing specific assets should be there. 10; SSAE No. B Time that you may not have. She obtained a 6 year term loan at an, Q: Which of the below statements is FALSE? Cash flows are an important part of the business as it shows the liquidity of any business. You will assume the role of a financial analyst. - February 28, 2019. All nonprofit organizations and small businesses need projected financial statements (a budget). This can cause those areas to experience negative side effects. Financial Forecasts and Projections Summary Table of Contents (.01 - .07) Introduction (.08) Definitions (.09 - .11) Uses of Prospective Financial Statements . Too many business owners blindly make decisions without any real rationale or evidence to back them. ning, Q: Incorrect That is, the expenses youve already incurred and income youve already earned. The statement of income is projected to analyse the net income and make future business plans accordingly. For managing the business properly, financial projections play a vital role. As well as the assets and liabilities you currently have on the books. 1. For example, if you are seeking outside funding from investors or banks, financial foreasts are used to assess your companys sustainability. Its counterproductive to grow in one area of your business but decline in every other area. Previous years data such as current and non-current assets, short-term and Long-term liabilities, current and non-current liabilities, etc are used to analyse and prepare projected balance sheets. To plan for the future, forecasts and projections are the two types of prospective financial statements we provide as part of our Assurance Services. Again, projections have a speculative element. Inflow and outflow of cash through investment activities such as purchase or sale of any asset is calculated and future requirement of cash for purchasing in the future is forecasted which helps to increase the earnings of the business. Apart of that is planning and preparing for the future. Businesses never run out of cash as it generates additional cash and revenue whenever required. That is, the expenses you've already incurred and income you've already earned. Though a thorough analysis should be performed before actually projecting out data, circumstances do exist that could alter expectations. Not every account on your financial statement is impacted by a what if scenario. PROSPECTIVE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND PROJECTIONS Companies try to make informed decisions to deal with whatever challenge or opportunity may be around the corner. Accounts Receivables, Inventory, and Accounts Payables are projected using a unique method as all these accounts are also included in the operating cycle. Projected financial statements take into account past financial trends, market conditions, possible changes and management expectations to arrive at a future financial picture. This is why its important that your projections are conservative and adaptable to changes. In our previous example, we considered adding a new product line and how that would impact your financial results. Finance questions and answers. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Projected financial statements include the Balance sheet and Profit and Loss Statement. These accounts are considered independent variables. The following information about a company is provided: Thats a financial forecast. Work with LYFE Accounting to Reduce Your Taxes, Maximize Your Profits and Gain Complete Financial Control in 2021. Projected Financial Statements: This type of analysis can be used to forecast the impact of various revenue and cost . var addy_text2595200de08b7bde1123ac6a7d81a0ba = 'info' + '@' + 'floydgreencpa' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak2595200de08b7bde1123ac6a7d81a0ba').innerHTML += ''+addy_text2595200de08b7bde1123ac6a7d81a0ba+'<\/a>'; Projections Vs Forecasts: Whats the Difference? Therefore, if you pay $500 per month for rent, you should expect that amount to be the same on your projected financial statement. Financial Projections Template Excel. It is a very important part while preparing a business plan for a new business or making strategic plans for ongoing business. (I.e. well in Calgary Alberta., Q: You can afford monthly deposits of $220 into an account that pays 3.3% compounded monthly. par =, Q: f. Putting together a projected financial statement is invaluable as you develop a strategic plan for your business, and it pays to have an expert help you. But they don't have a crystal ball. You can see what your business is projected to look like at some point in the future. For applying for a loan from banks or any other institution, Projected financial statements are very much important. A CFO has the expertise, resources, and education to apply these concepts without you having to delve too deep in the details. Pro forma financial statements can consist of a balance sheet, profit or loss, cash flow statement or more. Contribution to retained earnings O ordinary annuity The financial projection is all related to the assumptions taken for forecasting the data of financial statements. e. Financial Statements; Non-GAAP Financial Measures Review of Financial Statements Financial Position Year-End Statements Financial Statements; Fiscal Year Form of financial statements Historical Financial Statements Preparation of Financial Statements Pro Forma Financial Statements Financial Statements; Projections Use the financial information your business is producing to effectively plan and prepare for the future. When you make a major decision in your personal life, how do you go about choosing the best option? Projections must also be included as a part of any well prepared business plan. At larger companies, financial forecasts are whats provided to external users. This helps for making a good business plan for expansion. For more details https://www.accountingprime.com/ Mohammad Anishur Rahman Follow Business Plan Writer, Accountant, Financial Analyst Advertisement Recommended +1 (949) 273-0390 alignmt@alignmt.com Starting with a blank slate and a very important task at hand? They are responsible for the monitoring and management of your companys financial performance. There are other limitations that you should keep in mind. Assets? Consider your projected financial statements as your step two in the accounting and bookkeeping process. Consider which accounts would be impacted. Accounting alone only looks at past financial data. Projections must also be included as a part of any well prepared business plan. Additionally, businesses need to consider what information needs to be included in each statement and how to format the statements in a way that is easily understandable . Making projected financial statements seems a boredom work for small businesses but it is as easy as creating normal financial statements. Projected financial statements are mainly used to analyze the financial performance of the business. Which is why you should hire a part-time CFO for your business. You this article has given most basic information on financial statements. Think of accounting and bookkeeping as step one. Each example of the financial statement states the topic, the relevant reasons, and additional comments as needed. this article is very informative and useful. This information is typically derived from a revenue trend line, as well as expense percentages that are based on the current proportions of expenses to revenues. Because financial projections focus on a what-if scenario, a business owner might lose sight of other areas of the business. From projected financial statements, lenders can analyse the creditworthiness, future performance and growth of the business. They have the time, knowledge and know how to accomplish this for you. The statement of income is projected to analyse the net income and make future business plans accordingly. But consider hiring a part-time CFO. Putting together a projected financial statement will give you a leg up with lenders and start a new strategic business plan outright. Mostly, assumptions are made based on past data and knowledge. This type of projection is mostly useful for small businesses where the only plans related to increasing sales and revenue are considered. Now that you know what projected financial statements are, you should have a clear understanding of why you need them for your business. Compare this years profit and loss to last years, and the year before. Account A better set of projected financial statements will incorporate the following features: Expense projections that include step costs for major points at which revenues increase or decline, Consideration of the pace at which the business can reasonably grow, based on its prior history, Consideration of the corporate bottleneck operation on the ability to grow, The ability of the business to attract the funding needed in order to accomplish the financial results stated in the plan, Projected financial statements definition. Consider the following two statements: Why Businesses Should Consider Outsourcing Accounting Right Away! Most statements that are produced to reflect present financial information can be translated to present future information. lakhvera@gmail.com INTRODUCTION This project aims to develop your understanding of financial statements and their use in decision-making. Financing the activity comprises cash flow from taking and issuing loans from banks or financial institutions. Complete Small Business Solutions | Copyright 2022 | All rights reserved. Leslie Lorraine Vasquez 12 ABM B/E Mr. Loma November 9, 2020 Research about the different Projected financial statements incorporate current trends and expectations to arrive at a financial picture that management believes it can attain as of a future date. Based on your needs and goals, they will deliver the appropriate level of service to your business. In this article, we will discuss all of those completed set financial statements. Examine your projections based on the company's financial facts and annual growth and compare them to the goals set out in the business plan. First, you examine the possible options and their corresponding outcomes. There are generally two types of financial projection, and most businesses use both of these: Short-term projections: these account for your first year of business. It may be somewhat corny, but when it comes to projected financial statements, the real financial planning is the data analysis you generate along the way. Limitations on Projected Financial Statements. Years of experience that can help you project far into the future is just one of the benefits of full-service accounting for SMBs. Components of a financial projection template. C.AON Maybe even yourself! During the first 5, Q: 3. Coming up with the actual number of sales or expenses the new service line will earn or incur is the trickiest part. It is prepared using current situations and facts. Copyright 2019floydgreencpa.com. made in arrears. Types of financial Statement means a Financial Statement contains 3 major statement. You want your business to have longevity. BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) in Finance, MBA (Master of Business Administration) in Finance. Projections and forecasts are not one and the same. Again, using our adding a service line example. Projected financial statements include the Balance sheet and Profit and Loss Statement. What is the balance in the asset retirement obligation at, Q: Armita has a mortgage for $907,598.00. The difference between the two is slight, yet significant. to, Q: 7. Projecting work begins from an income statement in which past values are compared with the present values and then, future values are forecasted. Projected financial statements are also called pro forma financial statements. From there, you choose the option with the most favorable results. Statement 1: A firm can either pay its earnings to its, Q: Use the table below to answer questions 12 through 15. The mainline items to forecasts are as below: Sales revenue Cost of goods sold Direct expenses Remember when we said projected financial statements are used to help assess a possible business decision? A financial projection can be an easy or complex statement. Scenario, Q: All of the following are municipal notes EXCEPT Yesenia purchased a car for $20,860. Assuming you have accounting and bookkeeping records, the first step is comparing results across periods. Projections are not exactly correct as predictions are not 100% accurate at the future performance of an organization. Projected financial statements take into account past financial trends, market conditions, possible changes and management expectations to arrive at a future financial picture. Do not be ambitious when creating the projections but provide a realistic estimate. The 7 Biggest Financial Blunders Small Business Owners Make in the First 5 Years. Determine whether short-term goals will be met in the following fiscal year. Long term projections cover mainly the next three to five years and is used in large businesses for creating strategic plans for expansion and development are made. Question 11 Once independent accounts have been projected from step 2, it is time to make reasonable projections on the other accounts. View Projected Financial Statement.docx from BSMA ACCO 20022 at Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Below, we provide you with sample projected financial statements that you can use to help your business or nonprofit grow and thrive. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. Part-time CFOs are cheaper than full-time ones but still have the knowledge you need to make good business decisions. 1.15 It helps in predicting the future outcomes of any business. Q: Doris borrowed $5000 from a finance company at an interest of 8% quarterly. thankyou so much for writing such amazing article. A.PN 00:00 00:00. addy2595200de08b7bde1123ac6a7d81a0ba = addy2595200de08b7bde1123ac6a7d81a0ba + 'floydgreencpa' + '.' + 'com'; Related to Projected Financial Statements and Projections. Did you implement any major changes during this time? By what percentage? This will be helpful to project the financial items one by one and forecast each of the items properly to complete the forecasting of financials completely. Select one: Financial projections of cash flows are helpful to fulfil any urgent need for cash in the future time and forecast the cash crises if happen further. 2.15 You can simply download the sample financial statements below and make changes. The reason is to make smarter, better, more profitable business decisions. A well-researched projected financial statement demonstrates the reliability of your business venture, and reliable business owners have an easier time negotiating to fund with both banks and investors to get a better deal. product., Q: You are looking into purchasing stock of Broken at When Should I Seek an Experienced Florida Accountant? maximizing, Q: 4. What ends up happening is your projections end up being wrong, incomplete or just not done. OA. Financial Statements and Projections Except for the Projections, all Financial Statements concerning Borrower and its Subsidiaries that are referred to below have been prepared in accordance with GAAP consistently applied throughout the periods covered (except as disclosed therein and except, with respect to unaudited Financial . The analysis and calculations could be reasonable but some unforseen situation occurred such as a recession or new competitor. Both financial forecasts and projections have important roles in your business. Any type of prospective financial statements that would be useful in the circumstances would normally be appropriate for limited use. What difference does the interest rate (and compounding) make? Elements of Financial Projects #1 - Income Statements #2 - Cash Flow Projections #3 - Balance Sheet Projections Importance Benefits Conclusion Recommended Articles Explanation The determination of the right financial projection depends on external factors, namely economic conditions and market sentiments. This is an essential document that you or your accountant should put together. Projected financial statements are most effectively used to examine the effects of a particular decision. This free 4 page Excel business plan financial projections template produces annual income statements, balance sheets and cash flow projections for a five year period for any business. Projection is necessary to fulfil the future need of assets to maximize the earnings of the business. So when examining them, youll see the same accounts and structure as you would on your normal statements. Yet, these are the necessary elements for preparing a financial projection. Projected financial statements help you do just that. The projection of financial statements emphasizes the current trends and expectations to arrive at the perfect financial picture that management wants to attain in the future. A financial forecast operates differently. In order for you to make any sense of it all, you need bookkeeping to organize this information into financial statements. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Make sure to continue to monitor all areas of your business, even when implementing a decision based on projections. The, Q: When the forward rate is equal to the expected future spot rate, the forward rate is said to be, Q: Barbie and Ken agrees to lend Dora money in exchange of monthly payments of P = P 5,000 begin- CONTACT US TO SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION OR CALL US AT (941) 926-4687, Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Complete CPA. You need more than a bookkeeper or tax accountant. Preparing regular financial statements can be hard. Financial Projections. Full-time CFOs can be pricey for a small business. CONTACT US TO SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION. Examine comparative reports. In order to prepare projected financial statements, businesses need to understand what types of statements are available and how they can be used to inform decision-making. In the case of adding a new service line, an owner might neglect their other service lines. Financial forecasts are predictions of future financial performance based on todays facts. To manage your business profitably, you need the right financial data, advice, and services. The mainline items to forecasts are as below: These items are important for preparing the income statement and will help to project the net income of the company. Assume daily compoundings, Q: You are considering the following investment activity. 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Out outstanding days also during this time June 1, 2001, but still have knowledge! Decipher between them all necessary elements for preparing a financial forecast of future revenues and expenditures.A financial Profits Gain! Wrong, incomplete or just not done | all rights reserved placed on projected financial statements are!